Ghost Task Force

Chapter 584 Appearance

Chapter 584 Appearance
Annabelle had demonstrated this ability a long time ago, and Lei Yu had also suffered from it.This kind of supernatural attack without substance makes it difficult for people to parry.

Before Leiyu could pull the trigger, the black mist knocked him into the air. Leiyu felt as if his chest had been hit by a boulder rolling down from the mountain. The powerful impact made him unable to resist at all.

"I rely on!"

The thunderstorm that flew upside down did not forget to swear, Annabelle's attack made him fly five meters away.

After making Thunderstorm unable to attack, Annabelle once again focused on Deng Xuan, and she planned to give priority to solving the big trouble of Deng Xuan.

Deng Xuan also noticed Annabel's thoughts, but it was difficult for him to fight back, and Annabel suppressed him.

Tang Hao on the other side dealt with the last two monsters. Seeing that Deng Xuan was trying his best to resist Annabel's attack, he quickly pulled out his pistol and shot in Annabel's direction.

She wasn't like those monsters, bullets could hurt her body or take her life.

But the problem was that it was not easy to hurt Annabelle with bullets.

Tang Hao shot three times in a row at Annabelle's head, but when the bullet was less than one meter away from Annabelle's head, it suddenly stopped in the air, unable to move any further.

He has also experienced the supernatural power displayed by Annabelle, so he is not surprised by it.

Even so, Tang Hao still fired an entire magazine.Facing a dangerous character like Annabelle, they didn't plan to have any reservations.

Lei Yu, who fell to the ground, tried his best to get up, but the pain in his body made it difficult for him to breathe, let alone return to the battle.Annabelle's black mist attack seems to just knock people into the air, but it has a strong interference effect, making it difficult for people to recover from the fighting state for a while.

Facing Tang Hao's attack, Annabelle used the black mist to knock Tang Hao into the air just as she did against Thunderstorm.

Then, she focused on Deng Xuan again, looking at the cracked shield, a victorious smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She was holding the handle of the samurai sword with both hands, and a black mist shrouded the sword for an instant, making people's scalp numb.

As the samurai sword was cut down, Deng Xuan's protective shield burst.

This shield, which could withstand rocket attacks, was shattered into pieces under Annabelle's attack.

The protective shield disappeared, and Deng Xuan took a few steps back. He pulled out a new dagger from his waist, and fought with Annabelle again.The two came back and forth, and the sound of the collision of the dagger and the katana echoed in the laboratory, sending out tiny sparks.

Deng Xuan has focused on strengthening his training in close combat, and can guarantee that he will not be defeated in a short period of time.

However, the sweat on his face and shortness of breath proved that he was just struggling now.

Fighting with Annabelle, although the time is very short, it also consumed too much energy and energy.

And Annabelle didn't seem to have lost anything, she spun the samurai sword twice, and slashed fiercely on Deng Xuan's dagger, causing Deng Xuan to retreat three steps in a row.

Lei Yu and Tang Hao on the side witnessed the battle between the two just now. Tang Hao's body strength was higher and he recovered faster than Lei Yu. Seeing that Deng Xuan was repelled again, he quickly jumped up, clenched his fists and rushed To Annabelle.

Sensing the approaching danger, Annabelle wanted to repeat the old trick. This time, Tang Hao would not suffer any more.

Before Annabelle could use her ability, Tang Hao let out an angry roar, and hit the ground hard with his right fist!
With a loud noise, the entire chemical laboratory seemed to shake twice. Annabel, who was about to attack, frowned, and saw a hideous crack on the ground quickly spreading to her feet, and then, an invisible wave The impact force sent Annabelle flying.

Lei Yu also stood up from the ground. Enduring the pain in his chest, he reloaded a grenade into the Sky Eye, and then pulled the trigger in Annabelle's direction.


The gunfire rang out, and the flames from the explosion completely covered up the white light.Just when Tang Hao wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Annabelle's figure suddenly flashed past, and the samurai sword in her hand scratched Tang Hao's left arm.

It seemed that the grenade just now didn't hurt her.


The sharp pain from his arm made Tang Hao gasp, and he quickly moved back, dodging Annabelle's second attack.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Lei Yu shot at Annabelle with the wristband of the pistol, and Annabelle raised the katana in his hand, cutting all the flying bullets in half.

Annabelle alone blocked the three strong generals of Task Force Ghost, which had never happened before.Moreover, Deng Xuan was able to compete with Annabelle by himself in the past, and the current situation is unavoidably shocking.

After resting for a while, Deng Xuan regained his combat power. Just as he was about to continue attacking Annabelle, a familiar voice came into his ears.

"Looks like I'm here just in time."

Then, the lights in the chemistry lab suddenly dimmed.

Although she hadn't seen Liang Ye for more than a year, Annabelle would never forget the voice. She subconsciously wanted to use the power, but Liang Ye's Hidden Blade had already pierced her waist.

The severe pain caused Annabelle to groan, and quickly used teleportation to dodge to the side, and the lights also turned on at this moment.

White hair, black cloak, strange but familiar appearance, caught everyone's eyes.

"Boss!" Lei Yu shouted excitedly.

Tang Hao and Deng Xuan also widened their eyes, with joyful smiles on their faces.In such a difficult battle, Liang Ye appeared in front of them again in combat uniform, and they knew without guessing that Liang Ye was here to support.

What they didn't expect was that Liang Ye didn't just come to support, his purpose was to take Annabelle's life.

Liang Ye knew that his comrades had a lot to say to him, but now was not the time to reminisce about the past.

"Leave her to me. You go to support Yueling first. She is being attacked by monsters." Liang Ye looked at Lei Yu and said.

Lei Yu nodded vigorously. With Liang Ye here, Annabelle was no longer a threat.

"Let's go, support Yueling!" After speaking, Lei Yu was the first to leave the chemical laboratory with a gun in his hand.

Tang Hao and Deng Xuan also left quickly. No one would doubt Liang Ye's current combat effectiveness. Although Annabelle was also ridiculously strong, they were not worried that Liang Ye would not be able to defeat her.

"Long time no see, Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye." Annabelle held the waist stabbed by the Hidden Blade, her eyes full of surprise.

Liang Ye's sudden appearance shocked her, and the murderous intent in Liang Ye's eyes made her feel that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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