Ghost Task Force

Chapter 649 Brother and Sister

Chapter 649 Brother and Sister
"Do you often see your father?" Liang Ye asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

Her own phone number was given to Liang Ruoxi by her father, which implicitly showed something.

This made Liang Ye feel even more dissatisfied in his heart. He felt that he was the only one who was kept in the dark. Because of this, after Liang Ye saw Liang Ruoxi, he didn't feel touched because of her excitement, and even expressed It's very nonchalant.

Liang Ye gradually wanted to know the truth, what was the reason why his parents and sister could hide him for so many years.

"That's right." Liang Ruoxi didn't notice Liang Ye's emotions, she said with a light smile, "Every time my father goes abroad, I will meet him, and I also heard a lot of stories about you from him, I admire you so much. is you."

Liang Ye frowned slightly, he didn't pay attention to Liang Ruoxi's admiration, and focused on her sentence, "Every time Dad goes abroad, I will meet him."

Liang Ruoxi didn't know that this answer of hers caused great waves in Liang Ye's heart, and she continued: "Mom is the same, mainly because my mother took me there, and I couldn't find the way by myself."

As she spoke, she felt embarrassed by her Lu Chi skills, and couldn't help sticking out her tongue.

Liang Ye took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his heart. This feeling of being kept in the dark made him very uncomfortable.

"That's why mom cries every time daddy mentions you." Liang Ruoxi continued.

Liang Ye frowned and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"18!" Liang Ruoxi grabbed Liang Ye's hand and said excitedly, "Brother, you are 5 years older than me, you must protect me."

As she spoke, she said in a voice that only she and Liang Ye could hear: "I don't have supernatural powers like you, and I haven't learned combat skills. My mother won't let me learn ancient martial arts, so..."

At the end, Liang Ruoxi showed a lovely and pitiful look, her big watery eyes seemed to be filled with tears at any moment.

At this time, the waiter brought up the dessert, and Liang Ruoxi let go of Liang Ye.

"You haven't learned combat skills?" This made Liang Ye curious, and he asked: "Since your mother established a ranger with ancient warriors as the mainstay, she didn't let you learn any ancient martial arts?"

Liang Ye's words made Liang Ruoxi feel dissatisfied, she rolled her eyes at Liang Ye, and said, "Brother, that's your mother too."

"As for her not letting me learn ancient martial arts, I don't understand. In fact, I really want to learn. I like swords and guns very much, but she never lets me touch them." Liang Ruoxi showed aggrieved look again.

"Why?" Liang Ye asked again.

"She said I was so stupid that not only would I fail to learn, but I would also hurt myself."

Liang Ye: "!@#¥%...Have you ever had any problems with these before?"

"Not really!" Liang Ruoxi shook her head repeatedly, pouted her mouth, and said dissatisfiedly, "I haven't even touched her, and my mother just won't let me play with it."

"Play?" Liang Ye's brain froze for a second, thinking that this old girl treats cold weapons and hot weapons as toys?
After a short pause, Liang Ye remembered Liang Ruoxi's age.

She is 18 years old, 5 years younger than herself, which means that Ye Qing became pregnant with Liang Ruoxi after she left the Liang family, or she was already pregnant when she left.

"Brother, let me tell you, my birthday is the same as yours." Liang Ruoxi's voice made Liang Ye withdraw his boundless thoughts.

"On the same day?" Liang Ye was taken aback and asked, "Then shouldn't you be 6 years younger than me?"

"It's like this under normal circumstances, but..." Liang Ruoxi's voice dropped a lot in an instant, "Mom gave birth prematurely and gave birth to me at seven months. I was lying in the incubator for a month."

Liang Ye: "..."

He didn't expect his younger sister to have such an experience, and the gaze he looked at her became a little softer.

"So brother, you will protect me, right, and you will let me play with guns, right?" Liang Ruoxi put her focus on Liang Ye. In her eyes, her brother is omnipotent.

"This, let's talk about it." Liang Ye recovered his serious expression, but he was thinking about the reason why Ye Qing didn't let Liang Ruoxi get in touch with Gu Wu.

For a premature baby, Liang Ruoxi's body may be hiding some kind of disease, otherwise Ye Qing, the leader of the rangers, would have no reason not to let her daughter have the ability to fight.

Liang Ruoxi was not very happy when she didn't get a positive reply from Liang Ye, and started to eat dessert with a puffy face.

She seemed to have a sweet tooth, and all she ordered were sweet and greasy pastries. Liang Ye was not hungry, and silently watched Liang Ruoxi eat.

Although she has a lively personality, Liang Ruoxi eats very quietly and gracefully. She eats pastries in small bites and wipes her mouth with a napkin from time to time.Obviously, these were taught by Ye Qing, and Liang Ye was also taught by her when she was a child.

After a brief moment of anger, Liang Ruoxi smiled at Liang Ye again: "Brother, don't you want to eat it? It's delicious."

"I'm not hungry, you can eat." Liang Ye shook his head.

"Can I go and see my father later, I haven't seen him for so long after his operation." Liang Ruoxi blinked her big eyes, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Liang Ye couldn't refuse, even though he didn't really want to go into the hospital, because Ye Qing was accompanying Liang Anguo, and when he went, he would have direct contact with Ye Qing.

The current Liang Ye doesn't want to get in touch with Ye Qing, he wants to calm down for a while.

"Go." Liang Ye finally agreed to Liang Ruoxi's request.

The admiration in Liang Ruoxi's eyes was not fake, and the excitement to see him was also sincere; Liang Ye was only hindered by Ye Qing and her concealed anger, so she didn't show too much good emotion towards Liang Ruoxi.

"Yeah, thank you brother!" Liang Ruoxi couldn't help applauding.

People around look at this handsome pair of brothers and sisters from time to time. The two people who look similar have completely different temperaments, and their personalities are also different.

Liang Ye is relatively quieter, while Liang Ruoxi exudes a lively atmosphere from head to toe.

After eating dessert, Liang Ye dragged Liang Ruoxi's suitcase to the parking lot. He was very low-key today, driving a Land Rover SUV.

Sure enough, Liang Ruoxi was surprised by the car Liang Ye drove, and asked, "Brother, are you so low-key? You are the chairman of the Yeshen Group."

"That's not the point." Liang Ye put the suitcase into the trunk of the car and said calmly, "Why, do you still want my entire motorcade to pick you up?"

"Hee hee, no no no." Liang Ruoxi shook her head quickly and said with a smile, "I just thought you would pick me up in your Lamborghini."

Liang Yebai glanced at Liang Ruoxi and ignored her.

The car left the S City International Airport quickly. Liang Ruoxi was very happy when they met for the first time, but Liang Ye was depressed. Liang Ruoxi didn't notice his emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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