Chapter 603
Liang Ye didn't respond to Zhou Yuying, he was leaning on the desk, his eyes were slightly red.

"I think Xiao Xiao must have encouraged you to start a new life. Now that you have successfully taken the first step, this is a good sign. What you need now is to find a partner to spend the rest of your life with you." Zhou Yuying continued.

At least Liang Ye now has a new identity, and he is no longer wandering alone like before.

If Liang Anguo didn't let Liang Ye come back, then he must be traveling in a European country now, and he won't return to Shenzhou for a long time.

For him, there is too much sadness here.

Liang Ye closed his eyes, lowered his head and said, "Yueling, I have found a partner."

"That's the problem, you've lost her, you haven't lived your life well all these years, you've been living with revenge, the poisonous snake has been removed, but you still won't be happy, you'll have insomnia, you'll blame yourself, You will be woken up by nightmares in the dead of night. Captain Lei and I both hoped that you would never come back to this city. Apart from pain and sorrow, this place can no longer give you happiness and heartfelt laughter. We all hope that you can To have more, I believe Xiao Xiao also thinks so."


At twelve o'clock in the morning, after reviewing the documents submitted by Liang Yejiang, he realized that it was so late.

His first day on the job was solid.

Li Han knocked on the door lightly, and presented the next day's itinerary to Liang Ye for review.

The next day's activity arrangement was arranged by Liang Ye before he took office. From morning to night, Liang Ye had to stay abroad. He first wanted to go to Spain to participate in the signing ceremony of a project, a total of 700 billion cooperation, in the evening he Also rushed to Gothenburg, Sweden to attend a charity dinner.

"I see." After reading the itinerary, Liang Ye handed it back to Li Han, who rubbed his temples with some headache.

Since he was a child, he didn't like to participate in these activities, but now he represents the Yeshen Group, and he has no choice.

"Master, S City Economic Daily would like to do an exclusive interview with you the day after tomorrow." Li Han said.

"I don't accept it. I only showed my face in the morning. I won't be interviewed by the media in the near future." Liang Ye refused without even thinking about it. Now he has no mind to deal with the media.

Although media reviews can easily affect a company's reputation, Liang Ye didn't care too much. Yeshen Group is already one of the best companies in the world. No matter how the media commented, it would not affect the group's operations in the slightest.

Li Han nodded and said, "Okay young master, I'll let the people in the publicity department connect well, and try not to let the media disturb you."


Liang Ye and Liang Anguo are exactly the same in this point, and Liang Anguo will only accept media interviews when necessary.

"Master, it's late now, don't be too tired." Li Han reminded.

Indeed, Liang Ye had to go to Spain early the next morning, no matter how healthy he was, overwork would make him exhausted.

"I'm leaving now." Liang Ye stretched his waist. It's been a long time since he sat in the office for so long. Go to the training ground to move your body.

It's just that today is different from the past, and it is difficult for him now to return to his previous life.

"I'll arrange a vehicle to take you back to the manor," Li Han said.

Liang Ye waved his hand, shook his head and said, "I don't need a car, I won't go back to the manor tonight."


His decision made Li Han very puzzled.

"I have a place I want to go, and I will be here on time tomorrow." After speaking, Liang Ye turned and left his office.

There is an elevating take-off and landing platform on the roof of the headquarters building of the Yeshen Group. The new type of business jet can take off and land directly. Every time on a business trip, the company's senior management does not need to go to the airport, and can depart directly at the headquarters.

After the successful development of the new type of business jet, the Yeshen Group sold all the original business jets and equipped it with this brand new business jet.

Even though it was early morning, some employees of Yeshen Group were still working overtime. Seeing that Liang Ye had only left now, they were all very surprised. This young master actually worked overtime on the first day he took office.

After Liang Ye left the headquarters, he walked alone on the streets of S city.

The Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe on the opposite side closed early, and the street was very deserted, with only one or two restaurants open for supper.

The temperature in March has begun to warm up, Liang Ye took off his suit jacket and loosened the tie he had been wearing all along.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, so he doesn't need to care about his image.

He really didn't want to go back to his manor this night, he wanted to walk on the street first.

After walking for nearly 10 minutes, Liang Ye sat down at a roadside stall that made wontons. A middle-aged couple was running this small stall, which looked very simple.

"Boss, I want some wontons with some chili." Liang Ye said loudly.

"Okay!" The boss spoke with an authentic northern accent, which sounded very forthright.

Although he usually eats all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, Liang Ye does not reject such small roadside stalls. When he was young, his mother Ye Qing would take him to these places for supper.

The same is true for Liang Anguo.

Liang Ye still remembers that when he was young, his father would often tell him that he and a group of comrades sneaked out to drink at night and drank up all the beer in other people's stores.

Thinking of this, Liang Ye couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

The boss put a bowl of wontons in front of Liang Ye. Seeing his clothes, he smiled and asked, "Young man, are you just off work?"

They don't pay much attention to the news, so they don't know that the young man sitting here is the new richest man in China.

"Yeah, I just got off work, I've been too busy recently." Liang Ye replied with a smile.

"My daughter always works overtime. She works in that Yashen Group. Oh, it's really tiring. It's just that she said she likes that job very much, and we can't stop it." The boss started chattering.

"Oh?" Liang Ye was a little curious, and he asked, "She works in the Yeshen Group, so the salary must be high?"

"It's quite tall." When mentioning his daughter, the boss looked proud.

Liang Ye smiled and said: "Then uncle and aunt, don't you enjoy your happiness?"

"How can I, I can't be idle, I'm sick when I'm free, and I can earn a little while I can move out now. We can't spend much money, and we save it for our daughter. She will get married and have a baby." The children still need a lot of money.”

The boss still has a simple smile on his face, and every word comes from the heart.

These are the parents who live in this land. They think about their children all the time. Even if the children are self-reliant and can even support them, most of them are not willing to be idle, and still want to do something for their children. force.

(End of this chapter)

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