Ghost Task Force

Chapter 615 Surprised

Chapter 615 Surprised
Zhou Yuying sent the scanned image of the engine room to Liang Ye's watch, and Liang Ye glanced at it to confirm the enemy's location.

The reformers have hostages, one controls the pilot, and the other controls the six agents.Liang Ye only had one chance to attack, and he couldn't make mistakes.

"Okay, remove the invisibility, open the hatch, and take over control of the plane." Liang Ye gave the order.

Zhou Yuying responded, and forcibly seized control of the Wraith Fighter, and now the entire plane is under her control.

The reformer noticed something was wrong, and before he could speak, the rear hatch suddenly opened automatically.

"What's going on?" the modified man standing in the cabin asked loudly.

Although their bodies and brains have been modified, they still have a human way of thinking, and they will be surprised when encountering emergencies.

The scanning system made the reformer turn his gaze to the rear hatch, and saw two black beads flying in, landing on the cabin and the pilot's position successively.

They couldn't stop the smoke from exploding, but they locked onto Liang Ye who flew in from the outside first.

The black figure flashed past, and his fist fell on the reformed man in the cabin like lightning.

But what surprised Liang Ye was that the reformed man actually raised his right hand to block when he was temporarily blinded by the smoke.


The fist landed on the arm, and there was a heavy sound.

Liang Ye frowned slightly, the strength of these reformed people was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Then, the reformed man standing next to the pilot raised his pistol and shot Liang Ye through the eye scanning system.


Two bullets pierced through the air barrier and quickly flew towards Liang Ye's head.Both shots were aimed at vital points, which surprised Liang Ye again.

The bullet flew into the smoke, and finally flew outside through the cabin, missing Liang Ye.

There was a whirlwind floating around Liang Ye's body, and the bullet would be disturbed when it approached his body, making it impossible to hit him.

When they saw the black cloak, the agents knew who was coming, and they were surprised as well. They didn't expect Liang Ye to show up to help them.

After Wang Yu was surprised, he speeded up the speed of cutting the rope. No matter whether Liang Ye needed help or not, they should save themselves as soon as possible.

The battle between Liang Ye and the reformed man is still going on. Liang Ye punched twice in a row, but the reformed man dodged them all. Their reaction speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Coupled with the support of the chip in the brain, a reformed man The combat effectiveness of a person is greater than that of a platoon.

After dodging Liang Ye's attack, the reformers began to counterattack. Neither of them used firearms, and both of them were worried that the bullets would hurt the fuselage.

The two, one behind the other, besieged Liang Ye in the narrow cabin.

If it was in another place, Liang Ye would definitely "play" with these two reformers, but now he is on the plane, if there is a mistake, the plane may crash.

Liang Ye turned sideways, dodging a punch from a reformed person, then stretched out his Hidden Sword, pierced the opponent's shoulder with lightning speed, and then slammed upwards.


Blue electric current flickered where the modified man was injured, but no blood flowed out. Liang Ye only saw the silver mechanical device.

The limbs of these modified people are all machines!
The shoulder was injured, and the reformer took a look at where he was injured, but he still didn't care.

Liang Ye frowned, leaned back slightly, and gathered a strong wind with his hands.

When the two reformers were about to attack again, Liang Ye shouted: "Lower your head!"

He said this to those agents. Hearing his voice, everyone did not hesitate at all, and quickly lowered their heads and lowered their bodies.

Following Liang Ye's voice, the whole Wraith fighter shook violently twice, and the altitude began to drop sharply. Zhou Yuying, who was controlling the Wraith fighter remotely, was taken aback. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to keep the plane balance.

Liang Ye's ability exploded in the cabin, and the wind blew everything in the cabin into a mess. The bodies of the two reformers seemed to be crushed by a heavy boulder, and they were firmly pressed to the floor of the cabin. , unable to move at all.

No matter how strong the wind was, it couldn't affect Liang Ye in the slightest. Taking this opportunity, he forcibly tore off both arms of the two reformers.

And Wang Yu finally cut the rope at this time, Liang Ye noticed his actions and withdrew his ability.

Wang Yu quickly jumped up from the ground, took handcuffs and handcuffed the two reformers.

The wind made everyone's hair messy, but in this case, no one cared about appearance.When Liang Ye was fighting the enemy, they all wanted to help very much. In their hearts, they always felt that it was a great honor to fight with Liang Ye.

Liang Ye looked at the arm that was torn off by him, sparks were still radiating from the disconnected place.

"Yueling, do you want to stay alive?"

"Uh...Captain, let's keep it for a while. The Ministry of Science and Technology needs to study these people. The relevant technology has actually existed for a long time, but because of moral ethics, no one will implement it. These two people are members of V, and V has put this Technology has become widespread, and these people are their fighters." Zhou Yuying explained.

Liang Ye threw the modified man's arm to the ground, looked at the two who were tied up again by the agents, and said, "They are really difficult to deal with."

Zhou Yuying said: "Yes, every reinvented person has a fighting power that surpasses that of ordinary people. It took a lot of effort to catch these two people."

"Is there any countermeasure now?"

"Yes, a low-intensity electromagnetic pulse can temporarily disable them, and a high-intensity one can completely destroy them."

Since the discovery of the cyborgs, Zhou Yuying and the Science and Technology Department of the Strategic Security Bureau have conducted research immediately. In addition to electromagnetic pulses, she is also developing new weapons to deal with these enemies.

Liang Ye hummed and said, "I have a hunch that you will encounter more enemies like this in the future, so be fully prepared."

"Yes, don't worry, captain." Zhou Yuying said.

In fact, there was a detail that Zhou Yuying didn't notice. Liang Ye used "you" instead of "we" in what she said.

After blocking the two reformers again, Wang Yu walked up to Liang Ye, stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly, "Thank you, Chief!"

If Liang Ye hadn't appeared in time, the plane and these agents would have been controlled by the enemy.

Liang Ye waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't be so formal, I am no longer a soldier, and I am no longer your leader. This time I just happen to be on the same flight line as you. In the future, we will perform missions and don't let the enemy There is an opportunity to take advantage of."

(End of this chapter)

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