Ghost Task Force

Chapter 595 Perseverance

Chapter 595 Perseverance
Opposite the headquarters of the Yeshen Group, the Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe, which was once popular in China, is still open.

This is Xiao Xiao's hard work. She got a lot of writing inspiration in the coffee shop, but unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

The design inside was arranged by Xiao Xiao himself, and part of it was Liang Ye's idea, and the name was taken by Liang Ye.

For a long time, Liang Ye was unwilling to recall the existence of this coffee shop, once he remembered it would make him so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.

He didn't expect that he would drink coffee from this cafe again.

Liang Ye took a sip, and the bitter taste flowed into his throat, followed by a rich fragrance.

After a while, Liang Ye took a deep breath and asked, "How long is the board meeting?"

"There is still an hour, young master, several directors have to rush over from other places." Li Han replied.

"Then accompany me to the Four Seasons Sunshine."

After speaking, Liang Ye stood up.

He has read all the information on the desktop, and he has nothing to do before the board meeting.

"Alright young master." Li Han quickly followed his footsteps.

Today, Liang Ye is wearing a black suit and looks like a business elite.He doesn't like to dress so formally, but as the new chairman and president of the Yeshen Group, he doesn't want to be too casual.

He usually likes to wear casual clothes, but his new identity doesn't allow him to continue casually.

After taking over this position, what he will have to face in the future is various review documents, various business activities and receptions.

The group members were surprised by the appointment of the young master, but in addition to the surprise, many female employees were also excited, and Liang Ye's handsomeness successfully attracted them.

Leaving the headquarters building, besides secretary Li Han, Liang Ye was followed by four bodyguards of the Liang family.They were dressed in suits and sunglasses, looking around at all times to ensure Liang Ye's safety at all times.

To be honest, with Liang Ye's ability, he didn't need a bodyguard at all, but he also thought of his new identity, so he had no choice but to agree to his father's arrangement.

What Liang Anguo meant was that Liang Ye was no longer a soldier, but the leader of a large group. When he appeared as the chairman, he could no longer act casually.

Walking across the road, the familiar signboard came into view, and Liang Ye's heart began to beat violently.

He thought of the little things between himself and Xiao Xiao again.

On the day the coffee shop opened, the entrance was full of people. The baristas were busy from morning to night, and Liang Ye even transferred people from the group to help.

That day, Liang Ye showed his face on Xiao Xiao's social network for the first time, and netizens commented on his beauty.

The two of them did not miss each other here, and made the store manager Tao Zhiqing eat a lot of dog food.

Li Han sensed Liang Ye's emotions. As Liang Anguo's former secretary, of course she knew about Liang Ye's white hair.

She even felt a little sympathetic to Liang Ye, he was too infatuated, and the disadvantage of infatuation was that it was impossible for him to fall in love with other people.

Liang Ye walked into the coffee shop, and he glanced around, the layout inside was still the same as before, not changed at all.Because it was a working day, not many people came to drink coffee, and there was a couple sitting in the corner talking about love.

The employees in the coffee shop were no longer the ones Liang Ye knew, except for the store manager Tao Zhiqing.

Seeing Liang Ye's arrival, Tao Zhiqing immediately widened her eyes and subconsciously stood up from her seat.

"Long time no see." Liang Ye smiled at her.


"Why have you stayed here all this time?" Liang Ye sat on the deck, looking at Tao Zhiqing opposite.

Li Han sat at the table next door, while the four bodyguards stood guard outside the coffee shop.

"Because this is sister Xiao Xiao's hard work, and I also thought that you will come back one day." Tao Zhiqing replied.

From Liang Ye's eyes, Tao Zhiqing could see that he had gone through too much, probably because of the emotion of touching the scene, there was a hint of sadness in Liang Ye's eyes.

She also knew that Liang Ye's hair turned white all night because of Xiao Xiao. Although Liang Ye has now dyed his hair black, there are still a few hairs on his forehead that are still white.

This was done on purpose by Liang Ye. He didn't want it to be completely black, so he left a few on purpose.

Some sorrows can gradually fade with the passage of time, and some sorrows can be forgotten, but Liang Ye's sorrow will not.

He will never let go of the pain of losing Xiao Xiao, even if he can get what others can't dream of at any time, he still won't be the slightest bit happy.

"Why do you have such confidence in me?" Liang Ye asked curiously.

Tao Zhiqing smiled lightly, and said, "Deng Xuan told me that he would always have confidence in you."

"Deng Xuan?" Liang Ye was stunned for a moment, he suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask: "Is he a regular visitor here?"

"It's not just Deng Xuan, they are all regulars here."

The "they" in Tao Zhiqing's mouth refers to the Ghost Task Force.

Liang Ye is not here, the task force members will still come here often, drink coffee, and chat about things outside of work.

Tang Hao will also come with his wife and daughter. Tao Zhiqing is very familiar with the members of the Ghost Task Force now.

When she mentioned Deng Xuan, a trace of happiness flashed in her eyes.

This attracted Liang Ye's attention.

"It seems that you and Deng Xuan are together." Liang Ye said.

Tao Zhiqing nodded and said, "Half a year ago."

"Very good, Deng Xuan is a good man." Liang Ye picked up the coffee and took a sip, of course he wished for Deng Xuan and Tao Zhiqing's love.

The members of the Ghost Task Force are not bothered, and they are very sincere in dealing with their feelings. Tao Zhiqing is also a good girl, and she is a good match with Deng Xuan.

When there is no need for missions, Deng Xuan will come to the coffee shop to accompany Tao Zhiqing, and if necessary, he will also help with chores.

"Now that you're back, I think the coffee shop should be handed over to you, Mr. Liang."

Tao Zhiqing suddenly looked very formal, and the change in her tone and address made Liang Ye stunned.

Tao Zhiqing had already read the news that Liang Ye became the new chairman of the Yeshen Group, so she called out such a title.

She was indeed waiting for Liang Ye to give new instructions. She never felt that she was the owner of Four Seasons Sunshine because she ran Four Seasons Sunshine.

This coffee shop will always belong to Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao, and Tao Zhiqing is just helping them manage the place.

Liang Ye shook his head slightly after pondering for two seconds, and said with downcast eyes: "No, you have taken care of the coffee shop very well, so what's the point of handing it over to me?"

"But it belongs to you, sister Xiao Xiao." Tao Zhiqing said.

"Thank you for thinking so. In this case, I ask you to continue to manage this cafe."

Liang Ye used the word request, and he was really grateful to Tao Zhiqing in his heart.

If it wasn't for her insistence, the Four Seasons Sunshine would have closed the door long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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