Chapter 631
The Ghost Task Force members already knew it, which is why they were a little nervous.

The Yeshen Group and the Strategic Security Bureau are in-depth cooperation. Now that Liang Anguo and his son were attacked in City H, they didn't detect it in advance.

This is a serious failure of intelligence work.

"Uncle, is he okay?" Lei Yu asked quickly.

Liang Ye is fine, judging by his current appearance, apart from being drenched by the rain, he hasn't lost a single hair on his whole body.But Liang Anguo is different, although he also has not weak combat power, but he is still not a supernatural person.

As soon as Lei Yu finished speaking, Liang Anguo walked out of the forest under the protection of a group of bodyguards.

"Hey, my dad used to be the captain of the Dragon Eagle Commando. Give him a pistol, and he can 'play' with these people." Mentioning his father, Liang Ye wasn't worried at all.

Liang Anguo walked up to Liang Ye and asked, "Do you know who did it?"

"Such a large-scale attack is very courageous. I don't know who it is yet, but I think there will be an answer soon." Liang Ye said.

"The Strategic Security Bureau will provide intelligence support." Zhou Yuying said hastily.

Liang Anguo and Liang Ye were attacked, and the Strategic Security Bureau was responsible for providing all-round support. After all, the Yeshen Group had provided too much help in the construction of the Security Bureau.

Liang Ye nodded, looked at Lei Yu, and said, "Someone with supernatural powers has appeared, and I will leave this matter to you to finish."

As long as it is related to supernatural beings, it is the responsibility of the Strategic Defense Bureau.

"You want to go back and continue the meeting?" Liang Anguo saw what Liang Ye was thinking.

"Yes." An imperceptible sneer flashed across Liang Ye's mouth.

Who hired Ghost Blade, he already had an answer in his heart.Many times, Liang Ye believed in her intuition, which was as accurate as a woman's sixth sense.

Lei Yu saw Liang Ye's sneer, and his heart trembled violently twice.When he showed such a smile, it proved that he was really intent on killing.

"Do you need our help?" Lei Yu asked.

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "The Ghost Task Force is a quick-response force responsible for dealing with supernatural beings, not dealing with personal hatred. I can handle this kind of thing myself."

With the help of Lei Yu and others, it can naturally be processed faster and more efficiently, but that's not how the Ghost Task Force is used.

This is different from Liang Ye asking Zhou Yuying for help. Zhou Yuying used her own connections and abilities instead of using the resources of the Security Bureau.

"All right, but we will wait for your call at any time, boss. The team is formed by you alone. When you need us, the task force will always be your backing." Lei Yu said firmly.

Liang Ye glanced at Lei Yu with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Even though I did so many things that I shouldn't have done, Lei Yu didn't seem to notice, and still chose to support me.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the Operations Department of the Strategic Security Bureau was in charge of handling the scene, while Liang Anguo and others boarded the Ghost Fighter and returned to the manor.

The attack on Liang Anguo and Liang Ye shocked the entire Strategic Security Bureau and the Liang family's security team. This was the first time anyone dared to attack them.Fortunately, with Liang Ye around, these attackers had no chance to breathe.

Li Shan immediately called Liang Anguo to inquire about the situation, but neither father nor son paid much attention to it, but finding out who was behind the scenes was the top priority.

Liang Ye refused the help of the Strategic Security Bureau, and he planned to handle the matter himself.

However, the security of the Liang Family Manor has been strengthened, and the housekeeper Jiang Long personally sits in the town, so that not even a fly can fly in.

This incident was also suppressed, and no one outside knew what happened.As father and son, once this incident gets out, it may shock the whole world.

The afternoon meeting of the Yeshen Group went on as usual, and most of the directors were present. Liang Ye called Su Hong over and held a brief board meeting.

Seeing Liang Ye appearing safely, Su Hong's face darkened immediately.

Liang Ye didn't even seem to lose a single hair. Obviously, Ghost Blade's attack failed.

In order to ensure everything is safe, Su Hong paid a huge sum of money to invite Ghost Blade's leader, Gui Ying, but it didn't work.

Su Hong felt fear for the first time. It was rumored that Liang Ye possessed super fighting power. If he killed the ghost... Su Hong's body trembled twice, and she didn't dare to continue thinking. At the same time, she was thinking With a new assassination plan.

She didn't give up, because if she gave up, the position of chairman would never fall on her head.At the same time, Liang Ye will continue to cut off the connection between her and the Yeshen Group, and if it continues, all she has left is the shares.

The meeting was to convey the latest deployment of the Yeshen Group, and Su Hong was still the first to oppose it, and the shareholders who supported her also expressed their opposition, and the two sides immediately reached a stalemate.

Su Hong didn't show any flaws, she tried her best to calm herself down.

"Since there is no result now, let's start planning again." Liang Ye crossed his legs, not feeling angry at all because of the opposition from Su Hong and others.

"All these decisions of yours were rejected by your father." Gao Kun frowned and said, "This will affect the company's operations!"

"No, my father was out of other considerations at the time, but the situation is different now." Liang Ye tapped the table twice, and smiled slightly: "Since you all disagree, let's put it down for now, I have a meeting today, mainly I wanted to tell you something else."

His words aroused everyone's curiosity, and they kept their eyes on him.

"At noon today, when my father and I were returning to City S, we were attacked." Liang Ye said seriously.

Directors: "!!!"

Almost immediately, shock flashed in everyone's eyes.

The same is true for Su Hong, because if she doesn't do this, she will show her flaws and let people know that she did it.Her decision did not let the shareholders who supported her know.

The less people know about it, the less likely problems will arise.

Liang Ye's eyes swept over everyone, and when he saw Su Hong's expression, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Do you know who did it?" Su Hong was the first to ask.

Gao Kun and the others all secretly glanced at Su Hong. They actually guessed something in their hearts. There are not many people in the world who dare to attack Liang Anguo and his son. Su Hong probably dared to do so.

"I don't know yet, I'm still investigating." Liang Ye said slowly with a "serious" face: "Every director must pay attention to the safety of life, I am worried that the targets behind the scenes are not only me and my dad, but may also deal with you .”

These words were made up by Liang Ye, he wanted Su Hong to think that he didn't suspect her.

(End of this chapter)

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