Ghost Task Force

Chapter 571 Laboratory No. 2

Chapter 571 Laboratory No. 2
Claire turned her head away immediately, she was not used to this kind of scene, and she was only 17 years old, her psychological endurance was not as good as that of other team members, she almost threw up when she saw the scene, but she tried her best to hold back .

As the team leader, Lei Yu was the first to walk out of the elevator, holding back his nausea, followed by Deng Xuan. He shouldered the most important defense of the team, so he could not back down.

There is a door ahead. When the door is opened, it will pass through a disinfection area. After the disinfection area is the area contaminated by poisonous gas.

The first investigators were killed before they could find the gas.

What makes Lei Yu uneasy is that although the place is not polluted by poisonous gas, who killed the first batch of investigators.If it is a monster, then they will definitely destroy the door ahead instead of locking the door.

The only explanation is that those monsters still have IQ.

Zhou Yuying endured her nausea, observed the investigators' corpses, and then said to Lei Yu, "Captain, it was all caused by sharp weapons."

Lei Yu nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Go ahead."

The members of the Ghost Task Force should not be frightened by this scene. Disgusting is fine, but it must not slow down their progress.

The equipment in the disinfection area is still in good condition, but the task force members don’t need it. When the task is completed and needs to be evacuated, Zhou Yuying will use the disinfection beads invented by herself. It only needs to crush a small one, and the nano-robots will clean the area. The whole body of the team members is disinfected.

Zhou Yuying started to crack the door lock of the disinfection area under the signal of Lei Yu.This is the last isolation door closed before the members of the Maldives special forces died.When this door is opened, the members of the Ghost Task Force will be completely exposed to the dangerous gas.

"10 seconds." Zhou Yuying said.

Tang Hao took down the machine gun that had been hanging behind him, and quickly loaded the bullets.His size is suitable for such a heavy weapon, and he will only use his abilities when the enemy is really close.

Chen Xiaolang also pulled out the Yingying Sword in his left hand, which has now become his most suitable weapon.When his family knew that Liang Ye gave him Chengying Sword, one of the top ten famous swords, the whole family was completely stunned. His father even went to S City to check the authenticity.

And this is what Chen Xiaolang is most proud of.Because he was approved by Liang Ye, he was given the Chengying Sword.

It is Chen Xiaolang's goal to train hard, study hard, obey orders, and try his best to contribute to the team.

Now he regards the Ghost Task Force as everything.

After 10 seconds, Zhou Yuying said loudly, "The door is open."

Chen Xiaolang stepped forward to push open the door immediately, Lei Yu and Deng Xuan passed through the isolation door as quickly as possible, and the corpses of Maldives special forces members came into their eyes.

Unlike previous investigators, the bodies of these special forces members were not caused by sharp weapons. Their limbs were torn apart abruptly, and there were hideous bloodstains on the body armor. There were three bloodstains, apparently torn by sharp claws.

There weren't many bullet casings on the scene, and it was obvious that these players didn't have much time to fight back.

There is a small detector on Zhou Yuying's wrist, which is used to detect the amount of poison in the air. Through the display panel, she can see that the poison gas alarm has reached the maximum value.

Although the bodies of every task force member have been strengthened, they still cannot withstand this level of poisonous gas.Once the gas mask is damaged or destroyed, they will die suddenly.

"The detector didn't find any thermal energy," Zhou Yuying reported.

In front is the No. 1 laboratory, which has many research equipment and computers, as well as some samples of plants and animals, but most of the equipment has been destroyed, and the lights flicker on and off, adding to the terrifying atmosphere here.

The task force quickly dispersed and did not stand together densely.Although this will reduce everyone's defensive ability, it can increase the ability to counterattack. Only by spreading out can everyone's ability characteristics be displayed to the greatest extent.

For example, Chen Xiaolang, when he swung his two swords, his teammates couldn't get too close.

"Yueling, can you collect the research data here?" Lei Yu asked.

"Um..." Zhou Yuying looked at the display screen on her left hand and replied: "Yes, but the equipment here is seriously damaged. I suggest that we go to the control room. There is a computer host there. If I guess correctly, there are stored All the research data here."

"Go ahead and stay vigilant," Lei Yu said.

Curiously, intelligence revealed that all researchers died in the gas leak.But in the No. 1 research room, the task force did not find the body.

Everyone noticed something was wrong, but no one asked.

The No. 1 research room is not big. Although it is called No. 1, it is actually an area for analyzing samples. There are no dangerous chemicals. The task force members soon came to the No. 2 research room.

Compared with No. 1 research room, No. 2 research room is three times larger. It mainly studies live animals. The task force members can clearly see that there are some cages used to keep animals, but the animals in the cages are all has been killed.

The iron bars of the cage were broken, the corpses of monkeys and rabbits were horrible, and the blood stained the white walls.

The task force still hadn't seen the body.

"What's going on, where are the researchers here? Aren't they all in their respective jobs when the incident happened? They should have died on the spot." Tang Hao was the first to ask the question in his heart.

"This is what makes me uneasy." Lei Yu whispered.

"Resident Evil?" Claire said rarely.

Her words caused everyone to fall into silence, and no one answered her words.Because in everyone's heart, they don't want to see this kind of thing happen.

"Yueling, we must obtain the research data here, and my intuition tells me that this institution is hiding something." Lei Yu said.

"I agree." Zhou Yuying nodded and said.

Claire walked to a cage and observed the dead rabbit in the cage. She could clearly see that there was a hideous tooth mark on the abdomen of the rabbit. The teeth were very large, not like human teeth.

"Claire." Chen Xiaolang called her, "Don't get too close."

In the No. 2 research room, there are many small rooms, and the rooms are all places for researchers to work.

"Strange." Claire ignored Chen Xiaolang, because she was wearing a gas mask, so no one could clearly see the doubt in her eyes.

"What on earth would eat a live rabbit?" Claire whispered to herself.

Although the task time was set at a short 10 minutes, Lei Yu stopped and looked at some materials on the research table.

(End of this chapter)

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