Ghost Task Force

Chapter 588 Abilities Collision

Chapter 588 Abilities Collision
This wasn't over yet, Annabelle's body still didn't stop after hitting the wall, and continued to break through the ceiling of the upper floor, finally passing through the roof.

Liang Ye soared into the sky and flew to the roof of the building, looking down at Annabelle who was struggling to stand up from the ground.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died in the impact just now, but this woman wouldn't, she didn't die so easily.

She had suffered the most serious fatal injuries before, but in the end she appeared in front of Liang Ye safe and sound, so Liang Ye didn't plan to leave her a whole body today.

"Your wind really ridiculously strong..." Annabelle coughed twice, and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

Liang Ye could clearly see the blood at the corner of her mouth. The current Annabelle was no longer the same as before, her hair was a little messy, and her tight black combat uniform was also covered with dust.

But Liang Ye didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with her, he waved his left hand lightly, and a gust of wind blew in Annabelle's direction.

His wind could tear people to pieces now, so he was planning to kill Annabelle that way.

But Annabelle seemed to have guessed his thoughts. Before the wind blew, she used the teleportation ability to come behind Liang Ye.

Yes, she teleported behind Liang Ye, in the air.

The black mist supported Annabel's body, allowing her to float in the air for a short time. Although she couldn't fly, she could still attack targets in the air.

This shocked Liang Ye.

Annabel held the samurai sword and slashed at Liang Ye's head, but Liang Ye didn't turn around to resist this time, but crushed a smoke bead.


With the sound of a subtle explosion, smoke enveloped Liang Ye's whole body, and Annabelle's samurai sword fell into the air.

When Annabelle used the black mist to disperse the smoke, Liang Ye could no longer be seen in front of her, and she quickly scanned her surroundings.

Suddenly, a gunshot caught Annabelle's attention.

Almost subconsciously, she swung her katana forward, cutting the oncoming bullet in half.

I saw Liang Ye standing on the roof of the building, with a trace of smoke emitting from the sleeve gun in his right hand. The bullet just flew out from here. If Annabelle reacted slower, the bullet would pass through her head.

However, this was not over yet, Liang Ye raised his left hand and fired another shot in her direction.

After the upgrade of the equipment, Liang Ye can use the Hidden Sword and the Rope Gun with the Hidden Blade Wristguards in both hands. He is still grateful to Zhou Yuying for this. Her transformation of this equipment has greatly improved Liang Ye's ability fighting power.

Watching the bullets fly, Annabelle swung the katana again, cutting the bullets in half.

Just when she was about to say that bullets are useless to her, a rope wrapped around the samurai sword in her hand.

This was Liang Ye's careful plan. The bullet interfered with most of Annabelle's attention. By the time she found the rope gun, she definitely had no time to dodge.

The rope began to unwind, Annabelle gripped the katana tightly, but no matter how strong she was, she was no match for the machine.The rope recovered and flew her body towards Liang Ye, and Liang Ye wanted to have such an effect.

The danger was in sight, Annabel had no choice but to let go of the hand holding the samurai sword when she was still ten meters away from Liang Ye, and pulled out another samurai sword when she landed.

When Liang Ye took Annabel's weapon, Annabel's attack had already come in front of him.

Liang Ye quickly used the samurai sword in his right hand to resist.


The two samurai swords collided, making a crisp sound.

Liang Ye used to be a good swordsman, but he didn't want to study further, he didn't like to use these long weapons.On the contrary, small weapons such as hidden blades and daggers are his favorites.

After blocking Annabel's attack, Liang Ye slashed twice in a row, forcing Annabelle to take two steps back.His strength is stronger, so every attack can make Annabelle's tiger's mouth ache.

But just when Liang Ye wanted to continue the third slash, the samurai sword in his hand escaped uncontrollably and returned to Annabelle's hand automatically.

This kind of situation had happened before, so Liang Ye was not too surprised. He raised his left hand and blocked Annabelle's attack with the Hidden Blade wrist guard.

Before Annabelle could react, Liang Ye's left wristband stretched out three sharp teeth, jamming her samurai sword.

Then, Liang Ye swung his left hand vigorously, and threw the stuck samurai sword away.

Annabelle was startled, she subconsciously wanted to back away, but Liang Ye didn't give her such a chance.

I saw Liang Ye raised his right foot and kicked her hard in the abdomen.

This kick did not send Annabelle flying, but knocked her down to the ground.

The collision when she fell to the ground caused Annabelle to let out a muffled groan. She had no time to pay attention to the pain in her abdomen, because Liang Ye had already raised her foot and was stepping on her head.

To deal with this woman, Liang Ye didn't have the slightest bit of compassion; if he had any kindness, he wouldn't be the one who survived.

So after Annabelle fell to the ground, he raised his foot without hesitation, intending to step on her head.

However, Annabelle rolled over and quickly dodged Liang Ye's attack. At the same time, she used the teleportation ability and teleported ten meters away again.

Liang Ye's series of attacks made her feel furious, and the black mist floating around her body trembled violently.

Then, a cloud of black mist rushed towards Liang Ye's direction quickly. From a distance, it looked like a shock wave in a cartoon.

Not to be outdone, Liang Ye quickly formed a tornado in front of him, blocking Annabelle's black mist.

The collision of the two abilities brought about powerful energy fluctuations. Cracks like spider webs began to appear on the roof of the building, and the glass on the walls of the building even burst.

The blowing of the tornado caused the hair of both of them to sway non-stop, and Liang Ye's white hair was more eye-catching in the dark night.

Annabelle's pure black eyes were full of murderous intent, and she was very upset that she was suffering all the time.And Liang Ye wanted her to be angry. When people are angry, they can improve their combat effectiveness, but at the same time, there will be more mistakes.

Liang Ye's supernatural energy came from nature, so he would not consume too much of his physical strength. When the wind and the black mist were confronting each other, he threw out two black beads with his left hand and right hand respectively.


Smoke appeared in front of Annabelle's left and right, which caught her attention slightly.

At the same time, Liang Ye soared into the sky and flew above Annabel's head.

If the two abilities continue to confront each other, the entire roof of the building may collapse in a short time. Liang Ye didn't want to see this kind of result, so he chose to take the initiative.

Annabelle raised her head subconsciously, only to see Liang Ye's figure descending quickly, followed by his fist.


Liang Ye punched Annabelle to the ground, and the black mist in front of her dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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