Ghost Task Force

Chapter 601 Technical Consultants

Chapter 601 Technical Consultants

The cooperation between the Night God Group and the Strategic Defense Bureau is a win-win situation, the former has obtained huge benefits, and the latter has received sufficient support.

Su Hong, who wanted to seize power wholeheartedly, did not dare to interfere with the cooperation with the Strategic Security Bureau. At the same time, the Security Bureau is an intelligence agency, and it couldn't be easier to investigate the stains on a person.

Today, the Strategic Security Bureau is building training bases and sub-stations all over the world, all relying on the Yeshen Group for construction.

"In fact, we hope that you can come back to lead the task force. The position of captain will always be yours." Lei Yu said what he had always wanted to say.

Even though he had been the captain much longer than Liang Ye, he always felt in his heart that Liang Ye was the real captain and he was just a proxy.

Everyone looked at Liang Ye, waiting for his answer.

Even though they all knew that with Liang Ye's current status, it was impossible for him to go back to be the commander of a task force, but they wanted to hear Liang Ye express his thoughts more personally.

"No, you're doing better than me." Liang Ye put down his chopsticks, reached out and patted Lei Yu's shoulder, and said, "You have led this team very well for more than a year, whether it is the army or the defense In bureaus, there will always be a constant flow of personnel, as will the commander, I just formed this team, and you are the one who makes the team achieve results."

Although he is no longer an agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, Liang Ye knows the internal system very well, so he often browses the mission records of the Ghost Task Force.

For more than a year, Lei Yu has led the team to nip many dangers in their cradles. It is no exaggeration to say that they have saved the world many times.

"However, I can assure you that when you need me, I will definitely come to you and continue to fight side by side with you."

Liang Ye expressed his promise.

In the dead of night, why didn't he miss the time he spent with these comrades-in-arms.This is different from when he was in the army. Many times he has to hide himself and cannot use too many abilities.

In Ghost Task Force, everyone has superpowers, and he doesn't need to hide anymore.

There is one point in Annabel's words. He has to admit that people with supernatural abilities are indeed of the same kind. Once people with superpowers appear in their lives, what they have to face is people's fear, disgust, and even hunting. killing and ruthless human experimentation.

The Ghost Task Force led by Thunderstorm has been fighting illegal human experiments for a long time, saving the lives of many supernatural beings, many of them children.

These supernatural beings were all sent to the secret sanatorium of the Strategic Security Bureau, where they would receive all-round care and education.These children, with potential, will be raised as the next generation of Ghost Squad.

And this is Lei Yu's idea.

That's why Liang Ye said that the person who made the team achieve results was Lei Yu.

Hearing Liang Ye's assurance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because Liang Ye was not far away from them, but because of his status, he could not return to the Strategic Security Bureau for the time being.

Another point is that Liang Ye resigned because of Xiao Xiao, and the ending was sad, and he couldn't let go of the pain.

"Captain, is there anything we can help with regarding the board of directors?" Zhou Yuying asked.

Dealing with the problems of the board of directors is Liang Ye's top priority now, and Zhou Yuying hopes to help.

"I really need to use your ingenuity. In other words, I might as well hire you as the technical consultant of the group, with an annual salary of one million." Liang Ye suggested.

"Damn?" Everyone was surprised for a while, and then looked at Zhou Yuying with envious eyes.

The annual salary of each task force member is only this amount, and now Zhou Yuying earns twice as much as them.

How could Zhou Yuying refuse Liang Ye's request, she quickly responded: "No problem, then what do I need to do?"

She has long been authorized to enter any research and development institution of the Yeshen Group, and now Liang Ye hired her as a technical consultant. On the surface, she needs her help. In fact, Liang Ye also wants to further develop her ability.

This is another win-win situation.

"In the future, I will let Sister Li contact you directly. Usually, there is nothing that will bother you. You still mainly work in the bureau." Liang Ye said.

The meal lasted for nearly two hours, and the task force members were finally able to catch up with Liang Ye. If Liang Ye didn't have work in the afternoon, they could chat until the evening.

They could all clearly feel the changes in Liang Ye, and now he gave the impression that he was a business elite, full of boss demeanor.

Liang Ye's temperament seemed to change with his identity. When he was a soldier, he always had a sense of justice.

Li Han was in charge of sending the task force members out of the group headquarters, while Liang Ye returned to his office. He was going to meet with senior executives above the vice president of the Yeshen Group.

He had to know who among the top management had turned against Su Hong.

Everyone came to the underground parking lot of the Yeshen Group. Lei Yu opened the car door, but instead of getting in the car, he turned to look at Li Han and asked, "Sister Li, how is your boss doing now?"

Li Han has been Liang Anguo's secretary for many years, so Lei Yu knew her a long time ago.

Liang Ye usually knows how to hide himself, but he talked too much just now, and Lei Yu forgot to ask.

"The young master has only been back for a day, but according to my observation, he should be in a bad sleep state." Li Han replied.

To be able to be Liang Anguo's secretary for such a long time, Li Han's ability must be beyond words.

Liang Ye really didn't sleep well. Since Xiao Xiao's death, his sleep quality has plummeted, and he often wakes up in the middle of the night.

"Yueling, what can you do?" Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying.

"I can prepare some medicine to relieve the captain's insomnia symptoms without any side effects." Zhou Yuying said hastily.

Lei Yu nodded and said, "Then you will do this after you return to the headquarters, and send it over in the afternoon."

"I thank everyone on behalf of the young master." Li Han smiled and bowed slightly towards them.

The physical and emotional condition of Liang Ye is what the special task force members are most worried about. They are anxious to meet Liang Ye today, and they also want to get to know his situation through close contact, but they don't find anything wrong. Also very stable.

With Liang Ye's current physical strength, as long as the injury is not fatal, he can recover quickly.The wound he suffered during the battle with Annabelle healed by one-third in just one day, and it didn't affect his life at all.

But poor sleep is still his biggest problem.

In the chat just now, Lei Yu said that regardless of whether Director Li Shan agrees or not, the Ghost Task Force will always be Liang Ye's biggest supporter.

In other words, Liang Ye still has the power to mobilize the task force at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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