Chapter 572 What's the matter
The paper materials are all in English, Lei Yu's English is very good, and he can understand the above text.

The materials were all research reports, and Lei Yu didn't understand some of the technical terms used. He didn't find anything wrong with these reports.

Tang Hao looked up at the ceiling. The lights on the ceiling were a bit dazzling, but the red alarm light was also flashing, indicating that the research center had entered an emergency state.

But the task force still didn't find out where the researchers had gone. The report stated that after the poison gas leaked, it spread throughout the center through the ventilation ducts, and the researchers had no chance to escape.

At the same time, what are the monsters that appear here, so that the special forces fighters have no ability to resist in front of them? These are the questions that the current task force members are eager to understand clearly.

"Let's go, our first task is to turn off the poisonous gas." Lei Yu said.

Although his heart is full of doubts, but if they turn off the switch one second later, the danger will be one more second.

The rest of the people took action again, only Claire was still standing in front of the cage, watching the dead animals unwilling to leave.

"Claire, it's time to go." Deng Xuan shouted towards her.

Claire didn't respond, but still stared at the dead animal in the cage with her eyes wide open.

Her heart is very kind, and the task force members all know this.But now that she was on a mission, she didn't continue to follow the team, which made others feel a little puzzled.

"Claire!" Thunderstorm called to her.

Claire just turned her head, and just as she was about to say something, a monkey in the cage suddenly opened its scarlet eyes.

A sharp roar stung the ears of the task force members.

The bloody monkey that should have died jumped out of the cage, opened its mouth and bit Claire.

Claire was taken aback, and subconsciously backed away. Thunderstorm, who was the first to react, quickly picked up the gun and pulled the trigger in the direction of the monkey.


Lei Yu fired the first shot of this mission, and the bullet accurately hit the monkey's body, sending it flying a meter away.

Every bullet in Sky Eye has an impact force, comparable to a Barrett sniper rifle.

Seeing the monkey fall, Lei Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but Claire had already fallen to the ground. The change just now really scared her a lot.

This is an instinctive reaction of the human body, not because she is weak.

Just as Claire was about to stand up and Lei Yu and the others were about to move on, the monkey that had been hit by the bullet suddenly got up again, and the scarlet eyes made people feel frightened.

"Damn, what's going on?" Lei Yu put his finger on the trigger and said loudly, "How can it stand up after being shot!"

The monkey attacked Claire again, this time she didn't rely on her teammates for help, after all, she was no longer that weak little girl.

A flash of red energy flashed from Claire's hand, covering the monkey's entire body, and bringing it into the air from the ground.And Claire also stood up from the ground, with strong anger in her eyes, the sudden attack of the monkey just now completely angered her.

Although Claire looks like a well-behaved little girl, she is so weak that people want to protect her at any time.But when she gets angry, she becomes a completely different person.

The members of the Ghost Task Force have never seen Claire get angry.

Under everyone's gaze, the red energy began to oppress the monkey. Claire's right hand was slowly raised, and then he clenched his fist tightly.


The next moment, a flower of blood bloomed in the air, minced meat and blood fell from the air, and Claire crushed the monkey into pieces with his supernatural power.

And under the control of Claire's ability, the blood mixed with minced meat was sprinkled straight on the ground. Although Claire was close, she didn't get any blood.

However, everything has only just begun.

Those monkeys and rabbits that had died in the cage opened their closed eyes one after another.Except for those that lost their heads, the rest of the animals began to struggle to get out of their cages.

"What's going on, the dead animal came back to life?" Chen Xiaolang asked in shock.

More than a dozen monkeys and rabbits in the cage began to run towards the task force, and they all had the same feature, with scarlet eyes.

The monkeys and rabbits were small in size and moved extremely quickly. Their sharp roars made the task force members feel a little uncomfortable.

"Attack." Lei Yu shouted and pulled the trigger forcefully.

Chen Xiaolang rushed out with the Chengying sword in his hand, moving with the sword, the cyan sword shadow brought a different color to the white lights in the laboratory.

The task force members could only see the blue light flashing, but they could not see Chen Xiaolang's body movements clearly, they could only see a black figure moving fast.

Wherever Qingguang went, there would be a monkey or rabbit cut in half. Lei Yu didn't continue to pull the trigger, but with Chen Xiaolang's shot, he no longer had the need to continue attacking.

The same was true for Claire, she withdrew her ability and handed over the battle to Chen Xiaolang.

Although there are many animals, Chen Xiaolang's sword light covers a wide area, which is enough to deal with this kind of scene.

And so far, Chen Xiaolang has only used one sword, and the Xueyang sword is still in the scabbard and has not been used.

When the blue light stopped flashing, the ground was covered with animal stumps and blood, and all the animals that ran out of the cage were cut in half by Chen Xiaolang.

The resurrection of dead animals made the team members think of a bad result.

"What's going on?" Tang Hao was full of doubts.

"I want to know what happened more than you, Yueling?" Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying also shook her head. Although she has multiple education backgrounds, she cannot make a judgment without relevant evidence.

"We will find out." Zhou Yuying only said this.

Lei Yu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"After No. 2 research room is the restaurant, we have to pass through the corridor ahead." Zhou Yuying said while looking at the map.

During the mission, Zhou Yuying is mainly responsible for technical support, and it is enough for the rest of the team members to be in charge of the battle.

"We can't go on any longer," Claire said suddenly.

Her words made everyone stunned, and all their eyes stayed on her for a moment.

Because she was wearing a gas mask, no one could see Claire's facial expressions and eyes at this time, and could not understand her emotions through her expressions.

For the first time, Claire seldom expresses her own views and opinions during the mission.

"Claire, did you find something?" Deng Xuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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