Ghost Task Force

Chapter 634 Fear

Chapter 634 Fear
What Liang Ye meant was to completely imprison Ding Fu in the Yeshen Group. He has strong business ability, and it was precisely because of what he said to Su Hong just now that Liang Ye established his idea of ​​not killing him. .

Otherwise, Liang Ye would never have stopped Su Hong's killer from assassinating Ding Fu.

Ding Fu's analysis is very good. Even if Liang Ye is a business genius, he will always make mistakes.Once caught by the board of directors and infinitely enlarged, his position will definitely be shaken.Not only Liang Ye, but also Liang Anguo.

"I understand. From now on, I will give my all for Ye Shen." Ding Fu lowered his hand weakly, facing Liang Ye, he did not have the courage to resist.

Black combat uniform, black cloak, and those sharp eyes.Only now did Ding Fu understand that what he, Su Hong and the others challenged was an extremely powerful supernatural being.

Ding Fu is very glad that he gave up the cooperation with Su Hong, and now he begins to feel sad for Su Hong and others.

In Su Hong's villa, Su Hong, who has not received a reply from her subordinates for a long time, frowned, a trace of uneasiness began to spread in her heart.

"What's going on?" Su Hong picked up the phone and dialed that number again and again.

It stands to reason that this assassination would end soon, but now almost 10 minutes have passed, and there is still no reply, and no one answers the phone.

Anxiety shrouded the hall. Even though the air conditioner was not turned on, everyone still felt a bit cold for no reason.

At this moment, the lights in the hall suddenly went out, and the sudden darkness made everyone stand up subconsciously.

"Is there a power outage?" Gao Kun was the first to ask.

However, everyone knew very well that in this luxury villa area, power outages were basically impossible.A power outage is unlikely to occur unless the city-wide electrical system fails.

Su Hong almost screamed, but out of majesty, she suppressed her fear in her heart.She picked up her mobile phone again and called the housekeeper of the villa.


Still no answer.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Li!" Su Hong shouted loudly.

There are often two servants standing outside the hall door, following Su Hong's orders at any time.And this time, there was still no answer.

Before Su Hong felt scared, the lights in the hall turned on again.The light brought peace of mind to everyone, but they suddenly discovered that there was an extra man in black on an empty seat in the hall.


When Su Hong saw the appearance of that person clearly, she finally screamed.Her voice made Liang Ye frown, and couldn't help stretching out his hands to scratch his ears.

"Although this will hurt your self-esteem, I have to say that your voice is ugly." Liang Ye complained.

Su Hong didn't care about Liang Ye's complaints, but pointed at Liang Ye tremblingly and said, " did you get in?"

Her question was exactly what the other three directors wanted to ask. The lights went out, and the hall was so quiet that even a pin could be heard falling, but no one noticed anyone coming in, let alone the sound of footsteps.

It took only ten seconds for the lights to go out, and it was impossible to walk from the hall door to this position in ten seconds.If you run, there will naturally be heavy footsteps.

But no one at the scene heard a sound, and the door was still closed, showing no signs of opening.

That's why Su Hong was so terrified, she almost fainted from fright.

Facing Su Hong's question, a harmless smile appeared on Liang Ye's face: "Guess."

Su Hong was so angry with Liang Ye's answer that she almost spit out blood. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't think that you can mess around just because you are the chairman. This is my house, and I didn't allow you to come in."

Saying that, Su Hong shouted loudly again: "Xiao Chen, Xiao Li, come in!"

These two servants are also taking care of the security of Su Hong's villa, they are both hired by Su Hong from the security company.

Three seconds passed, and the hall was eerily quiet.No one opened the door and came in, and no one responded to Su Hong.

A trace of cold sweat trickled down Gao Kun's forehead.When he saw Liang Ye's black combat uniform, he had already guessed something.

Liang Ye deliberately put away his cloak, not making his attire appear exaggerated.

"You don't need to shout, I just had a good talk with them, and now they are sleeping soundly." Liang Ye still had a harmless smile on his face.

Not just the two servants, but everyone in the villa except the lobby was knocked out by Liang Ye.Facing Liang Ye, they didn't have the slightest ability to resist.

Only then did Su Hong realize that something was wrong, her body trembled violently twice.

"What do you want to do?" Su Hong asked.

If eyes can kill, Su Hong really wants to tear Liang Ye into pieces.The problem is, she can't.

"It's very simple. You hired Ghost Blade to assassinate me and my father. I'm here now for revenge."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye came to Su Hong in a flash, and she jumped up from the seat in fright.

"You...don't come here!" Su Hong wanted to step back, but the seat behind her made it impossible for her to retreat.

The other three directors on the side also took a few steps forward. Liang Ye's speed was so fast that they didn't even see their shadows.

Now they finally understand that they have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked.From the very beginning, they underestimated Liang Ye's ability.If they were willing to spend some time thinking about it, they would understand that those who can serve as agents of the Strategic Defense Bureau cannot be weak.

"Why, are you starting to feel scared now?" Liang Ye gradually showed a sneer on his face, he clenched his fists hard, and his bones cracked.

Suddenly, Su Hong took out a pistol from under the seat, pointed it at Liang Ye's head, and pulled the trigger forcefully.

Liang Ye didn't stop her move.


A gunshot alarmed the sleeping birds outside.

Gao Kun, Pan Ming and the others felt tense. Although they all wanted Liang Ye to die, if Liang Ye was killed here, the consequences would be very serious.

The scene of blood spattering did not happen, only the sound of sawdust being penetrated reached everyone's ears.

Liang Ye was still standing in front of Su Hong alive, with a disdainful smile on his lips.The distance between him and Su Hong was less than five meters, so he dodged the shot from such a close range perfectly.


The pistol fell to the ground, and Su Hong looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Are you a superhuman?" Pan Ming asked with a trembling voice.

When the gunshots sounded, Liang Ye's figure appeared a little unreal. Pan Ming kept staring at Liang Ye, so he discovered the problem.

Liang Ye ignored his question, he took a step forward, looked at Su Hong's terrified expression, and said calmly, "What else can you do to deal with me, come up with it."

He just wanted to make Su Hong feel powerless and hopeless!

To deal with the enemy, destroying it is certainly a pleasure, but it is also a good way to bring endless fear and torture to the opponent before that.

(End of this chapter)

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