Ghost Task Force

Chapter 604 I am here

Chapter 604 I'm Back
Liang Ye listened very carefully, and he said, "Uncle, you think very long-term, even the child has been considered for her."

"Hey, she doesn't think about these things, and she hasn't talked about love. Of course, we won't rush, but whoever is a parent doesn't want to see their children find happiness. We will always grow old, and we can't be with her forever. It is our greatest hope to have someone who loves her and can take care of her for the rest of her life."

What the boss said touched Liang Ye very much. He thought of the sadness hidden deep in his father's eyes when he saw his white hair.

The proprietress finally called the boss away, and a dozen or so college students came, and the proprietress was too busy alone.

Those college students were discussing their job direction after graduation. They were full of longing for the future, and several of them expressed their desire to work in the Yashen Group.

Liang Ye didn't pay too much attention to the topic they were discussing. He added chili to the wonton, and he felt his stomach was burning hot and very warm.

After paying the money, Liang Ye left the small stall and continued to stroll on the street.

In this city, some people are sleeping soundly, while others are still struggling to live.Xiao Xiao used to like to think about the two sides of life. She once wrote in the book: "Where there is bitterness, there is sweetness. Even if you are thousands of miles away from home, what will hold you will always be the taste of your hometown."

Although Liang Anguo once said that his hometown is actually in Jinghua, and all members of the Liang family have lived there for generations, only Liang Anguo left.

For Liang Ye, City S is his hometown, and like his father, he has no intention of dealing with relatives in the family.

When passing by an alley, Liang Ye noticed something was wrong.Almost subconsciously, he let the wind blow through the alley, and sure enough, he found someone inside.

Liang Ye thought for half a second, put on his coat, and disappeared into the night.

In the alley, four men in trendy clothes are approaching a man and a woman in front of them step by step. Both of them look very young, at most 18 years old.The boy has a crew cut and looks a little thin, but the determination and refusal in his eyes make him look very righteous.

There was a bloodstain on the boy's hand, and the man who walked in the front had a dagger in his hand. He was the one who caused the boy's injury.

"Boy, it's none of your business. We're only interested in that girl's bag, nothing else. I advise you not to be a hero." The man in the lead said.

The girl who was guarded by the boy tightly held the bag in her hand, obviously there were very important things for her in it.

"Don't even think about it!" the boy gritted his teeth and said.

The man snorted, turned the dagger in his hand, and said, "Then don't blame us for being rude!"

"I'll stop them in a while, you run outside, don't look back!" The boy turned his head and whispered to the girl.

She was so frightened that tears flowed out, but she was not stupid. She knew exactly what would happen if the boy tried his best to stop him.

Just when the boys wanted to fight them desperately, a gust of wind suddenly blew through the alley.

The raised dust caused the four men to cover their eyes instantly. At this moment, a black shadow descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the four men.

The boy's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

After only a few face-to-face encounters, the four men were knocked down to the ground, and they had no strength to get up again.

Their painful wailing echoed in the alley. Liang Ye didn't care about their reaction. He walked up to the boy and said in a deep voice: "If you want to fight an enemy stronger than you, remember to use everything around you , such as the iron rod under your feet, which can increase your chances of victory."

The boy subconsciously glanced at his feet, and found that there was indeed a slightly curved iron rod.But he was too nervous just now, and he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.

Liang Ye wore a skull mask to cover his face, only revealing his deep eyes.After speaking, Liang Ye turned around and prepared to leave.

The black cloak and black combat uniform, although his appearance looked mysterious and even a little scary, but it gave the two of them peace of mind, because he had just protected them.

Seeing that Liang Ye was about to leave, the boy quickly took two steps forward and asked loudly, "Who are you!"

Liang Ye didn't stop, he replied as he walked, "I'm just a passerby."

Soon, he disappeared into the darkness.

Although Liang Ye could no longer be seen, the boy still shouted loudly: "Thank you!"

Then, the siren sounded into the ears of the two.

Liang Ye contacted the local police before taking action, and it happened that there were police cars patrolling nearby, so he arrived here quickly.

The boy kept looking at the direction where Liang Ye left. He seemed to have forgotten the pain in his arm. No one knew what he was thinking.

He was full of curiosity about this mysterious man who fell from the sky. What kind of person would wear a cloak?He was a little unpredictable.

This was just an episode of the night, and Liang Ye didn't pay much attention to it.But what he didn't know was that his appearance completely affected the boy's growth. The boy later chose to join the army and finally became a member of the Dragon Eagle Commando.

Those are all things for later, Liang Ye floated in the air, watched the police take the four gangsters away before leaving.

He didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he came out for a late-night snack.

Liang Ye didn't intend to go shopping anymore, he flew directly to Vanke Washington, the home where he and Xiao Xiao used to live.

The Bureau of Strategic Security has withdrawn the agents monitoring here, but even if there is Liang Ye, he is not worried, no intelligence agency dares to attack him now.

The house where Xiao Xiao used to live was still the same as before, only covered with a thick layer of dust.Liang Ye opened the door and used the wind to remove all the dust.

Since Xiao Xiao's death, he has never returned here. At that time, he only wanted revenge and made those who participated in the plan pay the price.

Back here again, Liang Ye could clearly hear his own heartbeat, getting faster and faster.

After the dust was cleared, the place took on a new look. Liang Ye closed the door and glanced at the living room and dining room...

On the wall of the living room, there is still the painting that Liang Ye bought from Rome.

In the bedroom, the clothes are placed in the closet, which is well preserved.There were Xiao Xiao's clothes and some Liang Ye's clothes.

When Liang Ye was away, Xiao Xiao often took Liang Ye's clothes to wash, even though he didn't wear them often.After washing, she put it in her closet, and slowly put more and more.

When washing Liang Ye's clothes, she washed them by hand instead of a washing machine.

Xiao Xiao's parents knew that Liang Ye would come back here one day, so all Xiao Xiao's belongings were kept here intact.

Liang Ye looked at the desk that Xiao Xiao used to write, and there was a photo frame on it, which was a photo of himself and her.

After a long time, Liang Ye closed his eyes and whispered, "My little cutie, I'm back..."

(End of this chapter)

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