Ghost Task Force

Chapter 569 Poisonous Gas

Chapter 569 Poisonous Gas
According to the floor plan brought up by Zhou Yuying, the island is very large and surrounded by the sea. The building of the research institution is in the middle of the land, but there is only one wide-body building.

"Is there just one building on an island?" Chen Xiaolang asked a little puzzled.

"Of course not." Zhou Yuying manipulated the display screen with a computer, shrinking the entire island.

The picture presented again surprised all the task force members, only to hear Zhou Yuying say: "Their real research center is 50 meters underground, and that building is just the entrance. If the monster in the research center breaks Once the blockade is broken, the poisonous gas will rise up the pipeline.”

"Have you seen the first part of Resident Evil?" Lei Yu looked at the task force and asked.

Everyone nodded subconsciously. Seeing their responses, Lei Yu smiled and said, "What we are going to enter is an institution similar to a beehive."

"The Maldives cooperated with Anderno Company to build this research institution on this island, specializing in biotechnology. The information shows that their research is legal and approved by the United Nations. The leaked poisonous gas was originally stored in the chemical laboratory In the middle, a fire broke out in the laboratory this afternoon, and the fire extinguishing system failed. The researchers accidentally touched the switch while fighting the fire, resulting in the leakage of poisonous gas, and 300 researchers died in the incident.”

Zhou Yuying obtained the report through the relevant departments of the Maldives and passed it on to the task force.

"Why do I feel like Resident Evil..." Chen Xiaolang said a little uneasy.

"What is the effect of the poisonous gas?" Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying and asked.

"Wait a minute." Zhou Yuying took out her phone and glanced at it, "This poisonous gas... Huh? Why is the information blank?"

Lei Yu frowned, feeling a little uneasy again.

The flying speed of the Wraith Fighter is extremely fast, and it will reach the target area in less than half an hour. However, there are gaps in the information sent by the other party.

Zhou Yuying called to communicate with the relevant departments, and after a while, she said to everyone: "Okay, they passed it on."

"This poisonous gas, after being inhaled by humans and animals, the cells in the body will completely lose their activity, that is to say, people will die immediately. Moreover, this poisonous gas is spread through the air and spreads over a wide range." After reading, Zhou Yuying revealed A thoughtful look.

The poisonous gas leaked from the research institution made her wonder why such a poisonous gas was stored in this research institution.

"This is the route of action." Lei Yu marked the route of action on the floor plan, and said: "It can be confirmed that there are no living people in the research institution. We enter the elevator through the outer building, and after arriving at the underground research institution, pass through No. 1. Research room, No. 2 research room, dining room, living area, and finally the chemical laboratory. We can't confirm what those monsters are yet, so be vigilant and try to annihilate all moving objects inside."

"After we turn off the switch, we have to go to the control room and manually activate the extraction system, so that the poisonous gas inside will be extracted." Zhou Yuying added.

At this time, Tang Hao raised his hand and said, "You said just now that their fire extinguishing system has failed. What if the manual extraction system fails?"

"Then we will completely destroy the island."

Zhou Yuying took out a small cylinder from her action bag. She lightly pressed the button on the surface, and the cylinder automatically stretched, and soon it became a small one-meter-long missile.

"This is the destruction device I made after I joined the Security Bureau. I modified it before I set off. I only need to insert the device on the ground of the island, and it can produce a devastating explosion from top to bottom, completely destroying the island and the underground. The research institute, I calculated, the poisonous gas will also be removed."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yuying took back the destroying device, and the task force members were stunned and a little confused when they heard her words.

"Why do you like to study such weird things?" Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying with strange eyes and said, "You even have this kind of thing?"

"That must be." Zhou Yuying raised her chin with pride.

Surprised by the rest of the task force, they clapped their hands subconsciously, admiring Zhou Yuying's excellence.

"Those monsters." Claire, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "What is it, is it a human or an animal? If it is a human, what made them like that?"

Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time, they were not clear about this either.

"We'll find out," Thunderstorm said.

Claire nodded and said nothing.

"Our gas masks have all been improved, and the duration can reach 5 hours, which is enough for us to carry out the mission." Zhou Yuying said.

The equipment of the Ghost Task Force is often improved and upgraded, and Zhou Yuying is in charge of this work.In her words, with her ability to research equipment, she can even become the head of the equipment department.

The current minister of the equipment department expressed his nervousness.

Around the island, the Maldives Defense Forces dispatched two warships to observe the situation, and helicopters patrolled the air. Because of the video footage sent back before, no one dares to act rashly now, and can only wait for the arrival of the ghost task force.

If there are no monsters, maybe this incident does not need the Ghost Task Force, because this does not reach the scope of their handling.

However, the two teams were annihilated, and the heavily armed special forces were unable to resist. This made the commander on the scene immediately report the situation and request new support.

Three minutes before the mission area, Lei Yu said to Zhou Yuying: "Yueling, contact the troops on the scene and ask them to retreat first, and we will take over the scene."


In this mission, in addition to leading the Ghost Task Force, Lei Yu also asked the Operations Department to send a combat unit of 20 people to support. After the Ghost Task Force entered the underground research institution, this team was responsible for the maintenance of the ground buildings defense.

"Squad A, first land and blockade the surrounding area." Lei Yu issued an order on the communicator.

"Squad A received and is approaching, 1 minute away from the target building."

The task force members in the cabin were all ready, only Claire was still eating a lollipop.

She eats snacks regardless of time. When she was on a mission with Chen Xiaolang last time, she ate sweets the whole time, which made Chen Xiaolang very worried whether she would be distracted by it.

Facts have proved that this situation did not happen. Claire performed very well in battle, and her telekinetic ability made the opponent have no resistance at all.

"Alright, everyone pay attention. This mission is full of unknowns. After landing, stay alert and don't get distracted," Lei Yu said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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