Ghost Task Force

Chapter 575 Ugly Monster

Chapter 575 Ugly Monster
Wang Yu's flirting skills are awkward, and Lan Siqi is so cold and aloof, so no matter how hard Wang Yu tried, he couldn't make Lan Siqi show any enthusiasm.

"You shouldn't have come looking for me." Lan Siqi said.

It wasn't that she was disgusted with Wang Yu, but because of their identity, they shouldn't meet.

Lan Siqi put down the coffee cup in her hand, she turned her head to look out of the window, and said, "I'm no longer an agent, but you are, and your behavior will only make me feel that you are spying on me."

"No one knows I'm here." Wang Yu became a little nervous, and he said quickly, "I just want to see you."

Faced with Wang Yu's feelings, Lan Siqi sighed softly, and said softly, "Give me some private space, and we'll talk about it when I return to Shenzhou after my trip."

Wang Yu understood that Lan Siqi wanted him to leave now.But her words also revealed another meaning, she did not completely refuse to meet him.

He's not stupid, if he continues to pester him now, it will only make Lan Siqi feel disgusted.

"Be careful when you are abroad." Wang Yu got up and looked at Lan Siqi affectionately, "I hope you can return to the Bureau in the future. It is my honor to work with you."

After Wang Yu was transferred to the Field Service Department, Wang Yu participated in some of Lan Siqi's work in the Internet Department.He deeply admires Lan Siqi's work ability and attitude.

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in Wang Yu's eyes, Lan Siqi is the best in everything she does.

Lan Siqi did not respond to Wang Yu's last words, because she had a very clear answer in her heart.

Unless Liang Ye also returned to the Strategic Security Bureau, she would not take another step.This was her insistence and out of respect for Liang Ye.

After Wang Yu left, the waiter brought the coffee, but he didn't see the person just now, the waiter was a little confused, and cast a questioning look at Lan Siqi.

"Leave it alone," Lan Siqi said.



"Bang bang bang bang..."

After a short rest in the restaurant, the task force members were attacked by zombies again, and the zombies poured out from another door in the restaurant's kitchen.

There were dozens of zombies running in the large dining room. These thoughtless monsters rushed towards the task force with their bloody mouths wide open.

If it were an ordinary person here, he would have lost the instinct to escape because of fear.

Lei Yu used his own abilities to kill the zombies who ran in the front with one shot after another.

"Captain, after passing the restaurant, there are two roads to the chemical laboratory and the control room, which are a bit far apart." Zhou Yuying said to Leiyu.

Lei Yu thought for half a second, and then replied: "Then split into two ways, you, Claire, and Chen Xiaolang go to the control room and follow Yueling's command. Yueling, you must ensure that you get all the data here. The rest of you Come with me to the chemistry lab, stay on the radio, stay safe."

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Zombies were still pouring out continuously, Lei Yu made a gesture of leaving towards Zhou Yuying and the others, and said loudly: "You guys go first."

From the map, the control room is farther away. It needs to go through a route nearly one kilometer long. Zhou Yuying.

She is the technical backbone of the team, and her individual combat ability is weak, but she can play a very critical role.Therefore, her safety is paramount.

Under the cover of Lei Yu and the others, Zhou Yuying and the others left the restaurant first, while the remaining three were still fighting fiercely with the zombies.

Every shot of Lei Yu could hit a zombie in the head. Tang Hao didn't shoot again. With Lei Yu, the sharpshooter, his gun didn't have any sense of presence.

The bullet casings fell to the ground one by one, and the smell of gunpowder wafted into the poisonous air. When the last zombie was killed, Lei Yu put down the gun in his hand.

"Before today, they were still scientists." Lei Yu couldn't help sighing.

Although all the zombies in the restaurant have been removed, Lei Yu is still full of uneasiness in his heart.In fact, he was very entangled in his decision to act as a unit just now, but the current situation didn't give him time to think too much.

His intuition told him that there were dangers other than zombies here.

"team leader."

Deng Xuan's voice broke Lei Yu's thinking.

I saw Deng Xuan pointing to the ceiling above, because he was wearing a gas mask, neither Lei Yu nor Tang Hao saw his shocked gaze.

A blood-red monster was lying on the ceiling looking in their direction.The monster has no face, no hair, only a bloody mouth full of sharp fangs, a full 30-meter-long tongue exposed to the air, the top of the tongue is forked, like a snake's tongue, and its hands have sharp claws. It looks sharper than a blade.The whole monster looks like a humanoid toad, extremely ugly.

"What is this!" Lei Yu was startled.

He had to admit that he was taken aback the moment he saw this monster.

As supernatural beings, they have always believed that their vision has expanded very broadly. In addition, they are in charge of the Strategic Security Bureau. They have seen many strange events, but this is the first time they have seen this kind of thing in front of them.They had never seen such an ugly monster.

Lei Yu recovered after a brief surprise, clenched the gun in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Those members of the special forces should have been killed by it."

On the surface, this monster is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Captain, do you want to do it?" Deng Xuan asked.

Although the monster has no eyes, everyone still has the feeling of being stared at by danger.

Before Lei Yu could answer, the monster attacked first.

The monster turned into a shadow and rushed towards Lei Yu and the others. Even Lei Yu didn't even see the monster's attack trajectory very clearly.

Almost subconsciously, Lei Yu raised his gun and shot forward, while Tang Hao clenched his fist, took a step forward, and punched the monster in the direction of the monster.

Even if it is a tank, it can only be penetrated by Tang Hao's iron fist.

Thunderstorm's two shots hit the monster's body accurately, but it didn't slow down the monster's speed.

Until Tang Hao's fist blasted out.


With a muffled sound, the monster let out a piercing scream, and was sent flying by Tang Hao's punch.

Under the gaze of everyone, the monster's body knocked down the table and chairs ten meters away, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Tang Hao didn't use all his strength, the punch just now was just an experience, he was trying to understand the monster's ability to withstand it.

"Good job!" Lei Yu shouted, full of praise to Tang Hao.

In the Ghost Task Force, no one dared to confront Tang Hao head-on. Even the former captain Liang Ye only dared to fight Tang Hao through skills, not brute force.

(End of this chapter)

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