Ghost Task Force

Chapter 599 See You Again

Chapter 599 See You Again
The board meeting lasted only half an hour. After revising the investment plan, Liang Ye discussed some businesses of the Yeshen Group with the board, and then ended the meeting.

The fields involved by the Yeshen Group are too broad, including all aspects of society, entertainment, energy, medical care, aviation, transportation, aircraft manufacturing, biotechnology, chemistry, manufacturing, mining, securities, steel, weapons, etc., especially at the beginning After the annexation of Weixi Pharmaceutical, the medical industry of Yeshen Group has grown stronger.

Sitting in the position of chairman and president of Yeshen Group, every decision may result in the flow of tens of billions of funds. Liang Ye finally understands the pressure of his father. It is really not easy to manage this company well.

After the meeting, Zhang Wei and others invited Liang Ye to have lunch together. Liang Ye smiled and declined because he had a group of very important guests.

Only Su Hong walked away with a dark face. During the meeting, she resisted the urge to slap the table. In the subsequent discussion, she was the only one who did not speak.


After sitting in her own car, Su Hong vented her long suppressed anger.

"This Liang Ye is too smart, he is really only 22 years old?" Gao Kun, who was sitting next to Su Hong, frowned, and said, "How did he completely master the group's business in a short period of time, unless Liang Anguo has spent so many years?" I have been cultivating him in secret."

"Not only did he suspend the investment, but he also canceled the cooperation with my company." Su Hong gritted her teeth and said slowly, "He came after me today."

Gao Kun sighed and said, "We have to think of another countermeasure."

Today's meeting caused Su Hong a lot of losses, and made them have to look at Liang Ye again.

Not long after Liang Ye returned to the office, Li Han knocked on the door, and she said, "Master, your comrades are here."

Hearing her words, Liang Ye quickly stood up from his seat, "Let them in."

As soon as the words fell, all the members of the ghost task force walked in, and familiar faces appeared in front of him again, and Liang Ye felt excited inside.

He is no longer the ruthless killer who only lives for revenge. Now he can use his new identity to meet his former comrades-in-arms, and he no longer needs to hide.

"Actually, we really want to send a flower basket, after all, today is your first day in office." Lei Yu walked to the desk and stopped, and said with a smile: "But then I suddenly thought that sending flower baskets is too common, after all, it is not Opening, I thought about it for a long time but didn't think of what to give, so I didn't give it away at all."

Liang Ye: "..."

Lei Yu's words abruptly made Liang Ye laugh. Liang Ye walked out from behind the desk, stretched out his hand towards Lei Yu, and said with a smile, "Big brother, your reason really makes me unable to refute it."

The two good friends who grew up together meet again. Although they fought side by side a day ago, the feeling this time is different from before.

"Brother Liang Ye!"

Claire, who was blocked by Chen Xiaolang, pushed him away, trotted to Liang Ye, and threw herself into his arms.

Her actions made everyone dumbfounded, Chen Xiaolang who was pushed away was even more aggrieved, just now Claire pushed him with a lot of strength, if Claire used the supernatural power, he might be pushed away.

"You little girl, your strength has become so great." Liang Ye touched Claire's little head, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't go far anymore in the future."

I won't go far in the future.

Claire's eyes turned red when she heard these words, she buried her head deeply in Liang Ye's arms, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Welcome back, Captain!" Zhou Yuying said.

"Welcome back, Captain!" Everyone followed suit, and Li Han outside could hear these neat words clearly.

As a seventh-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, Li Han certainly knows what the ghost task force is like. Even though Liang Ye has been away for so long, their feelings for Liang Ye have never changed, which makes her very admired.

"Thank you everyone, I'm no longer your captain." Liang Ye said.

Zhou Yuying took a step forward and said, "No, no, no, I still have the same point of view. One day is the captain, and the whole life is the captain."

She said this sentence when Liang Ye set off to track down the hijacked plane. It was also on that day that Liang Ye first said the word "resign" to the director Li Shan.

The task force members now call Lei Yu "Captain Lei". Although it is more appropriate to call Liang Ye "Mr. Liang" now, they still insist on calling Liang Ye "Captain" because they are used to it.

"Yes, yes, yes." Everyone echoed.

"That's fine." Liang Ye knew that he couldn't persuade them.

The task force members respected Liang Ye from the bottom of their hearts. Even though his hands were stained with blood over the past year, they still would not change their views on Liang Ye.

"Captain, your office is really nice." Deng Xuan looked around with envy, "I feel that your office is almost bigger than my house."

"That's right, this is much more grand than the office in the bureau." Tang Hao followed up.

Liang Ye smiled awkwardly, and said: "This office was originally used by my dad, and the decoration here was also requested by him. It really has nothing to do with me. Let's have lunch together. It's already time. It’s been a long time since we talked about the old days.”

"Yes, but will it disturb your work, Boss?" Lei Yu asked.

"No, today's most important meeting is over." As he spoke, Liang Ye looked out of the office door and said to Li Han, "Sister Li, let the restaurant get ready, and I will have dinner with my comrades."

"Okay, young master, I'll arrange it right away." Li Han responded quickly.

Everyone knows Li Han, she is a seventh-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, and she is also Liang Anguo's secretary.

But now, she is Liang Ye's secretary.

This made them immediately think of Lan Siqi, who was a staunch supporter of Liang Ye, and she also left the Strategic Security Bureau because Li Shan gave the order to hunt down Liang Ye.

"Okay, Claire, let's go eat first." Liang Ye patted Claire's head gently, and said with a smile: "You have already gone to college and grown up, so you can't stick to me all the time."

Liang Ye treated Claire as his younger sister, and spoke in a very gentle tone.

Claire just left Liang Ye's arms, her eyes still red.

"She misses you so much, Captain." Zhou Yuying said.

"I know." Liang Ye smiled and stretched out his hand, wiping the tears from the corners of Claire's eyes.

At this time, Li Han gently knocked on the door and said, "Master, the restaurant is ready."

Liang Ye glanced at the crowd and said with a smile: "Let's go to the restaurant. Today I will show you the food of our Yeshen Group. It should be better than that of the bureau."

(End of this chapter)

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