Chapter 613
Looking at the whole of Europe, Irene's appearance can only be compared with Gladys, she has already hinted clearly, Liang Ye is still unmoved.

If other men who pursue Irene find out, they will be pissed off.

Back in the suite, Liang Ye took off his suit jacket and tie, and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Li Han wanted to ask Liang Ye if she should report to Liang Anguo about the assassination incident that happened tonight, but seeing him like this, she was too embarrassed to speak up.

When Liang Ye mentioned tonight's assassination incident, he was the same as Irene, as if he was looking at a trivial matter.

After a long time, Liang Ye raised his head. Noticing that Li Han was still standing beside him, he quickly said, "Go and rest first."

Li Han didn't leave immediately, she asked: "Master, what time do you want to return to Shenzhou tomorrow?"

"Let's talk." Liang Ye didn't give a clear answer.

Li Han thought for half a second, then left the suite.

Liang Ye got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the night scene outside.

He doesn't like the night very much, and the loneliness in the dead of night is the most difficult.He suddenly thought of the tenderness hidden deep in the eyes of Irene looking at him just now.

She liked Liang Ye, but she also respected Liang Ye's choice.

It was a very quiet night, and the bodyguards outside the suite door were on guard for fear that someone would disturb Liang Ye.

The killer didn't show up again. Liang Ye took the medicine Zhou Yuying gave him and slept soundly.

This was the most comfortable sleep he had had in more than a year. When he opened his eyes, it was already [-]:[-] in the morning, and the sunlight shone into the bedroom through the gap in the curtains, bringing Liang Ye a breath of morning.

Liang Ye took the mobile phone by the bed and just received a text message from Irene: "Good morning, Mr. Liang Ye, may I invite you to have breakfast together?"

"Okay." Liang Ye did not refuse.


The hotel provides catering services, but Liang Ye and Irene did not eat in the hotel, but chose a coffee shop by the river, and they could directly see the river through the window.

The two only ordered coffee, sandwiches, and butter bread, which looked very simple.Irene, who is also in a high position, is not too picky when it comes to diet.

Irene was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, which almost covered half of her face. There were her bodyguards inside and outside the cafe, and the security level was almost the same as that of senior officials.

"What a quiet night." Irene broke the silence.

"Yes." As he spoke, Liang Ye took a sip of his coffee. The coffee without milk tasted very bitter, and he couldn't help frowning.

Swedes love to drink coffee and drink it anytime and anywhere, but Irene doesn't have this habit.

Irene said: "I have already found out who was assassinated last night."


"A little man, after I found out all his secrets, he went bankrupt."

"So he was going to kill you last night, including me?"

Eileen nodded: "That's right."

Liang Ye smiled wryly, and said, "Should I say I'm lucky or not?"

If his reaction was slower, he would have to walk into the embrace of death with Irene.

"I was very lucky to have you there," Irene said.

Liang Ye shrugged and said, "It's nothing."

"If I give you this person's address and ask you to kill him, would you be willing?" Irene asked suddenly.

Her question made Liang Ye frown slightly, he didn't expect Irene to have such an idea.

"I'm not a killer." Liang Ye refused.

"He counted you in." Irene continued to persuade.

Liang Ye curled his lips and said, "But this person's main target is you. You want revenge. Why don't you tell your father directly. I think your father will be happy to tear that guy into pieces."

"Okay." Irene sighed, but she still couldn't talk to Liang Ye in the end.

Although Liang Ye knew all the assassination techniques, and could even use supernatural powers to make assassination moves that others could not, he was not a killer after all, and it didn't mean that he could afford it with money.

Irene took a sip of coffee and said, "You are still so indifferent."

Liang Ye said: "This is not indifference, some things are not for me to do, do you think my way of killing people is very happy?"

"Yes." Erin didn't deny it.

Liang Ye: "..."

Irene knew Liang Ye's supernatural ability, and she discovered Liang Ye's secret when she knew Liang Ye. As the person in charge of an intelligence agency, she certainly knew that there were supernatural beings in this world.

Before last night, Irene had never seen the scene where Liang Ye used supernatural powers to kill people.

Last night was the first time she saw it. It was shocking and disgusting.

Seeing a living person turned into pieces with her own eyes, this kind of visual impact made the well-informed Irene a little unbearable.

But this is also the quickest way to kill, so Irene wanted to find Liang Ye to take revenge on the mastermind last night.

But Liang Ye refused without even thinking about it. He is not a killer, and he doesn't want to make this kind of deal.

"When are you going to return to China?" Irene asked.

She didn't intend to continue on the topic just now. After all, what Liang Ye had already decided could not be changed just because of her.

"A little while, after breakfast."

This was the time Liang Ye had just decided on. He hadn't thought about when he would leave Sweden since he woke up from last night to today.

He basically has nothing to do here, and the Yeshen Group still has a lot of work to deal with, so it doesn't make sense to stay in Sweden for a long time.

"Before you leave, I want to give you a small present."

Irene suddenly smiled happily, which made Liang Ye a little puzzled.

"What gift?" Liang Ye's neck shrank back subconsciously, he was very worried that Irene would suddenly forcefully kiss him.

After the contact last night, he did not rule out that Irene would have such an idea.

Irene was amused by his actions: "Why are you shrinking your neck?"

"It's nothing, just move around a bit." Liang Ye sat up straight, temporarily disarming Irene.

Sure enough, Irene suddenly kissed his lips.

Liang Ye: "!@#¥%..."

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye stretched out his left hand, covered Irene's lips, and forcibly interrupted her movements.

"You take this as a gift?" Liang Ye smiled wryly.

Irene was a little discouraged when the small abacus failed. She gave Liang Ye a blank look, and was once again dissatisfied with his incomprehensible style.But she was wearing sunglasses, Liang Ye didn't see her eyes.

In fact, it's not that Liang Ye is incomprehensible. If he is willing to open his heart to accept other people, then he will definitely become a lover.

It's just that his single-mindedness in love makes it impossible for him to fall in love with other girls. The Liang family will only fall in love with one person in this life, not just talking about it.

"Actually, it's not this." Irene pushed Liang Ye's hand away, sat back on her seat, and said, "It's the red wine from my winery."

(End of this chapter)

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