Ghost Task Force

Chapter 573 Zombies

Chapter 573 Zombies
"This place scares me!" Claire uttered the word "fear" for the first time, her voice even tinged with panic, "I feel something in front of me."

The bright lights added a touch of coldness to the atmosphere here. The ground was covered with the remains of dead animals, and the blood stained the white ground red, making the supposedly clean and tidy laboratory bloody.

Because of Claire's words, everyone stopped moving forward again, and their eyes stayed on her.

Claire has been able to stay calm when performing tasks in the past. This is the first time she has shown such emotions in front of the team members. She, who has the same level of power as Liang Ye, actually showed panic emotions.

"Feel something in front of you?" Zhou Yuying looked at the display screen in her left hand, frowned and said, "But the detector didn't find anything."

Although she said so, Zhou Yuying still walked in front of Claire, because she believed that Claire would not lie out of fear. This place was too weird and disturbing. Instead of trusting the machine, she would rather believe what Claire said.

There is no thermal energy reaction on Zhou Yuying's display screen. If there is something in front of it, the detector will definitely find it.

"I don't know, but we really shouldn't move on." Claire looked up at Zhou Yuying. She knew that she was not what a soldier should be, but the panic in her heart made her extremely uneasy.

Lei Yu frowned. As the captain, he had to make a decision at this time.

"Our task has not been completed." Lei Yu said in a deep voice, "It is not our style to retreat, but if there is a situation ahead that cannot be controlled, then we will implement plan B."

It was also out of uneasiness in my heart that Thunderstorm sent the whole team out. Everyone in the team has different special abilities and can play a key role.

He didn't deny Claire's intuition. As a person with supernatural powers, he understood that once people with supernatural powers perceive something, most of them are accurate.

If Liang Ye were here, he would have made the same decision.

The members of the Ghost Task Force will resolutely carry out the captain's order. The originally set task time is passing by every minute and every second, and they are all exposed to the poisonous gas, so they should not continue to waste in place.

Even though Claire was flustered, she was also a fighter and a member of the team, and she had to follow along.

Everyone finally passed through the No. [-] research room and walked into a long corridor.This corridor is a bit different from the one they walked before. The walls and floor of the corridor are made of the same building material, pure white, and it feels no different from glass.

There is a door at the very front of the hallway and a door in the middle on the left.

"The door on the left, enter the restaurant from there." Zhou Yuying said.

She is always observing the map and guiding the team members.

"Master, open the door." Lei Yu gave an order to Deng Xuan.

Deng Xuan responded and threw the saber in his hand forward. The next moment, his body appeared in front of the restaurant.

Whenever Deng Xuan uses the movement ability, there will be a faint blue energy light shining around his body, as bright as the stars in the night sky, releasing faint light faintly.

"Wait, Captain." Zhou Yuying called out to Lei Yu at this moment, she stared at the display screen in her left hand, and said quickly: "There seems to be something ahead."

Her words made Deng Xuan stop opening the door. At this moment, the door ahead suddenly opened, and a brown-haired man in a white coat came out of the darkness.

"Someone!" Lei Yu quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the man.

The man's complexion and lips were extremely pale, and he didn't look like a living person. His scarlet eyes attracted Lei Yu's attention. He noticed that those animals just now had such scarlet eyes. .

Under everyone's gaze, the man's expression was sluggish, he walked mechanically, his body movements were very strange, like a walking dead.There is a name tag on the white coat, obviously he is a researcher here.

"Sir!" Lei Yu shouted in English, the man's actions made him feel a little uneasy.

Intuition told him that this person was dead.

The man didn't respond to Lei Yu's shout. At this time, Deng Xuan was the closest to him. The man's every move made Deng Xuan feel bad, and subconsciously raised his pistol.

"He's like a zombie." Tang Hao said with a gun in his hand.

Zhou Yuying observed the man, and after half a second, she suddenly shouted: "No, he is a zombie!"

Then, dozens of men and women in white coats rushed out from the opened door, like hungry wolves who saw their prey, and rushed towards the task force members.

"Captain, they are no longer human." Zhou Yuying said to Lei Yu.

"Attack!" Lei Yu gave the order to attack.

Deng Xuan was the closest, he pulled the trigger forcefully, and fired at the researcher who turned into a zombie in front of him.

Tang Hao and Lei Yu also fired at the same time. The dense bullets flew forward, and the bullets hit the zombie's body, which immediately slowed down their movements, but failed to kill them.

While attacking, Lei Yu suddenly understood something, and quickly said: "Learn from the movie, start."

While Lei Yu was talking, Deng Xuan stepped back and replaced the pistol with a new magazine.

However, he had no intention of continuing to attack with a gun.

As a supernatural being, he naturally wanted to use the ability he was most proud of.

I saw a blue light shining in the palm of Deng Xuan's left hand, and then, an arm-thick electric current shot out from his hand. When the electric current flew forward, the top spread out like a spider web, and hit the very front several zombies.


The blue light illuminated the entire corridor, and Deng Xuan's attack instantly knocked over a dozen zombies into the air, and completely killed them.

The remaining dozen or so zombies were all headshot by the thunderstorm.

"We're still behind." Claire said loudly.

Hearing her voice, Lei Yu turned around subconsciously, only to see a large number of zombies pouring out from the back of the corridor.

Tang Hao turned around quickly and shot the zombies behind with the machine gun in his hand, but he couldn't guarantee the accuracy of the shooting because there were too many zombies.

Chen Xiaolang finally pulled out the Blood Yang Sword in his right hand. With both swords in hand, his aura instantly increased a lot.

But in front of Deng Xuan, dozens of zombies poured out again. At this time, the task force members were completely blocked by zombies.

"This is really a biochemical crisis!" Deng Xuan couldn't help sighing while attacking.

"Let's go, let's go to the restaurant." Lei Yu said quickly.

After speaking, he started to walk towards Deng Xuan while shooting forward.

Behind Tang Hao's palace, he kept firing machine guns towards the rear, and the bullets hit the bodies of the zombies, making them stop abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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