Ghost Task Force

Chapter 647 Sister

Chapter 647 Sister
Cake baking is very particular, Ling Shishi has to study hard to control the heat of a piece of cake so well?

After a brief surprise, Liang Ye ate all the remaining cakes.


The phone he placed on the table suddenly vibrated twice.

Liang Ye picked up the phone and looked at it, only to find that it was a message from an unfamiliar number.

The content of the message is very short, only one word: "Brother!"

Liang Ye: "???"

His number is very secretive, and only the few people he is most familiar with know. It is really strange that such a message was sent to him by an unfamiliar number.

After thinking for half a second, Liang Ye had no intention of replying. He threw the phone back on the table again, turned and walked into the bathroom.

After he closed the bathroom door, the phone vibrated twice again, and it was still a message from that number.

"Brother, I arrive at S City International Airport at 10 in the morning, can you pick me up?"

But Liang Ye was destined not to see this message. After taking a shower, he went straight back to the bedroom and fell asleep.


In the early morning, the city that has been washed by the rain seems to have a new look, and the water mirrors with potholes on the ground seem to have condensed, turning into silver mirrors that reflect the pedestrians on the road.

Zhou Yuying's arrival woke Liang Ye up from her sleep. What she brought with her was a delicate and compact comb, which was what Liang Ye wanted, a device to change hair back to its original color.

Ye Qing's return has greatly affected Liang Ye's state of mind. He no longer intends to use his disguised face to meet people, and at the same time, he also expressed his emotional determination to Ye Qing.

The comb was miraculous, it lightly combed Liang Ye's hair, and the blackness disappeared in an instant.

Liang Ye looked at himself in the mirror with a calm expression, only Zhou Yuying felt worried.She didn't think it was a good thing, and she was even afraid that Liang Ye would return to the way she was when she was in the dark.

As if aware of Zhou Yuying's worry, Liang Ye smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, what I am now will be what I will be in the future, I just don't want to pretend anymore, it's very tiring."

The white-haired Liang Ye does not look old at all, but has a unique handsomeness. Normal people will be a little surprised at first glance, and will be curious about his white hair, but they will definitely think that he is dyed white, not natural turn white.

Hearing his words, Zhou Yuying nodded with a smile, and the worries in her heart disappeared.


Zhou Yuying, who has a keen ear, heard the ringing of Liang Ye's cell phone. She ran to the dining room and took Liang Ye's cell phone. There were more than a dozen unread messages on it.

"Captain, you seem to be quite busy." Zhou Yuying joked.

Liang Ye smiled bitterly, picked up his phone and looked at it, and found that the messages were all from that strange number last night, and half of the dozen or so messages were sent from last night.

"Brother, can I call you, can you reply?"

"Brother, are you asleep? Then I won't bother you. You must pick me up tomorrow morning!"

"Brother woo woo, I can't sleep, I'm so excited to see you in the morning, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep..."

"Brother, I had a dream. I dreamed that you took me to your new home. It was so big and beautiful, even more beautiful than my home in France."


"Brother, are you up? I'm leaving for the airport now." This is the message just sent.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and it was still very early. Liang Ye hadn't woken up yet, but had to get up because of Zhou Yuying's arrival.

Seeing the messages received by his mobile phone, his expression became very strange, thinking that this person saved the wrong number?
Before Liang Ye could continue to think, the phone rang suddenly, and the calling number was the one that sent him the message.

Liang Ye glanced at Zhou Yuying and found that she was looking at him curiously.

"Hi, hello." Liang Ye said politely.

"Brother, brother, I finally heard your voice!" There was a female voice on the other end of the phone, her voice was as melodious and clear as that of a hundred birds.

She sounded very young from the voice, and the excitement in her words also reflected her emotions.

Liang Ye's emotions were also driven by the girl on the other end of the phone. He smiled and said patiently: "You misidentified the person. I'm not your brother. Look carefully at the number. Is it the wrong number?"

Zhou Yuying, who was standing aside, had a strange expression on her face. It was the first time she saw Liang Ye so patiently calling a stranger.

"I won't admit my mistake. The phone number my father gave me. You are my brother and I am your sister!" The girl on the other end of the phone said firmly.

Liang Ye's brain froze for half a second, thinking that he would have a younger sister, and his father and Ye Qing would have given birth to a son.

"You're mistaken." Liang Ye said again.

"No, no! Ah, ah, I'm about to board the plane. Brother, I won't tell you. Remember to pick me up at the airport. Don't worry, you don't have to look for me when you get to the airport. I can find you. Of course you If you want to find me, the most beautiful person in the whole airport is me!"

Before Liang Ye could speak, the phone hung up with a snap, leaving Liang Ye with a confused face.

"Brother?" Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye, and said with a half-smile: "Captain, do you have a younger sister?"

"There's a hammer." Liang Ye said angrily, "My dad is the only son I have, and when he has a daughter, I would have known."

After Liang Ye's voice fell, his brain seemed to be pricked by needles, and he stood up abruptly, which shocked Zhou Yuying.

In fact, this is not impossible!

If Ye Qing has kept in touch with Liang Anguo over the years, or even met her face to face, it is not impossible for Ye Qing to have a daughter.

His reaction made Zhou Yuying very curious, and asked in a low voice: "Captain, are you?"

Before Zhou Yuying finished speaking, Liang Ye's cell phone rang again, and this time the caller was from an unfamiliar number.

The phone call interrupted Liang Ye's thinking. He pressed the answer button and said, "Hello?"

"Son...Xiao Ye, are you still at the seaside villa?" On the other end of the phone, it was Ye Qing's voice.

Liang Ye never thought that it was Ye Qing's call, he was silent and didn't respond right away.

"Xiaoye, I know you have feelings for me, please let go of your prejudice against me first, your sister has just boarded the plane from Yangcheng to S city."

Liang Ye: "!!!"

"She has been very obedient since she was a child. I originally planned to arrange for you to meet again after a while. This time she insisted on arguing to see you, and even avoided the Ranger members. I just found out that she has boarded the plane. Your father I will accompany him in the hospital for a physical examination, and the person your sister most wants to see is you, so can I trouble you to go to the airport?" Ye Qing's voice was almost pleading.

"Crack!" Liang Ye's phone fell to the ground.

Zhou Yuying: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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