Chapter 605
In the past, when he was not around, Xiao Xiao would go to his bedroom to sleep, so that there would be an illusion that he hadn't left.

Liang Ye is the same now, even though his home is an enviable manor, he still prefers to come here.

There is the atmosphere of Xiao Xiao's life here, although it will be easier to be sad, but only when he stays here, he feels that he is still alive.

His heart has long gone with Xiao Xiao.

After taking a shower, Liang Ye sat in front of Xiao Xiao's desk and turned on the laptop on the desk.

Xiao Xiao used to use this computer to write, and it has not been turned on for a long time, but it is still working normally. The computer has a password. After thinking for a while, Liang Ye entered his birthday into it.

Password is correct.

The computer wallpaper is still a group photo of the two of them, Liang Ye in military uniform hugging Xiao Xiao's waist, very sweet.

There is a document on the desktop of the computer, which is Xiao Xiao's unfinished novel, and this novel tells the story of the two of them.

Before Xiao Xiao died, Liang Ye knew that she was writing this story, but had never read it.

A writer often needs a quiet environment when writing and cannot be disturbed, so is Xiao Xiao.So Liang Ye never disturbed Xiao Xiao's normal work. When she was writing, he sat on the sofa to browse information or read books.

The two formed a very good tacit understanding, but unfortunately it didn't last long.

This novel has only written [-] words, and the title has not yet been given. The last [-] words have become Xiao Xiao's last pen.

Covering his mouth, Liang Ye finished reading the unfinished novel.

Different from the previous works, when Xiao Xiao wrote this novel, she used more descriptions of the environment, and the language is very beautiful.

Liang Ye closed the computer, and at some point, tears wet the clothes on his chest, and he remembered the last words Xiao Xiao said to him before boarding the plane.

"Your favorite story, no matter what it will be, I will write it just for you."

It is a pity that this story will not have a follow-up, nor will it have an ending.

This night is destined to be sleepless for Liang Ye, even so, he still has to face the past and the sadness hidden deep in his heart.Why love is so sad, because it's real love.

Destiny is uncontrollable, full of helplessness and unknown.Even though Liang Ye has the ability to approach God, he still cannot resist fate.


The next day, Li Han came to the company early. When she walked into Liang Ye's office and planned to make Liang Ye a cup of coffee, she found that he was already sitting at the desk.

"Master, did you come so early?" Li Han asked.

Liang Ye smiled and replied: "Yes, I woke up early, so I just came earlier."

In fact, he didn't sleep all night, but his face didn't look tired, and he still looked like a handsome young man full of energy.

Li Han made a cup of coffee for Liang Ye, and asked, "It's still half an hour before the departure time, have you had breakfast, young master?"

Liang Ye shook his head, and said: "Not yet, I don't plan to go down to eat, let someone send a copy."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." Li Han responded, turned and left the office.

Accompanying Liang Ye to Spain in a while were two vice presidents of the group, Gu Jiechao and Feng Jianfeng, both of whom were highly praised by Liang Anguo.

The itinerary was the original arrangement, and it didn't change just because the chairman changed.

A person Liang Anguo trusts, Liang Ye has no objections. In addition, he has not attended such occasions very often, so having two company executives accompany him can also reduce his embarrassment.

What made Liang Ye more troublesome was the charity dinner at night. He was the only one on the invitation list, and at most he could only bring his secretary and a few bodyguards.

It was one of his least favorite activities to attend.

While waiting for breakfast, Liang Ye continued to browse the group's files and the latest developments.

After a while, Li Han came in with breakfast in person and placed it in front of Liang Ye.

"By the way, ask the financial side to give me a report for this year. I'll read it on the plane." Liang Ye said.

"Good young master." Li Han responded.

Half an hour later, Liang Ye boarded his family's plane and embarked on a journey to Spain.

On the plane, the two vice presidents seemed a little nervous. Although they had met Liang Ye more than a year ago and held meetings together, it was the first time they traveled with him.

Liang Ye was concentrating on the group's financial report. It was his attitude of concentrating on work that embarrassed the two vice presidents.

The report was long, but Liang Ye read it quickly. After reading it, he looked at Gu Jiechao and asked, "Uncle Gu, did we add 3 more subsidiaries at the end of last year?"

These high-level people are all middle-aged, and Liang Ye is also very polite to them, calling them uncle directly.

Hearing Liang Ye asking himself a question, Gu Jiechao quickly sat up straight and replied: "Yes, the chairman, after an investigation at the end of last year, the group decided to acquire three new energy companies to become our subsidiaries."

"Who decided to buy it?" Liang Ye continued to ask.

"It was recommended by the board of directors." Feng Jianfeng answered the question.

Liang Ye thought for half a second, then turned to look at Li Han who was sitting next to him, and said, "Sister Li, please give me all the information of those three companies."

As a secretary, Li Han listened very carefully to the conversation just now.Hearing Liang Ye's words, she hurried to do it.

His actions made the two vice presidents a little confused. Gu Jiechao asked, "Chairman, do you think it's wrong?"

Liang Ye smiled and said, "No, I just want to know more about our company."

Soon, Li Han sent all the information to Liang Ye's mobile phone. Liang Ye didn't rush to read it, but sent a copy to Zhou Yuying.

It was recommended by the board of directors, and Liang Ye immediately guessed that it was not that simple, so he decided to ask Zhou Yuying to help investigate.

Both of them knew the current situation of the board of directors. Seeing that Liang Ye didn't say anything, they didn't dare to ask more questions.

While waiting for Zhou Yuying's reply, Liang Ye discussed with the two vice presidents about the biological industry.

Along the way, Liang Ye was neither idle nor rested. He chatted with Gu Jiechao and Feng Jianfeng the whole time, and even asked Li Han for his opinion.

This surprised the two vice presidents, and they also began to admire Liang Ye.

The styles of Liang Ye and Liang Anguo are very similar. They both come to the company early, discuss issues with the company's senior management during business trips, and listen patiently to their opinions.

The reason why Liang Anguo is popular is precisely because he has always set an example, he will never procrastinate on work matters, and even read documents when he is at home.

From Liang Ye, Gu Jiechao and Feng Jianfeng both saw the shadow of Liang Anguo.

Before arriving in Spain, Liang Ye received a reply from Zhou Yuying.

"These three companies are all related to Su Hong."

It's short, but it's enough for Liang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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