Chapter 587
Annabelle's words were sharp, but again, she was on point.

What Liang Ye has done over the past year is completely inconsistent with his previous job responsibilities.In Lei Yu's words, after losing his beloved, Liang Ye is no longer the passionate young man who punishes evil and promotes good.

Now he is just an Avenger, no longer distinguishing between good guys and bad guys.

"Are you using aggressive tactics against me?" Liang Ye lowered his right hand, looked into Annabel's pure black eyes, and said calmly: "From the day I left the Strategic Security Bureau, I am no longer a soldier. I am no longer an agent, kindness and evil are nothing but smoke in my eyes. Me and you, now there is nothing but hatred, which has nothing to do with duty."

"Then how do you explain what you have done? Those participants deserve to die, but their families are innocent." Annabelle did not intend to let Liang Ye off on this issue.

"I don't want to explain, and I don't want to defend myself. Annabelle, all the good and evil in the world are made up by people to deceive themselves. Human beings are very small and weak, unable to deal with this world full of unknown variables. The world, so imagine a so-called good and evil, imagine that most people are on the good side, imagine that you are not alone, imagine that following those good rules will be safe enough.”

Liang Ye's white hair swayed gently under the blowing of the wind, his eyes were very calm, no emotion could be seen.

He read these words from his mobile phone some time ago. He didn't know the author's name, and the author who wrote these words was anonymous.

"Hahaha, you gave them the world, thinking they would let you go." Annabelle laughed twice, her tone full of sarcasm, "But in the end, the world you protected hurt you deeply, and let You, who only want to protect the weak, have become like this, the devil that people fear, have you ever thought that you will have such a day?"

Liang Ye laughed at himself and replied, "I really never thought that such a day would come."

"Then you shouldn't stop me, you should join us. The existence of supernatural beings is a representative of human evolution, and we should create new rules." Annabelle's expression showed excitement, and she said excitedly: "The future is uncertain." Yes, because there are people like us in life."

"I said, I only have hatred with you, it has nothing to do with responsibility." Liang Ye took a deep breath, and said lightly: "There is no need to talk nonsense, let's continue."

After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand and pressed hard in Annabelle's direction.


The sound of the wind blowing was extremely clear. Before Annabel, who was surrounded by black mist, could react, a gust of wind fell from the sky and landed directly on her body.

It weighs as much as a boulder.

This once again pressed Annabelle to half kneeling on the ground, her right knee was firmly pressed against the ground, a crack appeared on the white floor tiles.

"When a person encounters a sharper impact than before, he will see his deeper nature. This is the moment when he truly reflects good or bad. Losing Xiao Xiao made me understand what hatred is, and I am no longer willing to protect the world , the moment I fell into darkness, I even wanted to destroy it."

Liang Ye took a step towards Annabelle who was pinned to the ground by the wind, and said word by word: "But I also thought that Xiao Xiao loves this world. She understands the darkness of the human heart, but she is still willing to love it. So I have no reason to destroy this world. You want to reshape this world and create new rules, it's really ridiculous, even if I don't stop you, there will be thousands of people coming out to stop you, stop you team."

"Nothing else, today, I just want your life to avenge my comrades."

The Hidden Sword in Liang Ye's right hand slowly stretched out. On this moonlit night, the blade of the Hidden Sword shone with silver light, beautiful and desolate.

Every word he said reached Annabelle's ears. Even if she couldn't raise her head, she could still feel that Liang Ye had come in front of her.

Liang Ye looked down at Annabelle, his left hand was clenched tightly into a fist, and there were mixed feelings in his heart.

Chen Kai's death hit him hard, even though he had a lot of reluctance in his heart, he still wanted to leave the Dragon Eagle commando team to build a brand new team.

He was very lucky to have a group of passionate comrades like Tang Hao and the others later on. Even though he had committed countless crimes over the past year, he still didn't look at him in a different way.

At this moment, Liang Ye felt that he could kill Annabelle.

Because what is in front of him now is the real Annabelle, not a clone.

However, the battle wasn't that simple, and the black mist floating around Annabel's body wasn't just a decoration.

When Liang Ye stabbed the Hidden Blade towards Annabelle's head, the black mist wrapped around Liang Ye's right hand, preventing his Hidden Blade from moving any further.

This situation made Liang Ye frown instantly. He also understood that although Annabelle's body was suppressed by the wind, her black mist was not greatly affected.

Then, a cloud of black mist hit Liang Ye's chest, sending him flying ten meters away.

Liang Ye, who flew upside down, did not forget to curse secretly. He quickly unfolded his cloak and controlled his body to land smoothly. The pain in his chest made him gasp.

This was the first time he experienced the impact of the black mist, and it was indescribably uncomfortable.

Liang Ye clutched his chest and stood up straight with difficulty.The evolution of supernatural powers has also greatly improved his physical strength, physical fitness and resistance ability, and now he is not comparable to ordinary special forces.

At this time, Annabelle was also freed from the oppression of the wind. She kicked her right foot hard, and her whole body flew towards Liang Ye like a bullet.

At this time, the battle really started. Liang Ye let out a low drink, and ran forward quickly, facing Annabelle.

When he was about to touch Annabel, Liang Ye moved his right hand slightly, and a gust of wind suddenly rose on the ground in front of him, blowing Annabelle slightly off balance.

What Liang Ye wanted was this interference. Before Annabelle could react, Liang Ye grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and his body led her to rotate half a circle on the spot, and then threw her into the air forcefully.

The current Liang Ye could move a car five meters with one kick, and throw Annabelle, a woman who weighed only ninety catties, flying. That was an easy task.

And Liang Ye didn't just want to throw Annabelle away, he threw it in the direction of the research institute building behind.

Annabelle flew towards the ten-story building like a kite with a broken string.


Her body made contact with the wall, making a loud crash, and a big hole was knocked out of the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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