Ghost Task Force

Chapter 633 Won't Kill You

Chapter 633 Won't Kill You

"What did you say?"

Hearing Lei Yu mentioning his mother, Liang Ye's breath instantly became confused.

Lei Yu understood Liang Ye's reaction very well. Ye Qing's departure back then had dealt a great blow to Liang Ye.

At that time, Liang Ye was only five years old. On a winter morning, Ye Qing sat beside the young Liang Ye's bed for a long time, and finally put on a coat and disappeared into the sky full of snow.

Liang Ye thought her mother was just going shopping, and stood by the window watching her back gradually go away.

Later, his father Liang Anguo told him that his mother would not come back.

There was no reason, no reason, Liang Ye was very puzzled, he didn't understand why his mother would be so cruel and leave him and his father.

When Ye Qing was around, Liang Ye felt that he was the happiest son in the world.

Until now, there is still a trace of resentment in Liang Ye's heart.

Lei Yu sighed softly and said, "We have found some clues recently..."

"Needless to say."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Ye interrupted him.

"Don't tell me anything." Liang Ye said.


"Everything about her, now I don't want to check, nor do I want to know."

"I understand." Lei Yu finally responded.

He put the USB flash drive he was about to take out back into his pocket. Originally, he wanted to give the information to Liang Ye.

Watching Liang Yefei go away, Lei Yu sighed again, and said to himself: "Boss, if you know what Auntie is going through, you will understand her."


In the Fenglin villa area, Su Hong and the other four shareholders who supported her all looked dignified,
"You are too reckless." Ding Fu said in a deep voice.

When Liang Anguo and Liang Ye were attacked, all of them immediately thought of Su Hong, and only Su Hong could do such a thing.

In fact, Su Hong and Ghost Blade often cooperated, and she hired Ghost Blade to eliminate many opponents.Because of Ghost Blade's quick work, no one knows that she did it until now.

But this time, whether it was Su Hong or Ghost Blade, they both hit the iron plate.

What Su Hong didn't know was that the Bureau of Strategic Security had already issued a decision to hunt down Ghost Blade. On this night, the special agent team began to encircle and suppress Ghost Blade. Their hiding places were searched, and many killers were caught and handed over to Interpol.

After tonight, there will be no more Ghost Blade organizations in the world.

"Hmph, he was lucky this time!" Su Hong said unwillingly.

"Is it just luck? Liang Ye didn't even lose a single hair." Ding Fu was also upset, staring at Su Hong and said, "This only proves that Liang Ye's fighting power is higher than that of Ghost Blade, and we are all in trouble! "


Su Hong slapped the table hard, stood up from the seat, pointed at Ding Fu and scolded: "Don't accuse me here, let me tell you, those two father and son are not dead, neither of us can succeed, we are now a on board."

"Hmph, the thing I regret the most is working with you!" Ding Fu also stood up, and said with a low face, "You are still reckless, you don't consider the consequences of doing things, and if you want to annex Night God, what we should do is to dig out What is wrong with Liang Ye, and then magnify his mistakes, and persuade other directors to remove him. Assassination is the worst strategy. Not only have you failed now, but you have also pushed everyone to the forefront!"

Ding Fu's words are not wrong, everyone agrees except Su Hong.

"Get lost." Su Hong gritted her teeth and said.


Ding Fu shook his hand, turned around and walked towards the gate. The moment he left the gate, he said: "Our cooperation ends here."

"He's gone." Gao Kun frowned, "If he betrays us..."

"He can't leave!" Su Hong picked up the mobile phone on the table and quickly dialed a number: "Catch up and kill him."

In order to deceive others, Ding Fu drove to the Fenglin villa area alone. When he drove onto the road, a black SUV drove up to his side.

There is a very long road outside the Fenglin villa area, and the assassination here is the best choice.

The windows of the SUV were lowered, and a man in black pulled out a pistol and aimed it at him. The pistol was equipped with a silencer, and the killing was silent.

When Ding Fu realized that the danger was coming to him, he had no time to escape, so he had to secretly scold Su Hong for being too bullying.

But before the man in black could shoot, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, landed on the roof of the SUV, and directly crushed the roof!

The windshield and window glass were all shattered. All this happened so suddenly that Ding Fu was taken aback.

Almost subconsciously, Ding Fu slammed on the brakes, and the tires rubbed against the ground, leaving a long black trail.

After finishing off the man in black, the black shadow slowly walked towards Ding Fu, a strong coercion enveloped his heart.

This man saved Ding Fu's life, but Ding Fu didn't think he was that safe.But this coercion made him lose the idea of ​​running away, and his intuition told him that even if he drove away, it was impossible for him to run away.

Ding Fu finally chose to get out of the car. When he saw the black shadow clearly, his heart was shocked!
"Liang...Chairman Liang!" Ding Fu said in shock.

But soon he calmed down. Liang Ye used to be a ninth-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, and it was expected that he would have a strong combat power.He can even defeat ghosts, and dealing with such a small assassin is not a problem at all.

"Are you afraid?" Liang Ye stopped in front of Ding Fu, and sneered, "Didn't you expect Su Hong to kill you?"

"You know everything?" Ding Fu asked with a trembling voice.

Liang Ye snorted, took out his phone, and played an audio.

"If we want to annex Ye Shen, what we should do is to find out what is wrong with Liang Ye..." This is what Ding Fu said to Su Hong just now.

Ding Fu suddenly felt that his throat was very dry, and he couldn't say anything. He realized that he had lost, and Su Hong had also lost, completely defeated.

What they faced was not a rich man, but a scheming and cautious master.

"From the day I took over as the chairman of the Yeshen Group, I have eavesdropped and monitored you, and your every move is under my control. Of course, I really didn't know where Su Hong contacted Ghosting." Evidence, but it's not important anymore." Liang Ye said lightly.

"I've already lost, it's up to you." Ding Fu said helplessly.

Facing Liang Ye, Ding Fu only felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Liang Ye was so strong that he was only left with fear.

"I will not kill you, nor will I deprive you of your status as a director of the Night God Group."

Ding Fu's eyes widened at Liang Ye's words, and he asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"You still have a conscience, and you are a smart person." Liang Ye folded his arms and said, "I want you to serve the God of Night wholeheartedly from now on. As for your dividends, all of them will be used for the development of God of Night. I believe that with your own family property, it will be enough until you grow old."

(End of this chapter)

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