Ghost Task Force

Chapter 617 Emotional Problems

Chapter 617 Emotional Problems
In a restaurant box in S City, Liang Ye and Wang Yu were sitting face to face. Wang Yu seemed a little nervous. He was worried that the restaurant he had chosen would not suit Liang Ye's appetite.

This restaurant has a history of [-] years and is most famous for cooking shark's fin, and among all shark's fin dishes, "braised shark's fin in yellow" is the best.This dish only chooses the precious yellow meat fins, and pays attention to eating the whole fins. A shark fin is stewed in the broth for several hours. The fin meat has already been boiled translucent and smooth.Liang Ye had heard of it a long time ago, but he had never been here.

Liang Ye tapped the table and said, "That's right, I've wanted to come here for a long time, but I haven't had time."

His words relieved Wang Yu's nervousness, and Wang Yu still thought that with Liang Ye's status, he might have high requirements on diet, but this is not the case.

Liang Ye has never had too high requirements on diet, and he has not developed bad habits.His mother Ye Qing taught him to cherish food and not to be picky about food since he was a child.

What's more, during the training at the hunter school, it was a problem whether he could even eat enough, let alone eat well.Even if you are a picky eater, after a period of time in the hunter school, this problem will be completely eliminated.

"As long as you like it, Chief," Wang Yu said.

Wang Yu still respected Liang Ye from the bottom of his heart. Whether in the army or in the Strategic Security Bureau, Liang Ye was a legend.

But continuing to call Liang Ye the "chief" now does not match his identity.

Liang Ye waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't call me Chief anymore, I am no longer your leader, according to my current status, you can call me President Liang."

The title "Mr. Liang" is very suitable for his current status. Although it sounds unaccustomed, Liang Ye thinks it is quite interesting.

It's just this title that makes him look a little old.

Wang Yu nodded quickly: "Yes, Mr. Liang."

At this time, the waiters in the restaurant put the dishes on the table one after another, and the aroma instantly filled the entire box.

"Actually, I would rather take Mr. Liang to Jinghang Restaurant, but unfortunately I couldn't get a reservation." Wang Yu said.

It is one of the most luxurious and high-standard restaurants in S City. It is close to the Beijiang River. You can overlook the beautiful scenery of Beijiang River while eating. The per capita consumption is about 5000 yuan.

Liang Ye curled his lips and said, "I told you earlier, it was opened by my family."

Wang Yu: "..."

He really didn't know that Jinghang Restaurant was a restaurant under the Yeshen Group.

The table was full of delicacies, Liang Ye was not in a hurry to eat, but gently turned the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Wang Yu and said, "Tell me, you came to see me today, I am afraid that you are not just to treat me to dinner, to repay me So easy."

With Liang Ye's observation ability, he could tell that Wang Yu had something to say to him.

Wang Yu is an excellent soldier and agent. He is the youngest seventh-level agent in the entire Field Service Department and has received unanimous praise from the top management.

At work, he is smooth sailing.

The only thing that didn't go well was his relationship problem. Lan Siqi had never been interested in him, and he had always insisted on it.

The story of the two has been spread throughout the Strategic Defense Bureau, and everyone expects the two to make progress.

When Liang Ye discovered his thoughts, Wang Yu seemed a little embarrassed, but at the age of 30, he quickly adjusted his emotions and said to Liang Ye: "I'm sorry, Mr. Liang, I mainly want to ask Can you contact Lan Siqi?"

Liang Ye frowned: "Huh?"

"She blocked the communication during this time, and I couldn't find her trace."

"Has she been traveling?"


Wang Yu was very worried. Lan Siqi used to be an agent of the Strategic Security Bureau. Once her whereabouts were revealed, she would be targeted by many agencies.

This is also the reason why Wang Yu always wants to know Lan Siqi's location at any time, but in fact, this makes Lan Siqi very unhappy.

Both parties have concerns, and this way of getting along is awkward in the eyes of others.

"I haven't contacted her for a long time." Liang Ye thought for a while, the last time I met her was in Norway.

In fact, the time was not long, but Liang Ye didn't intend to let Wang Yu know.

"V's movements are a bit big recently, I'm worried about her." Wang Yu continued.

Liang Ye asked, "You want me to help you contact her?"

Wang Yu nodded without denying it.

He couldn't rule out that Lan Siqi blocked the communication with him because of disgust, but Liang Ye was different. Liang Ye used to be Lan Siqi's superior, and Lan Siqi also respected him very much. If Liang Ye could contact him, maybe he could. superior.

"Okay, I'll help you with this." Liang Ye did not refuse Wang Yu's request.

It can be seen that Wang Yu really loves Lan Siqi, but he is too nervous and cares too much about Lan Siqi.

"Thank you!" Wang Yu said excitedly.

Liang Ye smiled, and said, "You are already thirty, and you still don't know how to chase a girl. Do you know that Zhou Yuying once commented that you are a straight man?"

When the Ghost Task Force chatted about the gossip between Lan Siqi and Wang Yu, Zhou Yuying would complain that Wang Yu was a straight man, and she could even say the four words "drink more hot water".

Faced with Liang Ye's complaints, Wang Yu scratched his head in embarrassment. He thought he was a straight man.

"I just want to treat her well in all aspects." Wang Yu said.

"Yes, in all aspects, but a girl doesn't require you to be like this. What she needs may be the moment when you are moved." After speaking, Liang Ye sighed and said, "Forget it, I will help you with this aspect." I don't even know what to tell you."

Liang Ye gave up the idea of ​​teaching Wang Yu how to chase girls, after all he is not a lover himself.

"The moment I was moved." Wang Yu repeated Liang Ye's words.

From Liang Ye's point of view, Wang Yu blindly treated Lan Siqi well, which was important, but he ignored himself.

It would only make him look like one of Lan Siqi's servants, not her boyfriend.

"Think about it for yourself. To be honest, I am looking forward to the two of you getting together." Liang Ye said.

Liang Ye really thought so. Wang Yu's own conditions are not bad, he is an excellent agent, and so is Lan Siqi.

Even Li Shan, director of the Strategic Security Bureau, consciously or unintentionally mentioned Wang Yu's feelings for her to Lan Siqi, but Lan Siqi didn't take it seriously.

What Wang Yu needs is to impress Lan Siqi.

"Thank you, chief!" Wang Yu said gratefully.

"Stop, stop, stop, I said, don't call me chief again."


At the headquarters of the Yeshen Group, Liang Ye sat on his boss chair with his legs crossed, looked at Lan Siqi on the screen, and asked, "Where are you?"

"Shenzhou, my hometown." Lan Siqi answered very briefly.

Lan Siqi was a little surprised to receive a call from Liang Ye suddenly. She knew the change in Liang Ye's identity and was also happy for him.

(End of this chapter)

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