Ghost Task Force

Chapter 621 When the interview is in progress

Chapter 621 When the interview is in progress

In the morning, in the chairman's office of the Yeshen Group, the interview team of the S City TV station came to the scene early to start the layout, and Li Han watched from the side.

Because it was an interview with Liang Ye, the people on the TV station were very nervous.Yeshen Group and S City TV Station have a cooperation, if they accidentally make Liang Ye unhappy, maybe their cooperation might be cool.

Setting up the camera, adjusting the lighting, the cameraman was busy, and Tong Tong, the reporter in charge of the interview, presented the interview draft to Li Han.

"This is today's interview draft. Do you think there is anything that needs to be revised?" Tong Tong said nervously.

This is the meaning of the director of the editorial department. After arriving at the scene, he will show the interview draft to Liang Ye's secretary in advance. If she has any suggestions for revision, he will revise it on the spot.

In previous interviews, this has never happened. Generally, the outline of the interview is decided by them. In many cases, the opinions of the media determine the life and death of a company.

But the influence of the Yeshen Group is too great, and it even has media under its banner. The information software they created has now become the most widely used media platform in China.The public likes the mobile phone software developed by the Yeshen Group. There are no advertisements, and the content pushed is the content that the public likes, without any bad information.

"It's not necessary." Li Han didn't even read it, and directly returned the interview draft to Tong Tong, saying, "Just follow your ideas."

The word-of-mouth of City S TV Station has always been very good, which is why the Yeshen Group cooperated with them.It was Liang Anguo's intention to choose them for the interview.

Although Liang Ye doesn't like dealing with the media, it doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to do so.In terms of media work, he has his own unique insights.

"This..." Tong Tong was surprised by Li Han's response. In the past, the subjects interviewed were very concerned about their interview drafts, for fear of being asked questions that were difficult to answer.

And Li Han didn't seem worried at all.

Li Han ignored Tong Tong, and focused her attention on the elevator not far away.

"The young master is here!" Li Han said.

The cameramen also prepared their equipment and made an OK gesture to Tong Tong.

"Good morning, young master." Li Han stepped forward to greet Liang Ye.

Liang Ye nodded, and then fixed his eyes on Tong Tong behind Li Han.

Li Han didn't know that Liang Ye knew Tong Tong, so he quickly said, "Master, she is a reporter from S City TV station, Tong Tong."

Before this, Liang Ye didn't know who the reporter who was in charge of interviewing him was, and he didn't have the intention to know in advance.But seeing Tong Tong again, he was really surprised.

Liang Ye looked curious: "It's you?"

Li Han turned his head to look at Tong Tong, and asked, "Master, do you know her?"

"Yes, she is Xiao Xiao's classmate."

When Xiao Xiao was mentioned, Liang Ye's heart twitched twice, and a burst of sadness welled up in his heart.

"Master Liang, long time no see." Tong Tong smiled and stepped forward, reaching out his hand towards Liang Ye.

Because she was interviewing a big shot like Liang Ye, she dressed up specially, with light makeup on her face, a white women's suit, her hair tied into a ponytail, and she looked very elegant.

Although Tong Tong's appearance is not as good as Xiao Xiao's, she is still a beauty. Walking on the street, she can attract the attention of many boys.

The S city TV station chose Tong Tong to interview Liang Ye because she was the face value of the station.Since she became an on-camera reporter, the ratings of the TV station have increased a little.

There used to be a selection on the Internet called "Top Ten Beautiful Journalists in China", and Tong Tong ranked first.

"Hello." Liang Ye and Tong Tong shook hands.

He actually had a deep impression of Tong Tong, because at Xiao Xiao's funeral, Tong Tong cried very sadly.

"Everything is ready, young master, do you want to start the interview now, or take a break first?" Li Han asked.

As Liang Ye's secretary, Li Han naturally had to be considerate.

Liang Ye said, "Let's start now."

In the office, according to Li Han's intention, the background of the interview was the bookshelf, mainly to highlight Liang Ye's erudition.

Tong Tong sat across from Liang Ye, and she put the interview manuscript aside.In order not to make mistakes for a few days, she deliberately memorized the manuscript all night.

The cameras are all ready and waiting for the interview to start.

Liang Ye put on the microphone, looked at Tong Tong and said, "I didn't expect you to come to interview me."

Tong Tong smiled: "Actually, I was very surprised."

"Then let's start." Liang Ye snapped his fingers.

The cameras were instructed to turn on the cameras.

It wasn't the first time they had done this kind of work, and it could even be said to be commonplace, but today they interviewed Liang Ye, and each of them felt inexplicably nervous.

Especially after Liang Ye's arrival, the inadvertent deterrence emanating from him made them all shiver.

With a professional smile on Tong Tong's face, he began to say, "Hi, Mr. Liang, I'm glad you accepted this interview, thank you."

Liang Ye smiled: "You don't have to be so polite, I am also very happy to have this conversation, as far as I know, you are a very good reporter."

"Thank you for your evaluation. Since you took over as the chairman and president of the Yeshen Group, the public has paid great attention to you, and the evaluation is also mixed. Some critics even published an article in the newspaper "Yeshen Group adopts corporate hereditary system?" . What is your opinion on this?"

Tong Tong asked a very sharp question at the beginning, and this is what people are most concerned about.

Liang Anguo retired, and his son Liang Ye came to power, which really made the public very curious.

Facing Tong Tong's question, Liang Ye smiled again, this smile was very flat, without any emotion.And it was this faint smile that made Tong Tong's heart beat faster.

Liang Ye said: "Actually, it's hard for me to imagine that this can become a topic of discussion. The workplace is always a place where capable people prevail. If my ability is not recognized by my dad, he will naturally find someone else." , will never leave the night god to me to take care of."

His words are very arrogant, which is equivalent to directly showing that he has such abilities.

Tong Tong was surprised by Liang Ye's answer, she didn't expect Liang Ye to praise herself so much.But she immediately believed in her heart that Liang Ye was not flattering himself, but really powerful.

Tong Tong sorted out his language and continued to ask: "There are rumors that you served in the Shenzhou Army before taking over Ye Shen. Is this true?"

In fact, Tong Tong knew Liang Ye's military status a long time ago, but she wanted to find out in the interview.

"Yes, I used to be a soldier of the Shenzhou Navy, and I am proud of my military status."

Liang Ye didn't mention his military rank. His promotion was too exaggerated. It's enough for the army to be surprised. There's no need to surprise the whole country.

Li Han was standing outside Liang Ye's office, watching the ongoing interview.

Of course she understood Liang Anguo's intention for Liang Ye to be interviewed. Liang Ye was too mysterious before, causing the public to be full of speculation about him. An exclusive interview can dispel all kinds of groundless speculations.

(End of this chapter)

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