Chapter 590
Before Liang Ye could make the next move, Annabel suddenly used teleportation to disappear before his eyes.

Now, Annabelle felt scared in her heart, the man she faced was outrageously strong.Both of them were injured now, and the wounds on their bodies were still bleeding, but Liang Ye didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, and there were no mistakes in his fighting skills or movements.

And Annabelle could clearly feel that her physical strength was exhausted. Every time she fought Liang Ye, she was basically crushed and beaten.

It can hurt Liang Ye, but it can't kill him, not even a fatal wound, which makes Annabel feel very powerless.

This time teleported, Annabelle came to the sea nearly 500 meters away. She stared at Liang Ye's direction, her arm holding the samurai sword trembling slightly.

Soon, Liang Ye sensed Annabelle's position. He sneered, and his cloak swung quickly under the wind.In the dark night, Liang Ye is like a falcon, staring at the prey he wants to catch all the time above the sky.

Liang Ye looked down at Annabelle and said in a deep voice, "You're scared!"

He could clearly feel the difference in Annabelle's breath. At first she was full of anger and tried her best to fight him, but after the attack was deciphered again, she chose to teleport 500 meters away.

With Annabelle's current combat power, she can compete with the entire Ghost Task Force. Facing Liang Ye, she is only deeply powerless.

It's not that she's not strong enough, but that Liang Ye is much stronger than her.

Annabelle sighed softly, and said, "I have to admit, I am still not your opponent."

"It's useless to say more." Liang Ye gathered a small tornado in his right hand and said, "Die!"

After finishing speaking, the tornado escaped from Liang Ye's palm and rolled towards Annabelle.

Every meter moved, this tornado will double in strength.

Due to the influence of the wind, the sea surface was full of huge waves, and the sea water even splashed onto Liang Ye's cloak. Annabelle was closer to the sea surface, and the sea water wet her clothes and hair. All I had was endless embarrassment.

She seemed to give up resistance, and she even let the black mist on her body dissipate.Losing the support of the black mist, her body fell towards the sea below.

It seemed that Annabelle chose to accept death, but Liang Ye could tell at a glance that she wanted to escape.

When they first started fighting, both of them were mentally prepared to die, but Liang Ye never believed that this woman would accept death so easily.

"If you want to run, it's impossible!"

Liang Ye roared, and two tornadoes formed on the surface of the sea again. The waves continued to flow like mountains and seas. The sea was swept up by the wind and fell from the sky again, like a heavy rain.

On the island, Lei Yu and others completed the data collection and left the underground research institution.In the next step, the Strategic Defense Bureau will arrange for relevant departments to take over the follow-up processing work, and the task of the Ghost Task Force here has been completed.

As soon as everyone stepped out of the elevator, they heard the sound of waves beating outside, and ran out of the building in a hurry, looking in the direction of Liang Ye's battle.

The scene ahead made them all stare wide-eyed, and Claire even covered her mouth, unable to believe that Liang Ye was responsible for all of this.

I saw dark clouds covering the sky in front of me, and there was a strong wind on the sea, with waves as high as 20 meters. The area covered by the wind looked like hell on earth from a distance.

A vortex appeared in the ocean under Liang Ye's feet, and the vortex sank straight down. A few sharks had no time to escape, and they had been blown into pieces by the wind.

"Captain, what is he doing?" Deng Xuan asked loudly.

"If it's killing Annabelle, it's too exaggerated, he caused a tsunami!" Zhou Yuying followed up.

The waves seem to be obeying Liang Ye's command, rising and falling continuously, beating the sea mercilessly.Looking from a distance, floating in the mouth, Liang Ye wearing a black cloak is like a god.

Zhou Yuying couldn't help but use the camera to take a picture of the scene in front of her. Although she was shocked, she still wanted to keep this picture.

The scenes that ordinary people can only see in movies are truly displayed in front of them today.

After observing for a few seconds, Lei Yu said, "Everything is under his control."

Yes, Liang Ye didn't lose control. Even if the wind caused a tsunami, it was all within his control.

This is the benefit of his ability to improve. If it were changed to before, he would not be able to control the wind of this intensity at all, let alone lock it within a certain range.

The waves beat against the surface of the sea, and the sea water splashed onto the island, and some tiny water droplets fell on everyone's faces.

Claire reached out and wiped the water droplets on her face, she could smell the salty smell clearly, the sea water was very icy, probably because the temperature is still very low now.

She knew that Liang Ye was still attacking Annabelle crazily, almost subconsciously, she wanted to fly into the air to help Liang Ye.

Zhou Yuying, who was standing next to her, immediately noticed what she was doing, and quickly grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving the island.

"We can't help you now, and it will only disturb him in the past." Zhou Yuying yelled loudly.

Everyone also noticed the change in Claire's mood, and Lei Yu also said: "Calm down, he can solve it by himself."

Claire's eyes were red, and although she felt wronged, she had to admit that what they said was right.

In this situation, Liang Ye didn't need help at all, and everything in that area was under his control.

If it were a normal person who fell into that ocean, in the current situation, he would have been smashed into pieces by the waves long ago, but for Annabelle, Liang Ye didn't dare to guarantee it.

Without seeing her dead body, Liang Ye could not feel at ease.

When Annabelle's body came into contact with the sea surface, the wind swept over where she was, and at the same time caused large waves.

According to the normal situation, when the human body encounters that gust of wind, it will be rolled into pieces, and the waves will roll by, and Liang Ye can't see whether there is blood in the sea water.

Without seeing the body, it was still difficult for him to determine whether the woman was dead or not.

Finally, after ravaging the area with the wind for a full 5 minutes, Liang Ye withdrew his ability, the sea gradually calmed down, and the dark clouds dispersed under his control.

Liang Ye descended and saw the fragments of clothes on the sea, which were the combat uniform that Annabelle had worn before.

After staring at those fragments for a full minute, Liang Ye slowly raised his head, looking at the moon hanging in the sky and the starless night sky.

His clenched fists were slowly released, and a tired smile appeared on his face.

Annabelle is dead.

(End of this chapter)

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