Ghost Task Force

Chapter 619 Interview

Chapter 619 Interview
Liang Ye told Zhou Yuying the place she imagined in her heart. After listening to his narration, Zhou Yuying was surprised: "Captain, are you going to live in seclusion?"

"What the hell, I'm not living in seclusion, I just want to find a quiet place." Liang Ye laughed.

He didn't intend to let too many people know about it, so he asked Zhou Yuying to help.With her ability, it is not difficult to find such a place.

"But your description sounds like you really want to live in seclusion." Zhou Yuying still insisted on her point of view.

Liang Ye curled his lips and said, "Don't forget that I can fly, and I will fly there by myself when I am not busy."

"That's right." Zhou Yuying scratched her head and said, "Leave it to me, I will help you with this matter, wait for my news, and I will contact you when I find it."

"Well, keep it secret." Liang Ye nodded, he was very relieved of Zhou Yuying's work.

Zhou Yuying suddenly thought of something, blinked and asked, "How are you doing in Sweden?"

Liang Ye was confused by her sudden blink, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that you were teased. August's daughter, Irene, gave you a lot of winks at the banquet. It was written in the news. You two are still very close."

As she said that, Zhou Yuying turned the phone screen to Liang Ye. It was the news about him in Sweden, and the cover was a photo of him chatting with Irene. This news had more than [-] retweets and comments.

Liang Ye: "..."

He also understood that Zhou Yuying always talked about his "relationship" with Irene over and over again, just because she didn't want him to always remember sadness.

"Okay, help me get things done first, and then think about other things." Liang Ye didn't intend to continue on this topic.

He and Irene are now in a very awkward relationship. He regards Irene as a good friend, but Irene's feelings for him are not that simple.

Zhou Yuying smiled lightly and said, "I can do two things at once."

"Use your size, don't think about these things every day." Liang Ye scolded with a smile.

"Wow, the captain scolded me!" Zhou Yuying immediately looked aggrieved, as if Liang Ye had really taught her a lesson.

Liang Ye acted as if he had seen a ghost. He found that he had been away from the Strategic Security Bureau for so long, and he really couldn't control Zhou Yuying. This woman is really naughty now.


After Zhou Yuying left, Liang Ye sat in the office and read the documents. After a while, Li Han knocked on the door.

"Master, the master is here." Li Han said.

"Huh?" Liang Ye raised his head and saw his father Liang Anguo striding in.

Liang Ye got up quickly, "Dad, why are you here?"

"I've been bored at home for a long time, come out to get some air." Liang Anguo smiled, as if he had something happy to do.

Liang Ye hurriedly went to the coffee table to make tea for his father. He respected his father very much, not only because of his outstanding achievements in the army, but also because he developed the Yeshen Group into a powerful business empire. .

Without Liang Anguo's words and deeds, Liang Ye would not be what he is now.

Both Ye Qing and Liang Anguo were determined to give their children the best education. When the Liang Family Manor was established, the two decided to build a large study room and an underground library to store all kinds of books.It was in such an environment full of book flavor that Liang Ye fell in love with reading.

"You have become a famous person in the past two days." Liang Anguo sat on the sofa, looked at Liang Ye and said with a smile.

Liang Ye touched his nose in embarrassment, and said: "It's okay, isn't it always like this when I first took office, I just pretended I didn't see it."

He really doesn't like to pay attention to other people's evaluation of himself. He never reads what is said on the Internet.

"I heard that you have rejected many interviews." Liang Anguo asked.

Liang Ye nodded and said, "Yes, I don't like dealing with the media."

As he spoke, he poured his father a cup of tea.This time he brewed not wild camellia, but a black tea called Yinghong No. [-].

This was brought by Li Han in the morning, and he hasn't drunk it yet.

"I think you should accept it." Liang Anguo picked up the teacup and said, "Although you have met with the media when you took office, you haven't done an exclusive interview yet."

"Eh..." Liang Ye was a little surprised, and asked, "Why do you want me to be interviewed?"

"As the current chairman and president of the Yeshen Group, your every move will attract public attention. Don't forget, you are now synonymous with wealth."

"That's you, Dad." Liang Ye retorted.

"But this is how the public sees it. Most of them don't understand it. They only know that this position is very valuable."

Liang Ye shrugged and said, "Okay, it's just this one time."

Liang Anguo has his own considerations. Liang Ye has a very high business talent, but he is more casual in management. He doesn't like dealing with the media, and he doesn't care how it is reported in the news.

So Liang Anguo took this into consideration for him.

"I heard that you and Irene are very close." Liang Anguo began to tease this matter, "She is quite beautiful, and she is August's daughter, so she is worthy of you."

Liang Ye looked helpless and said, "Dad..."


For Tong Tong, a reporter from S City TV Station, the new interview that the leader put her in charge of made her feel more nervous than ever before.

City S TV station will exclusively interview the new chairman and president of Yeshen Group, Liang Ye.

Tong Tong never imagined that the interview opportunity, which everyone was fighting for, would fall on her head.

More than a year ago, the night Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao confirmed their relationship, Tong Tong had already met Liang Ye and sang karaoke with him.

As Xiao Xiao's good friend before his death, she also attended the funeral and felt sad for Xiao Xiao's death.

Tong Tong saw Liang Ye at the funeral. At that time, he was wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, and no one could see his eyes.Tong Tong wanted to go up to say hello, but after seeing Liang Ye's clenched fist and white joints, she retreated.She thought what Liang Ye needed was quietness, not comfort.

To this day, Tong Tong occasionally goes to Xiao Xiao's tombstone to lay flowers.

Tong Tong was also surprised by Liang Ye's "comeback". She was also Liang Ye's friend, but she couldn't send congratulations because she didn't have Liang Ye's contact information.

While Tong Tong was still sitting in front of her desk in a daze, the director of the editorial department came to her, knocked on the table twice and said: "The interview will be held tomorrow morning, you should prepare well and prepare the interview outline before evening. Check it out for me, this is an interview with the chairman of the Yeshen Group, so nothing can go wrong."

"Ah?" Tong Tong was taken aback, but after seeing the director's serious expression, he quickly responded, "Okay, I'll prepare right away."

(End of this chapter)

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