Ghost Task Force

Chapter 616 Meeting

Chapter 616 Meeting
The business jet landed slowly at the headquarters of the Yeshen Group. The sky was clear and the sun shone through the clouds. Liang Ye stepped off the business jet. The glare of the sun made him subconsciously reach out his hand to cover his eyes.

This summer came quickly and was very hot, but it was a pity that she was not here.

Xiao Xiao likes winter as well as spring.She loves the scenery of heavy snow flying in the sky in winter, and the beauty of the earth recovering in spring.

How much she loves the world.

Liang Ye also said that when spring comes, take her to a place with beautiful scenery for vacation, where no one will disturb, and there are tall willow trees by the lake.

It's a pity that neither of them could wait for this day. Now, spring has passed and summer has come.

"Master, Li Shan, Director of the Strategic Security Bureau, wants to see you, and he has arrived." Li Han's voice interrupted Liang Ye's boundless thoughts.

"I see." Liang Ye said.

Yeshen Group, Chairman's Office.

Looking at Liang Ye who was sitting opposite him, a trace of helplessness flashed across Li Shan's old face.Once, this young man was his most capable fighter, and the ghost task force he led was his greatest pride.

Everything was going well until the plane crashed, destroying everything in an instant.

Li Shan was not wearing a military uniform, but a slightly exaggerated black overcoat, exuding the majesty of a superior at all times.

Liang Ye dyed his hair black, only a few strands of hair on his forehead were white.Everyone thought he was starting over, but he wasn't.

"Director Li, please drink tea." Liang Ye made a gesture of invitation.

The tea is a high-quality wild camellia that cannot be bought in the market, and the entire Yeshen Group is only available in Liang Anguo's office, and now it all belongs to Liang Ye.

At this moment, there was no emotion on Liang Ye's face. Facing Li Shan, he lost the respect he had in the past, and he stopped joking.

Li Shan didn't immediately go to get the teacup in front of him. As the director of the Strategic Security Bureau, he didn't need to come here to meet Liang Ye in person, but he came anyway.

Liang Ye is no longer his soldier, and he is no longer Liang Ye's superior, and now the two are working cooperatively.

The Strategic Security Bureau needs the Night God Group, and the Night God Group also needs the Strategic Security Bureau.

"I think our meeting is necessary." Li Shan finally said.

Liang Ye nodded, he would meet Li Shan sooner or later, not just because of work.

"The cooperation between the Yeshen Group and the Strategic Defense Bureau will not change, and the plan will be adjusted according to the situation. Vice President Feng Jianfeng will be in charge of this aspect. I am still waiting for the R&D department to discuss the development of a new generation of fighter engines. Report." Liang Ye went straight to the point and said work.

Seeing Li Shan again, his heart was still a little turbulent, but he didn't want to show his emotions on his face.

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Li Shan had to look at Liang Ye again. In his impression, Liang Ye had no interest in business, and even hated it.

But now he feels like a complete business elite.

The black slim suit, every gesture reveals his aura; from the appearance, no one would think that he was once a soldier.

"The new generation of fighter engines will be more maneuverable, and I look forward to the results." Li Shan said.

The two talked to each other, and they were all talking about work matters. Before they knew it, half an hour passed, and the topic finally came to an end.

When the high-level leaders of the two sides meet, it is natural to consider the overall situation.

Li Shan had to admit that Liang Ye had really changed, making him feel a little strange.

"Do you still hate me?" Li Shan finally said something outside of work.

Liang Ye: "..."

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Shan said again: "If I hadn't stopped it at the beginning, or sent support earlier, the result might not have been like this."

Liang Ye: "..."

His thoughts returned to the unprecedented quarrel in the combat duty room of the headquarters more than a year ago.

Li Shan's anger, the staff's fear, Lan Siqi's worry, and the support of the Ghost Task Force.

Everything flashed through Liang Ye's mind like a movie scene.

There was finally a hint of emotion on his face.

"I don't know, Chief Li." Liang Ye said calmly.

In fact, his hands were clenched into fists, and his knuckles were white.

Li Shan sighed, "It was I who harmed you."

Seeing Liang Ye's series of changes, Li Shan finally understood how painful he was.

White hair, inner torment, silent revenge, no one can understand Liang Ye's experience over the past year, and it is impossible for anyone to understand him.

"Sister Li, see off the guests!" Liang Ye said loudly.

Just like when Li Shan met Liang Anguo three months ago, Li Han walked up to Li Shan and made a gesture of please.

Li Shan didn't say anything, got up and walked to the door of the office.

"Director Li!"

When Li Shan was about to walk out of the gate, Liang Ye suddenly stopped him.

"I don't hate you. If I were the director, I might not allow my subordinates to ignore the danger in that situation. I can only blame fate." Liang Ye said, looking at Li Shan's back.

Li Shan turned around, looked at Liang Ye's deep gaze, and asked, "Is there any chance for me to let you return to the Strategic Security Bureau?"

Liang Ye and him looked at each other for a second, then turned around slowly without speaking.

"Director Li, please!" Li Han said from the side.

Li Shan sighed again, and strode out of Liang Ye's office.

In the office, Liang Ye's hand was tightly gripping the armrest of the chair. His strong strength caused cracks in the solid wood armrest.

After a while, Li Han returned to Liang Ye's office again. She knocked on the door lightly and said, "Master, Wang Yu, a seventh-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, wants to see you."

Liang Ye adjusted his emotions and said, "Oh, let him in."

When he left the Wraith Fighter, Wang Yu repeatedly begged to invite him to dinner, but Wang Yu knew very well that with Liang Ye's current status, it would not be easy to have a meal with him.

But Liang Ye finally agreed. He admired Wang Yu very much. He could see the qualities that a soldier should have in him. Of course, he was really good at chasing girls.

"Have you finished your task report?" Liang Ye looked at Wang Yu who walked into his office, and smiled slightly: "Something happened in the middle of the task, you should have been sprayed by Ding Xue."

Wang Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, Liang Ye was indeed right.

If it wasn't for Liang Ye's timely support, he didn't dare to guess what would happen to the agents on the fighter plane.After returning to the headquarters to hand over the prisoner, he was scolded by Ding Xue. If it wasn't for the top management of the Field Service Department to stop him, he might have been downgraded to level six.

"Thank you, Chief, for your help." Wang Yu said seriously.

Liang Ye tapped lightly on the table and said, "Okay, you've already said thank you. If you want to thank me, it would be easier to invite me to dinner. Now it's time for dinner. Let's lead the way."

Wang Yu nodded and made a gesture of please, "Please, chief."

(End of this chapter)

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