Ghost Task Force

Chapter 607 Embarrassment

Chapter 607 Embarrassment
This is the first time that Liang Ye has participated in a charity event since he became the chairman and president of the Yeshen Group. This will become a topic of public discussion, and it will also be a hot report that the news media rush to publish.

Now his every move will be watched by the news media and the public. Even if he doesn't want to, there is no way to stop him.

He took over the wrong position at the wrong age, and he will naturally attract attention.

Liang Ye's car slowly stopped in front of the red carpet in front of the main building. The journalists on both sides began to wonder who was coming, and the security personnel who were in charge of welcoming him hurried forward and opened the car door for Liang Ye.

The blue suit and handsome face immediately attracted the attention of the reporters. One reporter shouted: "Oh my God, that's Liang Ye!"

"Mr. Liang, please look here!"


The sound of the shutter of the camera kept ringing, and the reporters quickly pressed the shutter of the camera, for fear of missing a good picture.

His appearance brought another big news to the reporters. After all, he is currently the youngest rich man in the world. He is only 22 years old, but he controls the entire Yeshen Group.

The series of decisions Liang Ye made after taking office aroused the public's curiosity, but some scholars commented: "Liang Ye's series of decisions will bring greater benefits to the Yeshen Group."

As for these comments, Liang Ye didn't pay much attention to them.

A young woman wearing glasses walked out of the manor. She was wearing a black dress and holding a list in her hand. She was obviously one of the staff in charge of welcoming.

She enthusiastically walked up to Liang Ye, made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile, "Mr. Liang Ye, please come inside."

Liang Ye nodded and said, "Thank you."

His smile caused the woman's eyes to be in a daze for a moment, but she quickly adjusted her expression and led Liang Ye with a smile.

Liang Ye's handsomeness immediately fascinated her.

From a distance, the manor looks like a castle, resplendent and resplendent, and the lights are even more dazzling in the night.

The bodyguards were arranged outside and did not follow up; under normal circumstances, dangerous situations cannot occur in the hall.

Beautiful music reverberates in the hall, and the huge chandelier is the most conspicuous decoration here, which looks as if it is made of diamonds, dazzling.

The table is full of delicious dishes, and from time to time, servants will bring new dishes.Although the dinner had just started, some men and women had already started dancing to the music in the middle of the hall, and the whole dinner was extremely lively.

Most of the guests who come here have good social status, and there are also some celebrities and models.The arrival of Liang Ye made the dinner even more valuable. In terms of wealth, he can be said to be the richest among the guests tonight, so he will naturally receive the most attention.

A servant hurriedly brought the wine tray in front of Liang Ye, and Liang Ye took a glass of wine. On this occasion, it was impossible for him not to drink.

These are prepared martini cocktails with a spicy taste. Liang Ye knows this kind of wine, but he has never drunk it before.

"Mr. Liang!" A shout caught Liang Ye's attention, and it was Clement Drake who had talked with Liang Ye on the "Queen" cruise ship.

Just like on the cruise ship, Clement still showed enthusiasm after seeing Liang Ye. The only difference was that Liang Ye's identity had changed. Clement was more polite to Liang Ye.

Another point is that Clement did not follow Liang Ye's advice to invest in Germany. He invested a large amount of money in the UK according to his original idea, but the result was not satisfactory. He did not invest in it. How much money is earned.

On the contrary, some businessmen who invested in German industry made a lot of money, and Clement had missed the best investment opportunity, which made him regret it.

So when he saw Liang Ye here, he was so excited that he hurried forward to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Drake." Liang Ye shook hands with Clement, with a polite smile on his face.

Clement held Liang Ye's hand firmly, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a year, Mr. Liang, you are even more handsome."

"Thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, I am one year older. I really wish I was still 18." Liang Ye joked.

His words made Clement laugh a few times, "Hahahaha, Mr. Liang, you look like you are 18 years old."

Li Han was a little surprised that Liang Ye knew Clement. She stood behind Liang Ye with a smile on her face. The servant came to her with a wine tray. She smiled and shook her head.

Her duty is to stay by Liang Ye's side at all times. Alcohol can easily affect the brain, so she can't touch it.

Before Liang Ye chatted with Clement, many guests came up to say hello to Liang Ye. Most of them were friends of Liang Anguo, and it was the first time they saw Liang Ye.

There were a lot of people, and Liang Ye shook hands and said hello one by one, acting very calmly.

All these people said were some polite words, congratulating Liang Ye on becoming the chairman of the Yeshen Group, asking Liang Ye to help him say hello to Liang Anguo, and so on.

Liang Ye smiled and expressed his gratitude. After coping with it for a while, Liang Ye temporarily got rid of the group of businessmen by saying that he needed to go to the bathroom.

Everyone present naturally wanted to communicate with Liang Yeduo. As one of the largest companies in the world, the Yeshen Group has abundant resources. As long as they are businessmen, they all want to join the line of the Yeshen Group.

After coming out of the bathroom, Liang Ye looked at the sumptuous delicacies on the table, and a sneer flashed across his mouth.

"Mr. Liang Ye participated in a charity dinner. If I remember correctly, you hardly participated in such activities before."

I saw a red-haired woman in a light blue evening dress walking in front of Liang Ye. She was wearing a white peacock mask covering her whole face, making Liang Ye unable to recognize her at once.

But for her words, Liang Ye smiled and replied: "Is the so-called charity dinner really for charity? I think not much of the donated money is really used for charity. It's just to satisfy the organizer's ridiculous vanity."

This was what Liang Ye had learned before, and it was precisely because of this that he was very disgusted with such activities.

After listening to his words, the red-haired woman was silent for two seconds, then took off the peacock mask covering her face, revealing her true appearance.

Erin Carroll.

"Damn?" Liang Ye was very surprised, he didn't expect Irene to appear here.

It suddenly occurred to him that this manor belonged to August, and he was the host of the banquet.

This is very embarrassing. What Liang Ye said just now is equivalent to complaining about Irene's father.

"That's the reason why you didn't participate in such activities before, very good." Irene smiled and took two steps forward. At this time, she was only [-] centimeters away from Liang Ye, almost touching Liang Ye's body.

"You can rest assured that all the income from the donation will be used for charity, and all the entertainment expenses tonight will be paid by my father." Erin said.

Liang Ye blinked in embarrassment, and said, "Well... your father is very generous."

(End of this chapter)

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