Ghost Task Force

Chapter 612 Good night, Mr. Liang Ye

Chapter 612 Good night, Mr. Liang Ye

As the leader of the "Hunter" intelligence agency, Irene has never shown her combat effectiveness. In the eyes of many people, she is witty, but she is also a weak woman.

Liang Ye thought so too.

Sensing that someone was rushing towards Irene, Liang Ye shook his hand, and a gust of wind blew in Irene's direction, heading straight for the killer.

The strong wind affected the killer's actions. Just when Liang Ye thought that Irene would take the opportunity to escape, she did something that Liang Ye couldn't believe.

She saw a Hidden Blade in her left hand at some point, she turned around quickly, and the Hidden Blade stabbed the killer's throat fiercely.

Liang Ye: "..."

Until the killer died, he didn't expect that Irene would kill him back. He thought he could kill Irene when Liang Ye was negligent.

Sensing Liang Ye's surprised gaze, Irene smiled slightly at him.

Liang Ye didn't respond, he released all his senses, and the breeze blew across the surroundings, searching for any hidden enemies.

The three killers were still entangled by the wind and could not attack again. Facing Liang Ye's question, they still did not answer.But it was normal, no killer would say the name of his employer, and he would never speak even in the face of torture. This was the principle a killer should have.

"You shouldn't have accepted this order."

After the words fell, the wind that entangled the killers intensified violently!

Three blood flowers bloom in the dark night.

This was the first time Irene saw Liang Ye use his abilities like this. Three living people turned into blood flowers in front of her. This visual impact made her stomach churn.

No matter who it is, seeing such a scene with their own eyes will have this kind of reaction.

Liang Yefei returned to Irene's side. He looked at the Hidden Blade in Irene's left hand with surprise in his eyes.

Later, the Assassin Brotherhood and the Night God Group reached a cooperation and regularly purchased a batch of deformable Hidden Swords, similar to Liang Ye's. Wearing them on the wrist can make them invisible, but they cannot be transformed into Hidden Guns or use rope guns. A Hidden Blade.

"When did you train in the Assassin Brotherhood?" Liang Ye asked.

The Hidden Blade, a cold weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation, can only be used by those who have been trained in the Assassin Brotherhood, and those who have not been trained are definitely not used to this kind of weapon. Seeing Irene using it, Liang Ye Instantly understood that she had trained in the fraternity.

Irene smiled and replied, "One year later than you."

"It's so well hidden that even I didn't find it."

"You are not the only one who has secrets, Liang Ye."

Saying that, Irene withdrew the Hidden Blade.

Liang Ye shrugged his shoulders, fixed his eyes on the dead killer, and said, "Tell me, who sent these people? Are they trying to assassinate both of us, or one of us?"

"I don't know." Irene was also very puzzled. She thought about it in her mind, but couldn't figure out who wanted to kill herself.

Two minutes later, August came to the lake with a group of armed bodyguards. He glanced at the killer lying on the ground, and then ran to Liang Ye and Irene.

Some of the bodyguards were in charge of vigilance, and another part of the bodyguards began to conduct a carpet search around to ensure that no killer continued to hide around.

"Are you alright?" August asked.

When he received a call from Irene saying that there was a killer in the manor, he was so angry that he almost exploded, but in front of the guests, he still showed a look of nothing, and left the hall under the pretext of something, and immediately took People rushed to the lake.

"Father, I'm fine. Fortunately, Liang Ye is here." Irene said.

She didn't mean to praise Liang Ye in front of her father, but she was grateful from the bottom of her heart.

If Liang Ye hadn't discovered the existence of the killer immediately and blocked the two flying bullets, she would have fallen into a pool of blood.

Not every assassin has the ability to dodge and bounce bullets like Liang Ye.

"Thank you, Liang Ye, our family owes you a favor." August said.

Liang Ye shook his head with a smile and said, "Uncle, you are being polite."

"Who dares to be so bold as to send an assassin to my manor?" The anger in August's heart was burning. As the overlord of the European underground world, this was the first time anyone dared to do so.

"I'll let my people investigate," Irene said.

Afterwards, the bodyguards put away the body of the dead killer. The guests in the hall didn't know what happened, and they were still silent in joy.

As Liang Ye said, the people who come here are not all for charity, most of them are for socializing.

For tonight's assassination, Irene didn't panic, as if she was looking at a trivial matter.

Irene's intelligence agency was in charge of the investigation, Liang Ye was relieved, he did not stay at the banquet any longer, and he left the manor after bidding farewell to August.

Hearing Liang Ye say that a killer appeared in the manor, Li Han was very surprised. She didn't expect that someone would dare to do something directly in August's manor.

Liang Ye stretched his waist and said, "What I'm not sure about is whether the killer wants to kill me or Irene, or that both of us are their targets."

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Li Han was thoughtful.

The vehicle was not moving fast. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when Liang Ye returned to the hotel. The bodyguard opened the door for him. Guests came in and out of the hotel door from time to time. Seeing this handsome young man in a blue suit, they all Very curious.

Liang Ye took the elevator to the floor where he lived. Before the elevator door opened, he noticed something was wrong.

It wasn't that an enemy was coming, but a familiar scent of perfume.

The elevator door opened slowly, and sure enough, Irene was standing in the corridor, talking with her subordinates.

There are two presidential suites on this floor. The one opposite Liang Ye was originally vacant, but it seems that it is now occupied by Irene.

Seeing Liang Ye walking out of the elevator, Irene ended her conversation with her subordinates. The woman bowed slightly towards Irene, and walked around Liang Ye into the elevator.

"What are you doing?" Liang Ye walked up to Irene, and her appearance here really surprised him.

When Liang Ye left, she was still in the manor, but she arrived at the hotel one step ahead of Liang Ye, and lived opposite him.

Facing Liang Ye's question, Irene smiled and replied, "Live here."

"You have your own home, so you came to live in a hotel?" Liang Ye was very puzzled.

"I fear there are killers."

"Your father has stepped up security?"

"I think that the place with you is the safest place in the world. I would rather trust you than trust bodyguards."

Liang Ye: "..."

Her words made Liang Ye speechless for a while, he didn't know how to talk to this woman.

Irene was still wearing the light blue evening gown, the makeup on her eyes was still shining, part of her long red hair hung on her shoulders, her big blue eyes stared straight at Liang Ye, and her eyes with other meanings.

Liang Ye didn't meet her eyes, took a step back, and said lightly, "Go to rest early."

Li Han stood aside and looked at Liang Ye. She was also a woman, so of course she could see the meaning in Irene's eyes.

"Good night, Mr. Liang Ye." Irene smiled, turned and walked into her suite.

(End of this chapter)

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