Ghost Task Force

Chapter 576 Grenades

Chapter 576 Grenades
Strength is absolutely persuasive in many situations. Tang Hao often jokes that there is nothing he can't solve with one punch. If there is, then two punches.

After being knocked into the air, the monster quickly got up from the ground. Its cry proved that it was completely enraged, and the attack just now made it understand that the group of people in front of it were not easy to mess with.But it didn't mean to back down at all, because two identical monsters crawled out from the ceiling again.

"Are we surrounded?" Deng Xuan turned the dagger in his hand, and glanced at the two ugly monsters on the ceiling.

The Maldives special forces had no ability to resist these monsters, and only shot them for a very short time, but it was still to no avail.

Thunderstorm's Tianyan shot two shots at the monster's body. With the impact of the bullets fired by the Tianyan, it could directly knock a monkey into the air, but hitting the monster failed to slow down its movement speed, even after being hit by Tang Hao. After flying, it can still stand up from the ground, which really surprised Lei Yu a little.

"What the hell are they?" Lei Yu replaced Tianyan with an armor-piercing magazine. Ordinary bullets didn't have much effect on monsters, so he decided to change to a stronger one.

Firearms are his strongest support. If there is a situation beyond his control, other team members must support him.

During Liang Ye's tenure as captain, Lei Yu mostly focused on sniper support, and rarely charged forward.After he became the captain himself, he was more about leading the team.

The change of identity also changed his fighting mode.

At this time, Zhou Yuying's voice sounded through the communicator: "Captain, we have a situation here."

She shared the images captured by the glasses with Lei Yu. Just like what they encountered, Zhou Yuying's team also encountered three identical monsters.

Chen Xiaolang held two long swords and was ready to fight. Only Clare had panic in her eyes, but what she was afraid of was not the monsters in front of her eyes, but someone hidden in the dark who did not appear.

"We also encountered it." Lei Yu shared the picture he saw with Zhou Yuying, and he said, "Take care of it as soon as possible and pay attention to safety."


As soon as Lei Yu's voice fell, the two monsters on the ceiling also attacked at the same time.

I saw them moving quickly along the ceiling, like a gecko stuck to the wall.Lei Yu hurriedly picked up his gun and shot at the two monsters above. Deng Xuan condensed a bolt of lightning in his hand. However, just as he was about to attack, the monster on the ground suddenly rushed towards him.

In the blink of an eye, the monster came in front of Deng Xuan. If Deng Xuan continued to use lightning attacks, he would be hit by the monster on the ground.

He had to blast the lightning forward.


The blue current blasted forward, bringing a blue light to the restaurant under the white light.

But what surprised Deng Xuan was that the monster turned sideways and avoided his lightning attack.

Then, the sharp claws swept towards Deng Xuan's body. The monster's attack speed was very fast, and when it swung its claws, it brought out a clear gust of wind.

Deng Xuan clenched his outstretched left hand into a fist, forming a protective shield in front of him. The monster's claw fell on the protective shield and was instantly bounced away.

Thunderstorm was shooting at the two monsters on the ceiling at this time, and the two monsters also moved at super fast speeds, dodging all the bullets from Tianyan.

This really shocked Thunderstorm.

The shooting speed of Tianyan is four times faster than that of ordinary firearms, but these monsters can dodge the bullets.You know, even Liang Ye, who has the ability of wind, dare not easily dodge the bullets of the sky eye.

But even so, Thunderstorm still hit two monsters with its own ability and the shooting speed of Tianyan.

As long as it is a creature, there will always be times when it is tired or slightly unresponsive, and the two monsters are the same.It is impossible for them to successfully dodge all the bullets 100%, but Thunderstorm has almost achieved the integration of man and gun. He firmly believes that the bullets will always hit them.

Hit by armor-piercing bullets, two monsters screamed and fell from the ceiling.On the other side, after disarming the defense, Deng Xuan threw the dagger in his hand towards the monster.

The monster subconsciously dodged sideways, and the dagger flew past its body.When the monster turned back to see where Deng Xuan was just now, he found that Deng Xuan had disappeared.


A bolt of lightning precisely hit the monster's body, sending it flying ten meters away.

Deng Xuan stood at the last position where the dagger flew over just now, and there was still a trace of electric current in the palm of his left hand. Because he was wearing a gas mask, no one could see his eyes clearly at this time.

Sharp and fierce.

He didn't know what the prototypes of these monsters were, but judging from the way the monsters attacked just now, they not only had fighting thoughts, but also cruel methods.

These monsters know how to dodge the enemy's attacks and use their skills to fight, and now the task force members are starting to wonder who created them.

At this moment, the two monsters hit by Lei Yu's armor-piercing bullets suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Deng Xuan, whose back was facing them.

"Master, be careful!" Lei Yu yelled, he pressed a button on the right side of the Tianyan gun body, and then pulled the trigger forcefully.

"call out……"

There was a piercing sound, and a grenade flew past the right side of Deng Xuan's body, hitting the monster closest to him.


With a loud noise, the grenade came into contact with the monster's body, and the fire instantly brought an orange-red light to the ground.

The moment the grenade exploded, Tang Hao came behind Deng Xuan, and his body blocked the flame impact of the grenade explosion for Deng Xuan.

Tang Hao has a huge body, and he is wearing the combat uniform with the strongest defense capability of the Ghost Task Force, so he can not be afraid of these flames.

At the same time, the iron fist of Tang Hao's right hand slammed out again, hitting another monster.

This punch actually hit the monster's head, instead of sending it flying, it knocked it down to the ground with one punch.


The monster's head made contact with the ground first, and there was a heavy muffled sound.A spider web-like crack appeared on the ground due to the collision just now, one can imagine how powerful Tang Hao's punch was just now.

No one in the ghost task force dared to receive Tang Hao's punch head-on.

The monster that was hit by the grenade was left with only the stump of its body. An arm and half of a leg fell not far from Tang Hao's body, and the thunderstorm grenade blew it into pieces.

Lei Yu knew that if he only used armor-piercing projectiles in the attack just now, even if he could slow down the monster's attack speed, it might not guarantee Deng Xuan's safety, so he simply used grenades.

(End of this chapter)

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