Chapter 620
In the same way, the TV station in City S did not expect that the interview opportunities that all major media are competing for will fall on their city TV station.

The entire TV station was tense from top to bottom, and all the focus was on Tong Tong because she was the reporter responsible for the interview.

Some reporters also had other intentions. It is well known that Liang Ye's former girlfriend was Xiao Xiao, but she had already died, which meant that Liang Ye was single now.

Although he was rumored to be close to Eileen Carroll at a charity dinner, there is no clear evidence that the two are a couple.

Young, handsome and wealthy people like Liang Ye are really hard to find. Many people want to catch Liang Ye's line.

While the TV station was still preparing for the next day's interview, Liang Ye received a call from Zhou Yuying.

"Captain, I found the place you want. Although it's not very accurate, you should like it." Zhou Yuying said quickly.

Liang Ye was taken aback: "So fast?"

It's only been two hours since he finished his explanation, and it's [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Zhou Yuying's efficiency is really not a problem.

What Zhou Yuying wanted was for Liang Ye to be surprised, she said proudly: "That must be said, don't look at who I am."

"Okay, it's excellent, then take me to see it now." Liang Ye said.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yuying drove a ghost fighter plane to the headquarters of the Yeshen Group and picked up Liang Ye.

"I have to say, Captain, the place you want is really not easy to find, but I found one that should satisfy you. It's not far from here. It's about 10 minutes by flight. It's in City S. Suburbs, near the sea." Zhou Yuying introduced.

Liang Ye's imagination was beautiful, but it was not easy to find such a place in reality.

After listening to Zhou Yuying's story, he was not disappointed, because he believed that what Zhou Yuying found would not be bad.

Fifteen minutes later, the Wraith fighter plane flew over a forest, which was on a small hillside. The top of the hillside was extremely flat, next to the seaside.

There are no residents around, it is a very remote place.

Liang Ye was looking out through the window of the fighter plane at this time, Zhou Yuying asked, "Do you want to go down and have a look?"

"Okay." Liang Ye responded and activated the combat uniform.

Zhou Yuying set the fighter plane to autopilot mode, then opened the rear hatch, and activated the aircraft under her feet.

The fighter plane was only cruising at an altitude of 200 meters. After leaving the plane, the two descended slightly, floating in mid-air, overlooking the forest near the sea.

"There is no such lake as you want." Zhou Yuying said.

"It's okay, it's enough." Liang Ye looked at the forest below, his heart beating fast.

Just relying on the seaside has already satisfied his requirements.

In fact, there are many villa areas near the sea in S City, some of which are still owned by the Yeshen Group, but they are all in the form of residential areas, which do not belong to the "quiet" place in Liang Ye's mind.

There are no residents around this place, and no one usually comes here.

Zhou Yuying said: "Captain, this large piece of land is vacant, because there were rumors of ghosts spreading here 10 years ago, and no one dared to develop here for many years."

"Haunted?" Liang Ye was suddenly curious.

"I looked through the files, and it wasn't actually haunted, but because there happened to be a supernatural being here at the time, which frightened the locals and killed people. Everyone panicked and gradually moved away. "Zhou Yuying explained.

Treating supernatural beings as ghosts, there are no shortage of such cases in history.The abilities of some supernatural beings are too special, and ordinary people will easily be scared to death if they accidentally see them.

Zhou Yuying continued: "Also, the climate here is rather strange. It may be because of the proximity to the sea. The wind blows very hard, just like a valley of wind. Coupled with the rumors of being haunted, people regard this place as a Terrible place, no one ever gets near here."

Liang Ye also felt it. After leaving the plane, he could feel that the wind here was very strong. The wind carried a faint salty smell of sea water and a strong smell of nature, which made him feel very comfortable.

"This is exactly what I want!" Liang Ye snapped his fingers and said, "Then here, get the right to use this land, then build a villa on the edge of the cliff, build a small road and the road outside Next, remember to keep it secret, all projects are carried out in secret, and no one should know that it has anything to do with me."

The "land" Liang Ye was referring to was the entire forest on the hillside below him.

This area is about [-] acres, very large, there is a road at the bottom of the hillside, but because the place is remote, no more than fifty cars pass by in a day.

And the cliff that Liang Ye mentioned can't actually be called a cliff. Standing on the edge, five meters below is the sea.

It is rare to find such a remote place in S city, Zhou Yuying was able to find it, it is really amazing.

Zhou Yuying nodded and said, "Don't worry, captain, I will help you deal with it."

Of course she understood Liang Ye's thoughts, this matter was actually not easy to do, but she was also very happy that she could help Liang Ye.

That night, Zhou Yuying used a false identity to get the land use right, and at the same time gave Liang Ye a design drawing.

Liang Ye was very satisfied after reading it, and transferred the needed funds to Zhou Yuying.

All he needs to do now is to wait. It is estimated that the villa will be built in less than three months.

A series of projects were carried out in secret. Zhou Yuying hired designers and construction teams who were her college classmates and signed a non-disclosure agreement.They only know that they want to build a mansion here, but they don't know who it is for.

Judging from the environment, the villa Liang Ye requested was no less than his own mansion.And the funds needed are all his own money.

For more than a year, while Liang Ye took revenge, he also obtained a large amount of property from the enemy. Leaving aside the family money, Liang Ye himself already owns 400 billion US dollars.

Even Liang Anguo didn't know that Liang Ye had so much money.

The only people who know about this matter are Liang Ye and the ghost task force. No one in the Yeshen Group knows that Liang Ye is building a new residence for himself.

In fact, after this place is completed, it will become his secret base.

No matter how long Liang Ye stays as the chairman of the Yeshen Group, as a supernatural being, he cannot avoid some troubles after all.

That night, he still lived in Xiao Xiao's former house.

It's easy to get emotional, but until the new house is built, he intends to live here.

Liang Ye was sitting on the sofa, drinking honey water, as if it was the same as before.

The difference was that he had to soak the honey water by himself, and no one rubbed his shoulders when he was sitting on the sofa.

No one would bring him a change of clothes with a blushing face.

Before, it was really beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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