Ghost Task Force

Chapter 585 Guess

Chapter 585 Guess
Liang Ye's hatred for Annabelle, even after wandering for a year, still hasn't diminished a bit.Because of the air crash back then, he focused all his attention on revenge and had no other thoughts on finding Annabelle.

Now that Xiao Xiao's revenge is over, Liang Ye can target Annabelle again.

Killing this woman is also a disguised contribution to the Strategic Defense Bureau and reduces pressure on the Ghost Task Force.

"It seems that you have made great progress." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

Judging from the facial expressions and breathing speed of Lei Yu and the others, they didn't take advantage of the battle just now, so Liang Ye can conclude that this woman has made great progress, making it difficult for Lei Yu and the others to parry.

"You too." Annabelle's voice trembled, half from anger and half from pain.

Liang Ye is very picky. The attack on her waist just now hurt her pelvis.

Focusing on key points is an essential skill for an assassin. An ordinary person would definitely not have the strength to stand up.

Perhaps because she didn't want to appear uncomfortable in front of Liang Ye, she slowly let go of the hand covering the wound, and pulled out a samurai sword again.

The current Annabelle clenched her samurai sword with both hands, her eyes fixed on Liang Ye's body.The monstrous murderous aura emanating from Liang Ye brought great pressure to her.

She had never felt this before.

The killings that Liang Ye has carried out over the past year have made his murderous aura even stronger. Although Annabelle has thousands of lives on her hands, she has not accumulated such a powerful body like Liang Ye. murderous.

"Let's end it today."

The Hidden Blade wrist guard slowly covered Liang Ye's wrist, and he put on a hood to cover his white hair that did not meet his age.

Annabelle took a step back slightly, she knew that Liang Ye's heart to kill her would not die, and would not change because of anything.

So, she assumed an attacking posture, and it seemed that she had no intention of running away.

In fact, Annabelle wanted to escape, and Liang Ye would hardly have a chance to stop her, but what she was thinking now was that she would have a real contest with Liang Ye.

At least before this, the two hadn't fought much, nor had they really had a life-and-death battle.

Both were waiting for such an opportunity.

Just when Liang Ye was about to attack, Annabelle suddenly said, "Wait!"

Liang Ye frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Why, are you scared?"

"It's hard here to get us all to fight, get to the ground."

Her proposal was not unreasonable, Liang Ye nodded after thinking for half a second.

"You won't run away, will you?" Liang Ye asked.

Annabelle smiled, tilted her head and said to Liang Ye, "I won't."

Liang Ye didn't bother to think about whether she would run away, because she was right, if they fought here, with the energy intensity of two people, it would be difficult to truly exert their full strength. Destroyed, it also affects the Ghost Task Force that is performing its mission.

"Yueling, let all the commandos on the ground evacuate, don't ask why." Liang Ye said while pressing the communicator.

Now his communication channel only talks to Zhou Yuying, he wants to influence other people.

On the other side, Zhou Yuying was invading the database in the control room, while Chen Xiaolang, Claire, Lei Yu and others who came to support were fighting monsters. A total of 30 monsters were attacking the control room.

These 30 monsters were enough to destroy several infantry companies. Fortunately, the main combat members of the Ghost Task Force were guarding the gate, otherwise Zhou Yuying really couldn't have invaded the database safely.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Zhou Yuying hurriedly reported to Lei Yu: "Captain, Captain Liang asked the ground commando to evacuate."

When Lei Yu came to support just now, she had already said that Liang Ye was here, so she didn't have to hide it anymore.

Lei Yu responded, and while pulling the trigger, he said quickly: "Squad A, please pay attention, all members boarded fighter planes and evacuated, including the Maldives fleet, all evacuated to a distance of [-] kilometers."

Zhou Yuying's words made Lei Yu immediately think that Liang Ye and Annabel were going to move the battlefield to the ground.

Growing up with Liang Ye, Lei Yu knew Liang Ye very well, from the moment he appeared to giving the order just now, his purpose was to kill Annabelle.

Thinking of Liang Ye's current abilities, Lei Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It seems that this island will also suffer."

After a brief absence, Lei Yu refocused on the battle. The battle on the ground was Liang Ye's own business, and he couldn't intervene.

After hearing the order, Team A on the ground quickly recovered all the equipment, and completed the recovery and evacuation within 2 minutes.

The Maldives fleet also turned around and sailed into the distance. Although they were full of doubts in their hearts, no one dared to ask questions, because now everything was in charge of the Ghost Task Force, and everyone had to follow what they said.

Under the ground, Zhou Yuying's fingers tapped quickly on the computer keyboard. Although all the poisonous gas had been extracted, they still did not take off their gas masks. This was for safety reasons.

Liang Ye didn't wear it just now, as long as there are no viruses in the air, he can move around with peace of mind.

Zhou Yuying quickly browsed through all the materials stored in the organization, including the undisclosed documents.

"It seems that this research institution is really fine. The culprit is Annabelle, who turned all the researchers into zombies." Zhou Yuying said.

"Why did she do this, what attracts her here." Lei Yu asked quickly.

"It's poisonous gas. She took a sample of the poisonous gas here."

"At the same time, she still wants to wipe out our task force?" Lei Yu quickly stepped back two steps while changing the magazine, letting Tang Hao take his place of attack. "She knew that an incident of this magnitude would attract the Ghost Task Force, so she brought these monsters here to wait for us, ready to wipe us all out in one fell swoop."

Lei Yu's words are not unreasonable. With Annabelle's current combat power and so many monsters, she can really deal with the entire Ghost Task Force. Although it will put her in a very dangerous situation, her teleportation ability can make the She fled here when her life was in danger.

Even if it can't be wiped out, it can still cause the ghost task force to lose troops.

Thinking of this, Lei Yu's back broke out in cold sweat, and he had to sigh that Liang Ye came at the right time.

Otherwise, someone in the team will definitely be injured or even killed today.

"I think you're right." Zhou Yuying followed suit.

She thought so too.

Soon, Liang Ye took the elevator to the ground, and Annabelle was already waiting for him at the door of the building.

A terrifying battle is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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