Ghost Task Force

Chapter 594 is still open

Chapter 594 is still open
S City, Fenglin Villa District, Su Hong, the current ruler of the Su family, slapped the table hard, and shouted: "Bastard, how could that old Liang Anguo let a brat take over as the chairman?"

Su Hong has exaggerated red big wavy long hair. She is nearly forty years old and has maintained it very well. She looks only 30 years old.Although she is Su Tao's youngest daughter, she has the deepest city in the entire family, so that she controls the entire Su family.

This family has one of the best positions in S City, and the S City Economic Daily often broadcasts news about the Su family's industry.As the second largest shareholder of Yeshen Group, Su Tao holds 10% of the shares in his hand. He also has many trading companies under his name, all of which are run by Su Hong. It is very popular in S City.

After Su Tao's death, the most respected Su Hong naturally became his successor and became the second largest shareholder of the Yeshen Group.

Before Su Tao passed away, he had repeatedly stated that he must cooperate with Liang Anguo's work and obey his arrangements.But Su Hong was preoccupied with how to seize power, and tried every means to get Liang Anguo to step down.

In front of her, sat 4 five directors of the Yeshen Group's board of directors. These 4 people were the moths that Liang Anguo said had defected to Su Hong.

Now the members of the board of directors of the Yeshen Group are no longer those people at the beginning. The former board of directors were basically Liang Anguo's comrades-in-arms in the army. Those on the red side are all newly appointed directors.

Otherwise, according to the past, no matter how powerful Su Hong is, it is impossible to gain a firm foothold in the board of directors.

One of the directors, Gao Kun, said: "Yeshen was originally founded by him, so it's not surprising that his son took over his position."

"As long as the equity is still in our hands, neither Liang Anguo nor Liang Ye can move us. Liang Ye has been out of the public eye for a long time, and now he won't get the support of the entire group." Another Director Pan Ming followed suit.

"Which one of you has information about Liang Ye, I only know that this kid is only 22 years old." Su Hong panted, she was so angry that she smashed the TV just now.

Su Hong didn't know Liang Ye well, she only knew that Liang Anguo had a son named Liang Ye, and this most envied rich second generation rarely appeared in the eyes of the public, only attracted attention when he was in love with Xiao Xiao.

After Xiao Xiao died, he never appeared again.

"We should be careful about this young man." Ding Fu, the director sitting farthest away, said, "He is not a rich second generation who only spends money and enjoys himself."

"You know him?" Su Hong asked.

Ding Fu nodded, his face was full of worry, and he said: "Yeshen Group and the Strategic Security Bureau have a deep cooperative relationship. Liang Ye used to be a ninth-level agent of the Security Bureau. As far as I know, the ninth-level agent belongs to the deputy director. At the same time, he was the youngest lieutenant colonel in the navy. These things happened more than a year ago. At that time, he was only 21 years old. It proved that he was not easy to reach such a height at this age. But his girlfriend Xiao Xiao Because after the crash, he resigned from all positions and no one knows where he went."

After listening to Ding Fu's narration, Su Hong was a little disapproving. She snorted and said, "He must rely on Liang Anguo to do this. You must know that Liang Anguo was also a major general when he was in the army."

"I don't know about that." Ding Fu spread his hands.

"Is he a supernatural being?" Gao Kun asked.

With their status, of course they know that there are supernatural beings in this world, and at the same time, some rich people will also hire supernatural beings as bodyguards.

No matter how powerful an ordinary person is in combat, it is still difficult to defeat a supernatural being with superpowers.

"I don't know." Ding Fu shook his head and said, "But his individual combat ability is not weak."

These people don't know the existence of the Ghost Task Force. For the outside world, the Strategic Defense Bureau is not a big secret, but the Ghost Task Force is only known inside the Security Bureau.

The outside world only knows that the Strategic Security Bureau is responsible for dealing with various supernatural events, but they don't know that there is a task force composed of supernatural beings.

Su Hong slapped the table hard again, and said loudly: "I don't care so much, now he is my stumbling block."

Everyone showed firm expressions, only Ding Fu felt uneasy.

Liang Anguo knew that Su Hong wanted to seize power. When the top management was in turmoil, Liang Anguo chose to hand over the position to Liang Ye. Naturally, it was impossible just because Liang Ye was his son.

Therefore, this made Ding Fu feel uneasy.

Age doesn't explain everything. In Ding Fu's eyes, no matter how much Liang Anguo supports Liang Ye, Liang Ye has no certain ability, and it is impossible for Liang Ye to become a lieutenant colonel at the age of 21 and become a ninth-level special agent of the Strategic Security Bureau.

Ding Fu is not a fool to become a director of the Yeshen Group, and he feels more and more that things are not that simple.

At this moment, everyone's mobile phone received a text message alert.

"Liang Ye is going to hold a board meeting and requires all directors to attend." Pan Ming said.

"Do you want to establish dignity after meeting the reporters on the first day of taking office?" Gao Kun sneered twice, then stood up from his seat and said, "Let's go, go and meet the new chairman for a while. "


At the headquarters of the Yeshen Group, Liang Ye sat in the office used by his father Liang Anguo, looking at the information on the members of the board of directors sent by Li Han.

It took him one night to read through the materials of the Yeshen Group, and he had a thorough grasp of all the conditions of the group.

Calling a board meeting, he didn't actually have anything important to say, but he wanted to see the other nine people on the board.

Now the entire board of directors is divided into two factions, one is the power-seizure faction headed by Su Hong, who wants to seize control of the Yeshen Group.

The other faction is now headed by Liang Ye, and the other four directors are Liang Anguo's former comrades-in-arms, and they support Liang Anguo unconditionally.Now that Liang Ye became the new chairman, they also called Liang Anguo immediately, expressing that they would continue to support Liang Ye.

At this time, Li Han knocked on the door of the office and walked in with a cup of coffee.

Now Li Han has become Liang Ye's secretary, responsible for assisting Liang Ye in managing the entire group.To her surprise, Liang Ye only took one night to grasp the situation of the group. She thought it would take some time for Liang Ye to slowly understand the group, but Liang Ye once again showed his amazing ability.

When Li Han put the coffee on the table, Liang Ye raised his head and smiled at her, saying, "Thank you, Sister Li."

The moment he smelled the aroma of coffee, Liang Ye frowned, and before Li Han could speak, he quickly asked, "Where did this cup of coffee come from?"

"Master, it's in the coffee shop opposite the company, what's the matter, don't you like it?" Li Han replied.

"No wonder..." Liang Ye put down the document in his hand, his eyes began to fluctuate violently, "Is that coffee shop still open?"

"It's still open, young master. The employees like to drink coffee there." Li Han said.

(End of this chapter)

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