Ghost Task Force

Chapter 597 Board of Directors

Chapter 597 Board of Directors

Yeshen Group headquarters, board meeting room.

This was Liang Ye's first day in office, and also the first board meeting. Of the nine board members, only four had seen Liang Ye, and it was at the Wraith fighter seminar more than a year ago.

The other five directors of the power-seizure faction had never met Liang Ye, and they were somewhat curious about how capable this 22-year-old young man was.

There are still 3 minutes before the start of the meeting. Except for Liang Ye, all the other directors have arrived.

"What's going on, you still want us to wait?" Su Hong was irritable, seeing that Liang Ye hadn't arrived yet, she was the first to complain.

"The meeting time is set at 11 o'clock, and it will start in 3 minutes. What are you in a hurry for?" a director said.

The director is Zhang Wei, Liang Anguo's comrade-in-arms and his staunch supporter.

He is also the oldest director on the board, 55 years old, with gray hair at the temples.

Su Hong glared at Zhang Wei, and said sarcastically, "I just can't understand these people who like to put on airs, making so many of us wait here."

At this moment, Liang Ye's voice reached everyone's ears.

"I think, as the chairman of the board, it's not too much to ask everyone to wait for a few minutes."

I saw Liang Ye in a black suit striding into the meeting room, his eyes swept over everyone in the meeting room, the faint smile on the corner of his mouth looked very comfortable, and seemed to have a trace of rejection. It's freezing outside.

And his voice sounded very flat, but it made the directors tremble slightly in their hearts.

"What a coercion!" Zhang Wei was surprised in his heart.

The directors stood up one after another, and they all kept their eyes on Liang Ye. Only Su Hong didn't stand up. She looked at Liang Ye with aggressive eyes, as if she wanted to kill Liang Ye with her eyes.

The four directors who supported Su Hong also stood, thinking to themselves that they should not be too arrogant now.

Liang Ye ignored Su Hong, walked to the main seat in the conference room, smiled and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

Everyone sat down one after another, but without waiting for Liang Ye to speak, Su Hong said arrogantly: "Chairman Liang, don't forget that there are elders present, even if you are the chairman, it's not good to keep so many elders waiting." .”

As soon as Liang Ye sat down, he heard Su Hong complaining again. Based on these few words, he roughly understood what kind of person Su Hong was.

The directors who supported Liang Ye stared at Su Hong with anger in their eyes. Her arrogance made them very angry.

But Su Hong didn't care about the eyes of other directors, she still looked at Liang Ye arrogantly, she was waiting for Liang Ye's response.

When facing Liang Anguo, Su Hong did not dare to do this. Even if she wanted to seize power, no matter how dissatisfied she was with Liang Anguo in her heart, Su Hong would not show such an arrogant look.

Liang Anguo used to be a general, if his coercion was fully released, it would scare Su Hong so much that he couldn't stand still.

Facing Liang Ye, Su Hong couldn't believe how powerful this young man was.

Without waiting for the rest of the directors to talk about Su Hong, Liang Ye met Su Hong's gaze, then smiled and said, "You talk a lot."

Liang Ye didn't curse anyone, nor did he use his own identity to refute Su Hong, but simply complained about Su Hong's talkativeness.

As soon as these words came out, Su Hong's face changed suddenly, she never thought that Liang Ye would say that about herself.

Zhang Wei felt a burst of relief in his heart, and his admiration for Liang Ye increased.

Gao Kun and the others also changed their expressions slightly, they were surprised by Liang Ye's steadfastness.Facing Su Hong's provocation, he didn't even show an angry expression. Instead, he smiled and refuted with a very simple sentence, which made them a little uneasy.

Su Hong was so angry that her breathing was a little difficult. She pointed at Liang Ye and said loudly, " dare to say that about me!"

"Because you're the one who talks the most nonsense here." Liang Ye continued to say with a smile.

"One thing to say, chairman, Su Hong is an important member of the board of directors..." Gao Kun said.

Liang Ye knew Gao Kun, he had read the information of all the directors, and he knew who were moths.

"Then tell me, which one of the directors present is not important?" Liang Ye asked back.

Gao Kun: "..."

He was speechless for a while.

Su Hong stood up, panting, and said loudly: "Liang Ye, you want the new official to take office three times, to establish dignity, don't you?"

The directors who supported her kept their eyes on Liang Ye. They were also very curious about the sudden meeting of the board of directors, and what purpose Liang Ye had.

"Su Hong, what are you talking about?" Zhang Wei scolded.

"I said you are that excited?" Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, he really felt a little ridiculous at Su Hong's unreasonable trouble.

He began to wonder why Su Tao valued Su Hong so much. With Su Hong's bad temper and arrogance, she couldn't win people's hearts through her character.

Those directors who turned to her were probably also tempted by the benefits she proposed.

"Don't get mad at yourself, it won't be good when all the wrinkles come out, but it should be very difficult for you to have no wrinkles at your age." Liang Ye crossed his legs and took the tea that Li Han poured for himself. Take a sip.

Su Hong only felt a sweetness in her throat, and was so angry that she almost spat out blood.

With just a few words, she was already defeated.

"You..." Su Hong had the urge to tear Liang Ye into pieces.

"Okay, the chairman has the power to call a board meeting, Su Hong, sit down, don't waste any more time!" Zhang Wei came out to smooth things over.

Although he was very happy to see Su Hong being bullied, it would not be a good thing to continue.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang." Liang Ye smiled at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei nodded. He didn't think that Liang Ye couldn't do things well because he was young. He supported Liang Ye 100% when he came to power.

"I convened the board meeting today. First of all, I want to meet you. The development of the group is inseparable from the decisions of the directors. Here, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts on behalf of my father."

When he said these words, Liang Ye looked at the four directors who supported him. He was using actions to show that he was speaking to them, not to Su Hong and the others.

This once again pissed Su Hong off to death.

"It mainly depends on your father's wise leadership." Director Ma Tai said.

Ma Tai and Liang Anguo are about the same age. He and Liang Anguo used to train in the same training team and have a deep friendship with him.

Liang Ye smiled at Ma Tai, and then continued: "Secondly, I want to readjust the investment plan. I reorganized the plan last night and put it on everyone's desk."

Everyone picked up the information on the desktop and looked at it. Only Su Hong didn't read it. She said: "The investment plan has been decided at the last board meeting, and part of it has already been implemented. What are you doing?"

Liang Ye shrugged and said, "I know, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed."

(End of this chapter)

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