Ghost Task Force

Chapter 606 Charity Dinner

Chapter 606 Charity Dinner
Soon, Liang Ye issued a new order to dismantle the three subsidiaries and put them under the group's subordinate departments. As for the management of the subsidiaries, those who were dismissed were fired, and those who changed positions were changed.

With this operation by Liang Ye, Su Hong suddenly lost control over the three companies, and could no longer benefit from them.

This made her smash things again...

In the villa, Su Hong threw expensive porcelain all over the floor, and the servants stood far away, no one dared to approach.

Although Su Hong is very talented in business, she is also known for her violent temper. She was once married, but because the other party couldn't bear her temper, she would rather divorce without any property.

The servants in her family also changed the most frequently. Many servants were beaten and scolded by her, and some of them were even permanently disabled.Calling the police and prosecuting are of no use.

For Su Hong, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"Liang Ye!" Su Hong was about to bite her teeth, the anger in her heart distorted her expression.

She was going to have dinner with her business friends, but when she heard the news that the subsidiary was dismantled, she lost the mood to eat for a moment.

The few directors who supported her didn't have time. She called them, but they were helpless.

As the chairman, Liang Ye has the power to make decisions about everything in the company, and the dissolution of a subsidiary does not need to go through the board of directors, and they cannot stop it.

Su Hong's plan gradually began to collapse, and she had to think of some new ways to fight against Liang Ye.


The activity in Spain went very smoothly. Liang Ye successfully won the cooperation of 700 billion. Even Li Han had to admire him.

Calm, polite, always smiling, always showing the demeanor of a business elite.

He does have talent in this area, but simply doesn't like it.

After finishing the activities in Spain, Liang Ye took a business jet to Gothenburg, Sweden, and stayed in the presidential suite of the Apple House Hotel.

He was accompanied by six bodyguards and secretary Li Han, and the two vice presidents had already returned to Shenzhou on another plane.

Long before departure, Li Han had arranged everything, hotels and vehicles, she had arranged everything very properly, with the highest specifications.

The charity dinner started two hours later. Liang Ye put the computer on the desk, then turned to look at Li Han, and asked, "Who are all attending this dinner tonight?"

"It's mainly Swedish celebrities, and some European rich people. Most of them are your father's friends." Li Han replied.

Liang Ye shrugged, his father's friend, it seems that he must have a few drinks tonight.

"Charity much do we donate?"

"Master said it's up to you to decide, and you will have to make a speech at that time, and announce the donation figure on the stage."

"Damn, talk... Did my dad like participating in these activities so much before?" Liang Ye couldn't help but complain.

Regarding Liang Ye's reaction, Li Han couldn't help but smiled, and replied: "No, the Yeshen Group itself has a public welfare foundation. The master has always supported charity, but I rarely attend it, about once a year. Twice like this."

"Okay, is there anything I need to pay attention to tonight?"

"Your father specifically told me that if you are entangled by a girl tonight, I can't help you out, young master, you can enjoy yourself tonight, even if it's pretending, maybe you will find it in it." hapiness."

Liang Ye: "..."

In fact, Liang Ye was a little disgusted with this kind of activity in his heart. Was the charity dinner really just for charity?
He doesn't think so.

"I'll take a shower first and get my suit ready." After speaking, Liang Ye walked into the bathroom.

For this kind of event full of celebrities, it is natural to dress more formally. His every move now represents the face of the Yeshen Group.

The suits were all tailor-made for Liang Ye by famous Italian designers, and they were delivered to the company headquarters before departure this morning.

After taking a bath, Liang Ye put on this blue suit.

Liang Ye stood in front of the mirror, and Li Han helped him straighten his collar. Wearing this suit on him, he showed a youthful look all the time.

"I still like this color, black looks too serious." Liang Ye said.

"After all, you are still young." Li Han said with a smile.

After tidying up his clothes, Liang Ye looked down at his hands, which made Li Han a little puzzled, and asked in bewilderment, "What's wrong, master?"

In the next second, the Hidden Sword Wristguard appeared on Liang Ye's wrist.

Li Han suddenly understood what was going on, she didn't ask any more questions, and stood quietly watching Liang Ye's actions.

Liang Ye always carried the Hidden Sword wristband with him, and he would never take it off even when he was sleeping. Even after changing his identity, he still wore it habitually.

After a while, Liang Ye took back his wristband and said to Li Han, "Okay, let's go."

To this kind of dinner party, the secretary can actually bring it or not. It depends on the individual. Liang Ye decided to bring Li Han. He just glanced at the guest list. He didn't know many people. He needed Li Han to help introduce him.

What's more, he doesn't have to be so embarrassed when he is accompanied by someone he knows well.

The bodyguards had already parked the car at the hotel entrance, and the remaining two bodyguards followed Liang Ye and escorted him out of the hotel.

With Liang Ye's strength, there was no need for bodyguards to follow him, and this was just to show his identity.

Li Han was still wearing a women's suit. She was just Liang Ye's secretary, not a guest at the banquet.

After getting into the car, Liang Ye asked, "What was my dad like when he participated in such activities?"

"Naturally, he would talk to friends in business, but never accept an invitation to dance." Li Han replied.

This is not surprising to Liang Ye, he said: "This is his usual style."

Ye Qing has been away for so many years, but Liang Anguo still hasn't let go.

The three cars drove towards a manor on the outskirts of Gothenburg. This manor belonged to a rich man in Europe. Tonight's dinner was hosted by her, but in fact, Liang Ye didn't care too much about her identity.

It doesn't matter who hosts the charity dinner. This kind of commercial charity dinner has no value in Liang Ye's eyes. It's just a group of businessmen getting together.

Tonight, the manor is brightly lit and the security guards are in full swing. All the rich and famous from Europe and celebrities from Sweden are here tonight, and there is no room for any mistakes.

"Master, we are almost there." Li Han reminded.

Liang Ye saw the main building of the manor through the car window. The manor covers an area of ​​nearly [-] acres. In front of the main building is a park with a red carpet on the ground. The carpet leads directly to the entrance of the main building. Both sides are full of people who came to take pictures. news reporter.

(End of this chapter)

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