Chapter 591 Phone
The sea surface gradually returned to calm, Liang Ye was floating on the sea, his feet were less than 20 centimeters away from the water.

The sky in the distance turned pale, the night began to fade, and the warmth replaced the cold, which made the tired people relax a little.

They had experienced too much on this terrifying night. If Liang Ye hadn't appeared, there might have been casualties in the team.

Everyone was still looking at Liang Ye's direction. He had been there for nearly 5 minutes, and no one knew what he was thinking now.Zhou Yuying wanted to use the intercom to call Liang Ye, but found that he had turned off the communication.

Almost subconsciously, everyone kept their eyes on Lei Yu, waiting for him to speak.

Whether to contact Liang Ye or evacuate on his own now requires Lei Yu to make a decision.

They didn't know what happened there, nor did they know Annabelle's life or death.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Lei Yu thought for a second, and then said: "Yue Ling, go and have a look."

The reason why he didn't let Claire, who can also fly, was because Claire was prone to lose control of her emotions, and Liang Ye was too important to her.

Claire has also lost a close relative, and she can empathize with everything Liang Ye has experienced.

Hearing Lei Yu's words, Zhou Yuying responded, started the aircraft under her feet, and flew in the direction of Liang Ye.

Even if she doesn't want to, Claire still has to obey orders. Liang Ye once taught her that she must obey the commander's arrangement in the team.

Zhou Yuying flew to Liang Ye's side, and when she saw his white hair up close again, she felt sad for a while.Liang Ye's back looked very lonely. After losing his beloved, he rarely had contact with the outside world, and was only silent in revenge.

She noticed some black pieces of clothes floating on the sea, and then noticed Liang Ye's mood, and she understood it instantly.

Now Liang Ye has no goals, that's why he showed such emotions.

All the people involved in the hijacking had been cleared away, and Annabelle, who killed his comrade in arms, was also shattered that night. Liang Ye's revenge was completely over, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He missed Xiao Xiao.

"Annabelle is dead." Zhou Yuying whispered while pressing the intercom.

Everyone: "..."

This result came as a surprise to everyone.

Every time she confronts Annabelle, she will leave in the end, and even Zhou Yuying has difficulty tracking her location.Even when seriously injured, her teleport ability tends to work.

But today she died in the hands of Liang Ye. While he succeeded in revenge, he also solved a serious problem for the Ghost Task Force.

Now Liang Ye gives people the impression that he is deep, and people will feel that he is a person with a story when they look at him.

"Captain!" Zhou Yuying called softly.

Liang Ye's body moved, then turned around and looked at Zhou Yuying.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Yuying asked.

"What is good?"


Zhou Yuying didn't answer, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Go back and continue your mission. I came here today to kill Annabelle. Now that she's dead, I should go too."

After finishing speaking, a gust of wind blew gently, carrying Liang Ye's body into the sky.

"Wait!" Zhou Yuying quickly called to stop Liang Ye, and she flew to a position parallel to Liang Ye with the aircraft.

Liang Ye's eyes were a little hollow, which made Zhou Yuying very worried.

There are too many cases in this world about a person committing suicide after losing his goal. Zhou Yuying worried that Liang Ye would commit suicide.

"Captain, we all need you," Zhou Yuying said.

She hoped that Liang Ye could return to the Ghost Task Force, not because of his combat effectiveness, but because without him in the team, there was always a lack of soul.

"You are not children." Liang Ye turned his back to Zhou Yuying and said, "Let's just leave now."

After speaking, Liang Ye flew into the sky again.

Zhou Yuying's aircraft has a limited height, and she can no longer catch up with Liang Ye.

"Captain!" Zhou Yuying yelled again, and she said loudly, "Spring is here."

It's spring, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers.

Liang Ye paused during the flight, but finally disappeared into the sky.Zhou Yuying sighed softly, turned around and flew back in front of Lei Yu.

"He's gone." Zhou Yuying said.

"Did he say anything?" Claire asked anxiously.

Zhou Yuying shook her head lightly, she expressed her worries to everyone.Now Liang Ye has no goals, he doesn't know what to do next.

"Impossible, Boss is not that fragile." Lei Yu was sure, he knew Liang Ye very well, and believed that he would not do stupid things.

Indeed, no matter how sad and decadent Liang Ye was, he would not choose to die at this age.And this is what Xiao Xiao doesn't want to see, she mentioned this in her letter to Liang Ye.

After reassuring everyone, Lei Yu pressed down on the communicator and started a full-channel call.

"I'm Lei Yu, the captain of the Ghost Task Force. The mission is completed and the retreat begins. The follow-up work will be handled by the Science and Technology Department."

As he spoke, Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying and said, "Let Team A come back and contact Maldives to report the status of this mission."



The Ghost Task Force began to retreat in an orderly manner. On the other side, Liang Ye did not leave after flying to a high altitude. Instead, he looked down at the island from the air and watched everyone's every move.

He did have an impulse just now, wanting to leave with them and find a place to gather.But he suppressed this impulse in the end, he really didn't think about what identity he should use to face them.

The wound on Liang Ye's body was no longer bleeding, but the pain was real, and he was enduring the discomfort caused by the wound every second.

After a while, the members of the ghost task force boarded the fighter plane, and Liang Ye really flew into the distance.

Before Xiao Xiao died, Liang Ye was looking forward to flying because he wanted to fly against the wind with Xiao Xiao.But in the end, he was alone in the sky.

Liang Yefei landed on an uninhabited island and stopped. There was a lighthouse on the island, and the top of the tower was covered with rust.

The sun was slowly rising from the sea, and the sun shone on Liang Ye's body, bringing him a little warmth.

"That's great." Liang Ye let out a long sigh.

The sun cast a blinding light that hurt the eyes, and also added luster to the nearby clouds.

Liang Ye took off his combat uniform and fell asleep leaning against a stone.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun was already high in the sky, and the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket interrupted Liang Ye's sleep.

Few people knew about this phone number, so it attracted Liang Ye's attention immediately.

The incoming call was encrypted, so Liang Ye was not worried and pressed the answer button.

Even if someone tracks him, he is not afraid, because he can soar under the blue sky, and the speed can exceed the speed of a sonic fighter.

(End of this chapter)

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