Ghost Task Force

Chapter 600 Lunch

Chapter 600 Lunch
Yeshen Group implements a buffet system, while high-level executives have round meals. Liang Yezai seldom ate here before, and he didn't like to use too many privileges at that time.

Although he is young, he is Liang Anguo's son after all, equivalent to the young master of the Yeshen Group, and has also taken over Liang Anguo's position. Except for Su Hong and others, no one in the group dares to have the slightest opinion on him.

Seeing Liang Ye walking into the restaurant, the employees who were dining stood up one after another. In their hearts, they were still full of curiosity about the young master.

From morning to now, many people have been discussing about Liang Ye, curious about his life and experiences.And Xiao Xiao used to be the director of the planning department of the group. Although his tenure was very short, he was unanimously recognized by the staff of the planning department. After Xiao Xiao died, Liang Ye disappeared and did not appear in the eyes of the public again until today.

And his reappearance is to become the ruler of the Night God Group.

This caused turmoil in the entire Shenzhou.

The media was full of speculation about Liang Ye's succession, calling the propaganda department of the Yeshen Group one after another, but they couldn't get an answer.

Because the propaganda department didn't know why Liang Anhui let Liang Ye take over at this time.

Under normal circumstances, the chairman would dine with senior executives above the vice president, but Liang Ye's first meal in the company was with his comrades.

Until now, he has not met with these high-level officials.

After Liang Ye and the others sat down, the waiters began to serve dishes one after another. The environment of this private room was no less than that of a five-star hotel outside, and the task force couldn't help but let out a "wow".

"Tut tsk tsk." Lei Yu glanced around and sighed, "I should have eaten here more often before, it's so luxurious."

"I said, it should be better than the one in the game." Liang Ye laughed.

One of the dishes delivered was a sashimi platter, which was Liang Ye's favorite dish recently. Li Han probably knew Liang Ye's eating habits, so he specially asked the kitchen to prepare such a dish.

Claire, who didn't speak much, jumped up at this moment, pointing to the sashimi platter and shouting: "I like this!"

Liang Ye pinched her face and said with a smile: "I like it, let's eat first, we will add more after eating."

"The food here is really good." Tang Hao looked at the dishes being served one after another, and said, "Working here, I'm afraid I'm going to grow meat in a few days."

"Hahaha, it's okay. We pay more attention to balanced nutrition. Vegetables and fruits are all organic." Liang Ye said.

There are a total of 12 dishes, and everyone is dazzled.

Liang Ye was very aware of the food intake of the task force members. These dishes seemed to be a lot, but there would definitely be no leftovers.

"Let's eat first, let's chat while eating." Liang Ye picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of salmon sashimi for Claire.

Claire was sitting next to him, afraid that Liang Ye would disappear suddenly.

"Captain, why did you suddenly take over Uncle Liang's position?" Zhou Yuying asked a question that everyone wanted to ask.

Everyone is the most familiar comrade in arms, so they will not be too taboo, and Liang Ye will not hide anything from them.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye stopped his chopsticks, pondered for a while and said: "My father's health is not very good. At this time, someone in the board of directors wants to seize power. If they succeed, then the Yeshen Group will not It belongs to our Liang family again."

These two not-so-good news made everyone who had been eating well subconsciously stop, and all their eyes rested on Liang Ye.

"I only came back to Shenzhou after receiving my father's notice yesterday, otherwise I should still be traveling somewhere in Europe at this time." Liang Ye leaned his back on the chair and said, "Actually, I have been traveling since I was a child." I don't like business, but my dad's body is not strong enough to handle the board of directors, so I'm here."

Liang Ye didn't like business matters, Lei Yu knew it very well, he was very surprised when he saw the news in the morning, but now after listening to Liang Ye's narration, he finally understood everything.

"What happened to Uncle Liang's body?" Lei Yu asked.

"Stable angina is not a major problem, but we hope it can be cured. Now he is treating high blood pressure, and he can have surgery when his blood pressure stabilizes."

"The disease itself is not a big problem, but since Uncle Liang has high blood pressure, he should be more careful." Zhou Yuying said.

Zhou Yuying is a doctor of medicine. When Liang Ye mentioned the name of the disease, her inner worries were slightly reduced.

Liang Ye nodded and said, "That's right, Xu Lizhi, a cardiologist from S Central Hospital, is in charge of the treatment. He is also well-known in the industry. I am very relieved."

Hearing Liang Ye mention Xu Lizhi, Zhou Yuying slapped her head and said, "Xu Lizhi, I know him. We had dinner together when we were engaged in academic exchanges."

Her reaction made Deng Xuan very curious, and couldn't help asking: "Why do you know everyone?"

"Because I'm very knowledgeable." Zhou Yuying blinked at him, a rare compliment to herself.

"Well, I lost." Deng Xuan decided not to entangle her with this issue, the more he talked, the easier it was to be hit.

"Then when Uncle Liang recovers, will you continue to serve as the chairman?" Lei Yu continued to ask.

He brought his team members to meet Liang Ye today, not only to reminisce about the old days, but also to know Liang Ye's plans for the future.Now Liang Ye's emotions are very stable, and he is no longer shrouded in sadness all the time like before.

"Let's talk about it at that time. To be honest, I really hope my dad gets better soon. I don't want to sit in this seat for a long time." Liang Ye complained.

He really doesn't like business in his heart, but he has the ability in this area.

Hearing Liang Ye's complaints, Chen Xiaolang couldn't help but said: "Tsk tsk tsk, Captain Liang, you are the richest man in China. How many people envy your status. I really want to hug your thigh now."

Liang Ye shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said, "My dad worked hard for these things, and I never felt that they belonged to me."

"But one day it will be passed on to you. I heard from my dad that Uncle Liang named the company Yeshen because of you, the boss." Lei Yu added.

This is true. It is precisely because his son's name is Liang Ye that Liang Anguo named him Ye Shen when he founded the company.

Liang Ye didn't think about it that much, he never wanted to think about these issues.

Lei Yu sensed Liang Ye's thoughts and quickly changed the subject, "By the way, the boss, the bureau has revoked the order to hunt you down this morning. I think Director Li Shan will ask you to meet soon."

"It's nothing, we need to meet. The cooperation between the group and the Security Bureau is also gradually strengthening. No matter who leads the company, this cooperation cannot be suspended." Liang Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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