Ghost Task Force

Chapter 622 Irene

Chapter 622 Irene
Tong Tong asked: "After you took office, you made adjustments to the group's investment and its subsidiaries. Can you tell me what is the reason?"

Liang Ye's series of actions after taking office have attracted a lot of attention, and his actions to adjust the investment plan are even more elusive.

"For me, this is a very simple decision. My analysis is straightforward. If it is not suitable or needs to be changed, then adjust it, undo it, dismantle it. It's like there is a grain of sand in a person's shoe. You Always wanting to get it off instead of letting it grind your feet in your shoes all the time."

Liang Ye's answer was very down-to-earth, without any empty phrases or vague words, and directly expressed his personal thoughts.

Tong Tong continued to ask: "How do you evaluate your father?"

Hearing Tong Tong's question, Liang Ye was a little surprised. He didn't answer right away, but adjusted his sitting posture.

After a while, Liang Ye replied: "I think most people think their father is a hero, and so do I. When I was young, I thought he was an excellent soldier; when I grew up, I thought he was a hero." He is a great entrepreneur. My father’s original intention of setting up the Yeshen Group was to bring convenient and practical technological products to people. He has done this. All along, his life experience has always encouraged me. Now I will go It feels good to be on the road he walked on."

Mentioning his father, Liang Ye's eyes were full of admiration.This is not an affectation, but true worship.

Tong Tong asked again: "During the dinner held by European philanthropist August Carroll the day before yesterday, a reporter reported that you and Eileen Carroll were intimate. What do you think of this?"

"We are just good friends." Liang Ye replied quickly.

He had long guessed that the reporter might ask such a question.The public is most curious about Liang Ye's relationship. After all, in the eyes of most people, Liang Ye is young and promising. Who will he choose as his partner?
"Can you talk about your views on love?" Tong Tong asked a question that surprised him again.

Liang Ye was taken aback: "Why is there still such a problem?"

Tong Tong smiled and said nothing.

"Love should be pure. In my opinion, love should be close to each other, never forgetting each other in rivers and lakes, never forgetting each other in the deep sea. In your heart, it will always be the first day you see her, and the first day you will be with her." The one you miss day and night."


In this interview, from the development of the Yeshen Group to Liang Ye's personal questions, he was basically asked, as if trying to dig him out.

Liang Ye did not avoid these questions, and answered each one seriously.In fact, the question about love was added by Tong Tong himself, and it was not reviewed by the station.

After the interview was broadcast, it once again aroused the public's attention.

The most heated discussion on the Internet was Liang Ye's former military status.Many people couldn't believe that such a rich man would have served in the navy, and at the same time said he was proud of his military status.His words made those girls who were fascinated by his appearance even more crazy, wishing to rush to him immediately.

Liang Ye didn't pay attention to how it was discussed online.

But what he didn't expect was that trouble would come so quickly.

The next morning, there was a woman in a long black dress in Liang Ye's office.

Erin Carroll.

She came very suddenly, without even saying hello, she came directly to Liang Ye's office, and Li Han couldn't stop her.

"Damn?" Liang Ye looked at Irene in surprise, thinking that this dead woman cared so much about her words.

Irene came to Shenzhou for no other reason, but because Liang Ye said "we are just good friends" in a TV interview, she was upset.

At this time, Irene was displeased, sitting on the sofa in the office with her legs crossed, her arms folded, her beautiful eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"Young...young master." Li Han looked at Irene, then at Liang Ye, standing there not knowing what to say.

Liang Ye smiled wryly, and said to Li Han, "It's okay, Sister Li, you can go out and close the door by the way."


After the door was closed, Liang Ye stood up, came to Irene, and poured her a cup of tea.

"I won't drink!" Irene was still angry.

Liang Ye thought that he didn't do anything to her, she acted like he owed her money and didn't pay her back.

Looking at her cold face, Liang Ye smiled wryly, and said, "I said, Irene, you won't compete with me just because of this sentence, we are indeed good friends!"


Seeing that Irene didn't speak, Liang Ye sat on the sofa and scratched his head with some headaches.

Irene looked at Liang Ye and said, "Are you in such a hurry to clarify your relationship with me?"

"It's not a clarification... I'm just stating the facts. There's nothing unclear between us, right?"

Liang Ye was very confused, and he didn't do anything to her. It's not like he didn't reject her in Sweden before, so she shouldn't be angry because of it.

"You saw my body while I was swimming and I hold you accountable now!" Erin said.

Liang Ye: "!@#¥%...what a mess."

"Hey, hey, let me explain, you are wearing a swimsuit, and we have never had any relationship that shouldn't have happened!" Liang Ye felt that this woman was becoming more and more unreasonable, and she was not like this before.

In the beginning, Liang Ye and Irene had a very good cooperative relationship. Liang Ye paid the money, and Irene provided information.

The two had also drank together a few times. Irene liked swimming, and many times when Liang Ye came to her residence, she was still in the swimming pool.Irene is beautiful, shockingly beautiful, but Liang Ye never thinks too much about her, he is not a person with a brain.

He really treats Irene as a good friend.

But starting from Sweden, Irene changed her attitude towards him.

"Then we'll have a relationship!" Saying that, Irene suddenly stood up and walked quickly to Liang Ye.

"What do you want?" Liang Ye felt a little uneasy.

Then, Irene sat on his lap, hugged his neck, and kissed him with fiery red lips.

Liang Ye: "what the fuck?"

After half a second, Liang Ye pushed Irene away, grabbed her shoulders firmly, and prevented her from moving any further.

Even though he has extraordinary perception and reflexes, Irene's operation just now made him unable to react.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Liang Ye was visibly angry.

Apart from Xiao Xiao, he had never kissed another woman on his lips. It was a little too much for Irene to do so.

"I know!" Irene seemed to go crazy, tearing Liang Ye's clothes with all her strength.

Irene has been trained as an assassin, and her strength is astonishing, but compared with Liang Ye, a supernatural being, she is still weaker.

Liang Ye used his hands slightly to push her to the sofa beside her.A gust of wind blew by, and Liang Ye was no longer in front of Irene's eyes.

She scanned the office and found that Liang Ye was floating in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the bustling city S outside.

He just flew away directly.

(End of this chapter)

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