Ghost Task Force

Chapter 598 Viewpoints

Chapter 598 Viewpoints
Liang Ye made a detailed investigation and found that in the previous investment plan, there were 3 companies related to Su Hong.

She is sucking the blood of the Yagami Group!

Su Hong took advantage of her position on the board of directors to find ways to transfer funds from the Yeshen Group to her companies.Although none of those companies had her name on them, and the person in charge had nothing to do with her on the surface, it was not difficult for Liang Ye to find out, all he needed was to check the capital flow of those companies.

This is where Eileen Carroll's intelligence agency can help. Now Liang Ye has grasped the companies related to Su Hong, and he knows exactly which ones are sucking the blood of the Yeshen Group.

As for the several directors who were on her side, Liang Ye also knew their situation.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle, and now Liang Ye is trying to find a way to get rid of them all.

It is impossible to directly expel the board of directors. Su Hong holds 10% of the shares and is the second largest shareholder of the Yeshen Group, unless she is allowed to voluntarily give up the shares.

The first thing Liang Ye has to do now is to prevent Su Hong from continuing to withdraw funds from the group, so he has to revise the investment plan on his first day in office.

The reason why this plan was passed last time was mainly because no one knew that those companies had a relationship with Su Hong, and those companies were all emerging technology industries, and there was no flaw on the surface.

That's why the unanimous approval of the board of directors was obtained at that time. At that time, Su Hong hadn't shown her minions. When Liang Anguo found out, his body was no longer strong enough to support him to continue to deal with these matters, so he had to put Liang Ye called back.

He firmly believes that Liang Ye can reshuffle the board of directors and stabilize the top management of the Yeshen Group.

Liang Ye has shown amazing business talent since he was a child. In high school, his few suggestions made Ye Shen Group a huge profit.This was also the reason why the directors who supported Liang Anguo felt at ease with Liang Ye.

"Chairman, the plan of the last resolution has been implemented. We have already invested half of the funds, and the other half will be released soon. Now you have to stop the investment in 3 of the companies. The money invested will not be recovered. It is." Gao Kun said hastily.

The investment of Yeshen Group will be carried out in stages, half of which will be given first, and then the remaining half will be given to the company after watching the development of the company.There has never been a suspension of investment before. They did not expect that Liang Ye would modify the investment plan, which would affect the interests of Su Hong, so Gao Kun was the first to express his opinion.

"I don't intend to take it back either." Liang Ye tapped the table with his fingers, and said in a deep voice: "We have already given half of the investment funds, and we have the right not to give the remaining half. I think those companies don't need to use it." With so much money, I would rather invest the money in high-end equipment manufacturing.”

"That was your father's decision. Do you want to deny him now?" Su Hong said with a cold face.

She already understood that Liang Ye was suppressing her. Those three companies were pawns she used to absorb funds from the Yeshen Group, but Liang Ye didn't tell the truth. It's hard to refute.

Yeshen Group has been vigorously developing aerospace, marine engineering equipment, and high-end intelligent equipment, covering a wide range of fields. Liang Anguo proposed a ten-year plan for high-end equipment manufacturing more than a year ago, and this plan was approved by the military. Support, has signed a number of cooperation in advance.

So Liang Ye said that he would rather invest money in it, and no one on the board of directors could have a reason to refute it for a while.

"My dad said that he supports any decision I make. If any director present is dissatisfied, you can call my dad right now." Liang Ye turned the pen in his hand, looked at Su Hong and the others, and said with a smile: " And I am the chairman, I have the power to modify this plan."

"Chairman, there is never a shortage of research funds for high-end equipment manufacturing. Although money is spent, the benefits are already very considerable. Why do you want to increase investment?" Ding Fu asked.

He asked this question without any stance, but simply wanted to know what kind of consideration Liang Ye had in mind.

Whether it is now or in the long run, there will be no obstacles to the development of the ten-year plan, and the funds are already sufficient. In Ding Fu's view, increasing investment may not necessarily bring more benefits.

This question was actually what Zhang Wei wanted to ask, but out of the idea of ​​supporting Liang Ye, he still wanted to ask it in private, and he unconditionally supported Liang Ye at the meeting.

Now that Ding Fu asked this question, Zhang Wei and others turned their attention to Liang Ye, waiting for his answer.

As for Su Hong, she didn't care what Liang Ye thought at all, she only cared about the loss of money.

Liang Ye interrupted the follow-up investment, which cost her more than 100 billion, so she was very upset.

"Because this is the trend, not just the Strategic Defense Bureau, our cooperation with the military is gradually strengthening. I think at this time, we need to increase investment. Cooperation with the military is beneficial and harmless. With stronger manpower and material resources, we can shorten the time for R&D and production, and we can do more things with the free time.”

As he spoke, Liang Ye glanced at the meeting room, and found that except for Su Hong, the rest of the people were listening very carefully.

"As for the investment in those so-called new coating materials, it is not necessary, because we have the relevant technology. I read the industry introduction of that company, and I feel that it is not as good as ours. In the long run, such a Investing is wasting money."

Although Liang Ye is not a professional scientist, his point of view makes it difficult to find rebuttals. The members of the board of directors thought about it in their hearts, and it seemed that this was really the case.

"I agree with the chairman's point of view." Zhang Wei said.

The directors on Liang Ye's side all agreed that even if the investment was interrupted, they would lose a lot of money, but the Yeshen Group was not short of this money.

Su Hong's eyes rolled quickly, she was thinking about how to stop Liang Ye.

However, it is obvious that this is not possible. Liang Ye's thinking is for the sake of the Yeshen Group. At this time, Su Hong can't think of a reason to deal with him.

"The chairman is really far-sighted." Ma Tai echoed.

"Since everyone has no opinion, that's it." Liang Ye said.

"How can you guarantee that this will bring greater benefits?" Su Hong was still dying.

Even Gao Kun and the others didn't speak anymore, because they didn't have enough reasons, and Su Hong still refused to give up.

Liang Ye glanced at Su Hong, and said in a flat tone: "I have no guarantee, and I don't want to guarantee it. Can't every decision we make here be called gambling? Time will give us the answer. We just need to Just have faith."

(End of this chapter)

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