Ghost Task Force

Chapter 648 Liang Ruoxi

Chapter 648 Liang Ruoxi

Sister, this word became clear in Liang Ye's heart.He still remembers pestering his parents to ask why he didn't have another brother or sister when he was a child.

Now that she really appeared, Liang Ye didn't have much emotion, the main reason was Ye Qing's influence on him.

Liang Ye picked up the phone, the call was still going on, Ye Qing was waiting for him to speak.

"I see." Liang Ye finally said.

From Ye Qing's tone, she could tell that her younger sister had been doted on since she was a child, and she was followed by bodyguards whenever she went out.

"I hope there is no princess disease." Liang Ye thought in his heart.

Zhou Yuying heard the conversation between Liang Ye and Ye Qing, and his reaction confirmed that he believed what Ye Qing said. Zhou Yuying was also shocked by Liang Ye's sudden appearance.

In fact, Liang Ye's younger sister didn't even know about thunderstorms.

Lei Yu has most of the information about You Xia, including Ye Qing's own, but her daughter's existence is mysterious and flawless.

"Captain, are you going to pick her up?" Zhou Yuying asked.

Liang Ye nodded. Although he harbored resentment towards Ye Qing, he couldn't refuse her pleading tone.

Zhou Yuying blinked her eyes, also looking forward to the appearance of sister Liang Ye.Perhaps her arrival could revive Liang Ye's silent heart.


At 10 o'clock in the morning, S City International Airport.

Liang Ye was dressed in casual black casual clothes and a pair of slightly exaggerated sunglasses, waiting for his sister to arrive.

Liang Ruoxi, this is her name.

With white hair, even though most of his face was covered by sunglasses, he still couldn't stop the curious eyes of passengers at the airport.Some people recognized him as the chairman of the Yeshen Group, and began to discuss his "new hairstyle".

Liang Ye's hearing has been trained, and his hearing is different from ordinary people. He can hear many people talking about his hair.

But he didn't care, when he decided to change his hair back to its original color, he was ready for anything.He doesn't care what the outside world thinks of him.

Now that it was past the time for the plane to land, Liang Ye waited patiently.

At this time, a figure that touched people's hearts appeared in the airport.

She was tall and slender, dragging a large and somewhat exaggerated suitcase, and wearing a pair of sunglasses that almost covered half of her face like Liang Ye, but even so, it still couldn't conceal the unique spirit of her body.

Just at the first glance, Liang Ye was sure that this little girl was his sister.

No wonder she would say "she is the most beautiful person in the whole airport". Most people may think that this person is narcissistic when they hear it, but after actually seeing her, they will find that she does have the capital of narcissism.Not to mention the airport, in the entire city of S, there is probably no other person who can be more beautiful than her.

Her waist-length hair was loosely scattered behind her head, and she wore a butterfly hairpin on her head. Her pair of beautiful star-like eyes were blocked by sunglasses, and the faint smile at the corner of her mouth made the world brighten up.A seemingly simple white shirt and denim shorts showed off her proud long legs.Her skin was the same as Liang Ye's, very white, so white that countless women would be jealous.

Liang Ruoxi and Ye Qing are [-]% similar, and so is Liang Ye.This is also the reason why I felt that she was my sister at first glance, because she looked very similar to me.

She jumped up and down in front of Liang Ye. Liang Ruoxi, who was 1.7 meters tall, was already very tall among girls, but she was still a whole head shorter in front of Liang Ye.

She smiled and compared her height with Liang Ye, then took off her sunglasses, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and those beautiful eyes stared at Liang Ye's face.

"elder brother!"

With a cry, Liang Ruoxi threw herself into Liang Ye's arms.

The feeling of being connected by blood made Liang Ye's heart beat violently twice. Family affection and love are always the easiest to touch the softest part of people's hearts. Liang Ye stood where he was, letting Liang Ruoxi hug him, crying and laughing.

Tears wet Liang Ruoxi's beautiful little face, but the smile on her face showed that she was not sad, but overjoyed.

"Brother, I finally...see you!" Liang Ruoxi grabbed Liang Ye's arm, as if he was afraid that he would disappear in the next second.

Liang Ye's strong body actually felt a bit of pain from being grabbed by her. It is conceivable how much this little girl misses him.

"Leave here first." Liang Ye took the suitcase in her hand.

Compared with Liang Ruoxi who was crying and laughing, Liang Ye's mood was much more stable.

Only then did Liang Ruoxi realize that the passengers around her were all looking in the direction of herself and her brother. She didn't like the feeling of being noticed by the public, so she nodded vigorously.

"Brother, are you here alone?" After speaking, Liang Ruoxi's eyes fell on his white hair.

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ruoxi stopped.

Liang Ye turned around and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Liang Ruoxi pointed at his hair, and said in a trembling voice, " did your hair turn white again?"

"Let's talk about it." Liang Ye didn't want to explain anything here.

In fact, he wanted to ask Liang Ruoxi many questions, but these questions were related to his father and Ye Qing, so he didn't want to discuss them here.Liang Ruoxi's excitement also exceeded his imagination, logically he had never met her before, so he wouldn't be so happy.

Liang Ruoxi pursed her lips, and quickened her pace to keep up with Liang Ye.

As she walked, Liang Ruoxi slowed down again. She looked up at Liang Ye, and then blushed and said, "Brother...I...I'm hungry."

Liang Ye: "..."

Airports are generally located in the suburbs. If you want to eat, you can only go inside the airport. Liang Ye took her to a dessert shop. When the two appeared, they surprised everyone instantly.

The man was handsome against the sky, and his silver-white hair gave him a unique charm.The youthful aura on the woman's body made countless women feel ashamed. The two looked very similar, and they could be seen as brother and sister at a glance.

"So you didn't eat on the plane?" Liang Ye asked.

Liang Ruoxi stuck out her tongue and whispered: "Those are not tasty, so I don't want them."

Seeing Liang Ye's speechless expression, Liang Ruoxi shrank her neck and asked, "Brother, did you come by yourself, without a bodyguard?"

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Do you think I need a bodyguard?"

Indeed, with Liang Ye's ability, no amount of bodyguards were just decorations.

"Brother, you are so wise and powerful, of course you don't need a bodyguard." Liang Ruoxi leaned forward slightly, and said softly, "Brother, can I go and see Dad later, I haven't seen him for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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