Ghost Task Force

Chapter 630 Don't Talk

Chapter 630 Don't Talk
The Hidden Blade's combat skills are not outstanding, it doesn't have a fancy sword aura like the long sword, and it can also create sword shadows.A person like Liang Ye who uses the Hidden Blade to the extreme can cause huge damage or even death to the enemy with just an ordinary thrust.

For a top assassin, it only takes a moment to kill, and the person who is killed will never have a chance to react.

Assassins and killers are different, but they have similarities. Assassins have the skills that killers should have, and have stricter training in close combat.

Ghost Shadow is a top assassin, but what he faces is Liang Ye, a top assassin with wind power.

Before carrying out this task, Guiying felt that he should make more preparations, so he had the big truck behind and the 20 supporters.

But these supports were based on his ability to defeat Liang Ye. He knew that Liang Ye possessed extraordinary combat power, but he never thought that he would not be able to defeat him.

The stinging pain from the tiger's mouth made Guiying's reaction a little slower. In the battle between the strong, if you are not careful, you will be caught by the opponent's fatal weakness.

I saw a phantom flashing past, and the ghost only felt a chill in his throat, as if something hot was gushing out.

With Liang Ye's speed, it only took a moment to complete the attack + kill.

Until the ghost shadow died, he didn't see how Liang Ye killed him, let alone how Liang Ye captured his movements.

Throughout the battle, the ghost was in a state of invisibility, but his invisibility not only had no effect, it seemed that he had no invisibility in front of Liang Ye.

Ghosting's life is rapidly disappearing, and his body is gradually emerging. Although the mission failed, he still uttered the last two words of his life: "Amazing!"

This battle ended very quickly, no one would have thought that Gui Ying, the leader of Ghost Blade, would be so vulnerable in front of Liang Ye.

The reason why Liang Ye chose to kill him was because the organization Ghostblade would never betray his employer, and it was meaningless to keep him alive.Instead of spending time interrogating, it is better to check it yourself.

There are many people in this world who want to kill them, but almost none of them dare to take action. Asking Ghost Blade to carry out such a big assassination, the other party is obviously lacking some brains while being bold.

They underestimated Liang Ye!
The exchange of fire on the other side was still going on. The bodyguards ran out of bullets and were forced to hide behind the bunker, drawing out their daggers and waiting for the enemy to approach.Once close, they all have absolute confidence.

There are also attackers who are slowly moving forward. They have sufficient ammunition and are well-equipped. Although their companions have been killed in large numbers, they seem to have not seen them, and their emotions have not fluctuated in the slightest.

Killing machine!
A killing machine that only obeys orders without any emotion.

Liang Anguo didn't feel desperate, he took a dagger from Du Jie's hand, and was also ready to fight.

At this moment, an assailant threw it in Liang Anguo's direction.

In the confrontation just now, they roughly determined Liang Anguo's location, the other bodyguards were not important, their task was to kill Liang Anguo and Liang Ye.

The poor Ghost Blade members didn't know that their leader had died under Liang Ye's sword.

Liang Anguo raised his pistol, and there was still the last bullet in the magazine.

But before he could pull the trigger, a gust of wind suddenly came and blew it back abruptly.

Although they were killing machines without emotion, they still widened their eyes in shock when they saw this strange change.


The scream echoed in the forest.

The smoke quickly dissipated in the rain.


There was a blinding flash of lightning in the sky, and the rain in June dilutes the heat, but it also brings a touch of fear.

Before the other 7 attackers could react, the wind blew again, wrapping around each attacker's body as if they had eyes.

There was no screaming, no struggle, and the seven living people were shattered into pieces in this dark clouded environment after the wind blew past.

This was also the first time that the bodyguards of the Liang family saw such a terrifying scene. They were all professionally trained elites who had experienced many challenges, but the sudden change in front of them shocked their hearts greatly.For a moment, they all forgot their duties and just stared at each other.

Soon, they saw Liang Ye floating in the sky.

At this moment, he looked down on the forest like a god.As for the puddles of blood, he was not interested in looking at them.

"Young...young master!" Du Jie looked at Liang Ye with fear in his eyes.

When Liang Ye's figure appeared in the air, they all understood that this extremely cruel but extremely joyful way of killing was done by Liang Ye.

All the bodyguards were pale, resisting the urge to vomit, and came out from behind the bunker.

At this time, a ghost fighter flew in the sky, and Zhou Yuying with the aircraft under her feet flew out first, and then, Lei Yu, Chen Xiaolang, and Deng Xuan all descended to the ground by rappelling.

"The energy detection satellite has detected strong energy fluctuations here, and the Ministry of Intelligence reported that Ghost Blade has come to Shenzhou." Zhou Yuying flew to Liang Ye's side, ignoring the rain that wet her clothes, and said with a soft smile: "But Looking at the appearance here, Ghost Blade has kicked the iron plate of you, captain."

Liang Ye smiled, landed on the ground, looked at the thunderstorm and said, "I didn't come until the end of the matter. The distance between H City and S City is so close. If it were someone else, it would be impossible for you to come."

Facing Liang Ye's criticism, Lei Yu scratched his head and was speechless for a while.

There was a delay in the docking work this time, and the thunderstorm even sprayed the intelligence department on the way.

No matter which organization it is, mistakes are inevitable. Fortunately, this incident revolves around Liang Ye, who has the ability to face all this.

"I'm sorry boss, this is our negligence." Lei Yu said.

Even though Liang Ye was no longer the captain of the Ghost Task Force, none of the team members present dared to complain about being criticized by him.

Zhou Yuying also fell to the ground, and asked Liang Ye: "Captain, where is the ghost?"

"Dead." Liang Ye's answer was straightforward.

"Hey, isn't it because we sensed Captain Liang's presence? What kind of ghost blade, a few hundred more people; what kind of spicy chicken ghost, ten or eight more are not enough for you to see Captain Liang." The fart shot is called smooth.

Liang Ye couldn't help curling his lips at Deng Xuan's words, thinking that the boy's way of speaking seemed to have changed a little.

"Don't talk, these people are here to assassinate me and my father." Liang Ye said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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