Ghost Task Force

Chapter 635 Problem Solving

Chapter 635 Problem Solving
Fear spread all over Su Hong's body. She knew the existence of supernatural beings, but when she actually faced Liang Ye, she discovered the ability and murderous aura shown by Liang Ye, which made her feel unprecedented panic.

Liang Ye originally only had strong coercion on his body, but his murderous aura had been accumulated over the past year. His killing methods were very cheerful and without delay.In just over a year, it is impossible for even the most elite killers to accumulate such a powerful murderous aura.

With trembling hands, Su Hong pointed at Liang Ye and said, " are a devil!"

"Hmph." Liang Ye ignored Su Hong's fear, he flicked his left hand lightly, and the originally closed window in the hall suddenly opened.

He won't kill Su Hong, but that doesn't mean he won't punish her.

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and Liang Ye and Su Hong were no longer in the hall. The other three directors looked at each other, but they didn't see how they disappeared.

At a height of 1000 meters, Su Hong kept screaming heart-piercingly. Below was the brightly lit city of S. The strong wind blowing from the sky made her hair extremely messy.

Liang Ye grabbed Su Hong's body to prevent her from falling from the sky.But he didn't put a wind shield on Su Hong, just let the wind blow Su Hong into a fool.

"As long as I think about it, you will turn into a corpse at any time." Liang Ye ignored Su Hong's scream of fear, and said coldly: "But this is too cheap for you."

"Let...let me go,, let me go!" Today Su Hong no longer has the arrogance of the past, and being blown by the cold wind from high above, she is extremely sober despite her fear.

Before that, she didn't know that Liang Ye had such a terrifying ability to fly in the sky. In mythology, this ability is only possessed by gods.

Liang Ye didn't answer, and amidst Su Hong's heart-piercing screams, he let go of her hand.


As long as a normal person falls from a high altitude, the sudden weightlessness will make people feel unprecedented panic, and the heart will beat faster.Some people with poor psychological endurance will even be frightened into a mental disorder when they see themselves falling from such a high altitude to the ground.

When Liang Ye returned to the lobby of the villa with Su Hong who was like a dead dog, the three directors were still there.After seeing Liang Ye's terrifying ability, none of them dared to leave.


Liang Ye casually threw Su Hong on the ground. At this time, Su Hong had lost the ability to think, her eyes were dull, her mouth could not make a sound, and only her nose was left to breathe normally.

When the distance was less than three meters from the ground, Liang Ye grabbed her body. She didn't fall directly to death, but it also scared her into a fool.

This is Liang Ye's method of revenge, making Su Hong spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital!
As for the shares in her hands, Liang Ye has plenty of ways to get them back into his own hands.

"What happened to her?" Gao Kun was the first to ask.

Liang Ye turned his head and fixed his eyes on Gao Kun.In an instant, Gao Kun felt as if he was being watched by the god of death, and boundless fear spread all over his body.

In fact, Su Hong's appearance at this time has given them the answer, this woman can no longer be an enemy of Liang Ye, in the face of absolute power, scheming is just a dying struggle.

Liang Ye's gaze swept over the three directors slowly, and his tone was cold, "I will hold a board meeting again tomorrow morning and give up your shares and positions on the board."

Lost, really lost.

Gao Kun and the others lowered their hands helplessly. They all knew that there were supernatural beings in this world, and they had dealt with supernatural beings before.And the ability Liang Ye displayed exceeded their imagination of supernatural beings.

This is like the power of a god, so oppressive that people have no motivation to resist.

"Understood." Pan Ming was the first to speak.

The three of them seemed to be much older at this time, and Gao Kun followed up and said: "As expected of the son of Liang Anguo, the dragon among men, we were also blinded by greed for a while, and we have never had the heart to harm the night god. In your hands, I am convinced."

"You are wrong. In terms of business ability, I believe that you are all above me. I just defeated you with strength."

Liang Ye's modest words made the three of them feel emotional.If they were given a chance to choose again, they would definitely not cooperate with Su Hong and be a director honestly. At least in this way, they could get a huge amount of property every year.

Now, they have lost their shares and their positions as directors of the Yeshen Group.

Fortunately, Liang Ye didn't kill them, except for Su Hong, he didn't hurt a hair of anyone else.

Su Hong deserved what he deserved, and Liang Ye didn't need to kill the other three people, and he himself was not a crazy murderer, and he didn't need the other party's life to understand everything.

"Forget it, the same sentence, we are convinced, and believe that the Yeshen Group can continue to grow under the leadership of Young Master Liang!" Gao Kun said.

The next day, the Yeshen Group held a board meeting again, and three directors resigned. Su Hong was sent to a mental hospital due to insanity, and naturally she could no longer serve as a director.The Su family lost its backbone, and the shares in her hands also fell into Liang Ye's hands.

Liang Ye readjusted the board of directors, and the four vacant director positions were soon replaced. They all declared their unconditional support for Liang Ye and his father Liang Anguo.

The entire Yeshen Group's top management finally stabilized, and every decision Liang Ye made would no longer be hindered by the board of directors.

He finally completed the important task his father entrusted to him.

If Su Hong hadn't hired Ghost Blade to assassinate Liang Ye and Liang Anguo, it would have been impossible for Liang Ye to deal with Su Hong by showing his ability. His original plan was to slowly seize all the properties under Su Hong's name, leaving her with nothing. With the financial resources of the Yeshen Group, it can be easily done.

It was precisely because of Su Hong's insanity that thoroughly angered Liang Ye.

At night, Liang Ye was sitting in his office, drinking the red wine given by Irene, and looking at the night sky with the crescent moon hanging outside.

Another night without stars.


A call made Liang Ye look away, only to see Lei Yu standing outside the office door in casual casual clothes.

Lei Yu called Liang Ye half an hour ago and said he wanted to get together with him, but Liang Ye didn't refuse and asked him to come to his office directly.

Lei Yu walked up to Liang Ye and sat down, unceremoniously poured himself a glass of wine, and asked with a smile: "Su Hong has become a fool, boss, how did you do it?"

"Oh, it's very simple, just throw her from the air." Liang Ye said casually.

Thunderstorm: "(○o○)"

He had to secretly admire his boss in his heart, this way of dealing with the enemy was really too enjoyable.

Liang Ye shook the wine glass in his hand, and said with a slight smile, "We brothers haven't had a drink together for a long time, right?"

"It's more than that, our whole team didn't have a good drink together!" Zhou Yuying's voice came into the ears of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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