Chapter 632

At night, in the seaside forest on the outskirts of City S.

Liang Ye was wearing a combat uniform, floating in mid-air, looking at the busy workers below.

This is a big project, and although three months is plenty of time, they are still rushing to work day and night.

The forest after the rain is very fresh. Fireflies cut through the black curtain and fly around in the forest. The stars are like the eyes of innocent children, illusory and peaceful.

Liang Ye liked this environment very much, and after Xiao Xiao left, he loved this dreamlike small world even more.

After the afternoon meeting, Su Hong left with a dark face, and the directors who supported Liang Ye asked what happened to Liang Ye.Liang Ye didn't tell them the answer, but just asked them to pay more attention to safety.

He no longer intends to let Su Hong go. After Su Hong left, Liang Ye issued a new order.

All subsidiaries and cooperative enterprises related to Su Hong in the Yeshen Group will be cancelled.This is a complete break with Su Hong.

This will slightly affect the Night God Group, but it is not a big problem.And he believed that this decision would make Su Hong go berserk and make Su Hong ready to die.

However, Liang Ye did not intend to give Su Hong such an opportunity.

After a long time, Liang Ye sighed, and just as he was about to fly away, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure in the forest.

Liang Ye subconsciously landed on the ground, and found that Lei Yu was leaning against a tree and looking at him with the "Eye of the Sky" on his back.

"Why are you here?" Liang Ye asked.

Lei Yu smiled and said, "This is really a good place, boss."

Everyone in the ghost task force knew that Liang Ye was going to build a villa, which would become Liang Ye's new home and the place where the task force members would gather in the future.

"Yeah, at night, this place will give people a dreamy feeling." Liang Ye said.

The waning moon hangs in the night sky, accompanied by stars, and the towering trees are surrounded by fireflies. The beauty is intoxicating.

Liang Ye noticed the sniper rifle on Lei Yu's back, and continued to ask: "What are you doing with the 'Sky Eye' on your back?"

"A scouting mission."

"The reconnaissance mission requires you to dispatch, what about the others?"

Lei Yu shrugged, and said confidently, "I can do it by myself. Boss, don't forget that I'm Hawkeye. It's perfect for me to take on the reconnaissance mission."

"That's right." Thinking of Lei Yu's shooting ability, Liang Ye didn't ask any further.

Lei Yu looked at Liang Ye's combat uniform and asked, "Boss, are you going to attack Su Hong?"

Liang Ye was taken aback: "How do you know?"

"Hey, I've known you for so many years, and I know you're a vengeful man."

Speaking of hatred, Lei Yu instantly thought of Liang Ye's revenge for more than a year, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Xiao Xiao was the only one who could make Liang Ye look like that.

Everyone knew that Xiao Xiao's death had hit Liang Ye hard.

"Will the Security Bureau stop me?" Liang Ye asked.

Lei Yu shook his head: "No, although you are a supernatural being, boss, Su Hong's assassination of you and uncle will seriously affect the cooperation between the two parties. To be honest, if you hadn't refused the help of the Security Bureau, the director would have planned to send The agents went to arrest Su Hong."


This surprised Liang Ye, he didn't expect Li Shan to have such an idea.

Liang Ye didn't know how much the top management of the Strategic Security Bureau valued the safety of Liang Anguo and himself. Su Hong's assassination of the two was also a provocation to the Strategic Security Bureau.

Even Ding Xue, who has the worst temper, would respectfully call Uncle Liang when she saw Liang Anguo.

Su Hong didn't know how reckless her actions were this time.

"Boss, the safety of you and uncle is the top priority. During the meeting in the afternoon, the director sprayed the Intelligence Department, the Operations Department, and the Field Service Department." Thinking of Li Shan's anger at the meeting, Lei Yu couldn't help it He smiled and continued: "Actually, the director still hopes that you can come back. Even if you are not the captain of the task force, he still hopes that you can be a ninth-level agent. After you left, that position is still vacant. "

Liang Ye asked: "Are you here to speak for him?"

"No, I support your choice unconditionally, boss. Even if the director orders me to persuade you, I can't obey."

Although he thought so in his heart, Lei Yu always hoped that Liang Ye would come back.

Liang Ye sighed, and said, "Impossible, I am the chairman of the Yeshen Group now, and charging into battle is not what I should do now."

"I understand." Lei Yu nodded.

Liang Ye's knot in his heart has not been completely untied, and his identity does not allow him to return to the Strategic Security Bureau.

At least, Liang Ye didn't hate Li Shan, which was a good result.

"Your breath has changed, has it improved?" Liang Ye continued to ask.

He could feel that the breath of thunderstorm was much stronger than before. In the afternoon, because of the heavy rain, Liang Ye didn't feel it.

Now in such a peaceful environment, he realized something.

"As expected of the boss, you have already discovered this." Lei Yu laughed confidently, "I have a unique trick."

"The trick?" Liang Ye suddenly became curious.

"I'll name it—God Killing Bullet!"

Liang Ye: "!!!"

From the name, Liang Ye could understand the power of this bullet.

Even a god can't dodge this bullet!

"Specially used to deal with supernatural beings." Lei Yu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I firmly believe that no one in the world can escape except you, the boss."

"No, you dare to choose such a name, which is enough to prove the power of this bullet. To be honest, when you said the name of this bullet, I actually felt scared." Liang Ye said.

Yes, Liang Ye actually felt fear at that moment.

All of Lei Yu's abilities are reflected in firearms. He is the well-deserved god of sniper in China.

"Will it hurt me when I use it?" Liang Ye asked.

Since it is a unique move, it does not rule out damage to oneself, and this kind of move must be used only when there is no other choice.

"I haven't used it yet. Yue Ling made an estimate for me. If there is no mistake, it will break my arm." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye: "..."

Lei Yu said: "Yueling helped me develop new armor-piercing bullets and explosive bullets. I tried them just now and they are not bad."

"Very good, this way you have more means." After speaking, Liang Ye patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and said, "I am very relieved to have you in the task force."

Lei Yu nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, boss, I won't let you down."

The two grew up together, and both could give their backs to each other, but without Liang Ye, Lei Yu always felt that the team lacked soul.

But he didn't dare to persuade Liang Ye anymore, at least not now.

"By the way, boss, have you thought about it..." Lei Yu, who was always straightforward, hesitated a little at this moment.

Liang Ye was confused by his expression, and asked, "What have you thought about?"

"Aunt Ye!" Lei Yu finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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