Ghost Task Force

Chapter 652 Persuasion

Chapter 652 Persuasion
Liang Ye asked, "Do you know her?"

Liang Ruoxi raised her eyebrows, and replied: "Of course, Sister Shishi is a little older than me, we almost grew up together."

As she said that, Liang Ruoxi shrank her neck, "It's because my mother is very strict with Elder Sister Shishi and always asks her to practice swordsmanship. Most of the time, I just sit on the side and watch my mother guide Elder Sister Shishi."

"Also, since a year ago, Sister Shishi has been secretly looking at your photos. I found out several times but refused to admit it." Liang Ruoxi added.

Liang Ye asked again: "She knew me a long time ago?"

"It's not." Liang Ruoxi shook her head, "Mom has never let the Ranger members know your identity, and Sister Shishi didn't know about it either. It was more than a year ago that I really announced it. Many people were surprised. The fighting power was terrified."

More than a year ago, it happened to coincide with the time when I came into contact with Ranger.When meeting You Xia for the first time, Liang Ye shot and injured Lu Feng and Ling Shishi. When they met again, it was You Xia who helped the task force. Later, they provided information.

"What do you know about rangers?" Liang Ye found out that Liang Ruoxi knew a lot, so he couldn't help asking a new question.

"En..." Liang Ruoxi tilted her head, as if thinking.

"I only know that many members of Ranger were brought out from the Knights of the Apocalypse, and so is Sister Shishi. I don't know about the others, but they all obey their mother's orders, and they all admire her when she mentions her name. Brother, let me tell you, mom is really amazing, just as amazing as you!"

Speaking of this, little stars almost appeared in Liang Ruoxi's eyes.

But Liang Ye didn't pay too much attention to the admiration in Liang Ruoxi's eyes, he began to think.

Apocalypse Knights?
Rangers have always been a little too mysterious, and their clothes are very strange, but they are very uniform.Liang Ye didn't expect that some of the Ranger members came from the Apocalypse Knights. You must know that this is an organization that specializes in hunting and killing people with supernatural powers.

Ranger has no hostility towards supernatural beings, obviously this is also related to Ye Qing.

"Oh, brother, why do you keep asking me, you haven't answered my question yet." Liang Ruoxi blinked her big eyes, pestered Liang Ye and asked, "Why don't you accept Sister Shishi?"

Liang Ye didn't answer right away, he picked up the kitchen knife and chopped up the green peppers on the chopping board.

"Do you know that the Liang family only loves one person in their life? Although this sounds mysterious and superstitious, it is true." Liang Ye finally said.

Liang Ruoxi knew this, she nodded lightly, she did not doubt this tradition at all.

"However, just loving one person doesn't mean you can't accept others. You can also choose." Liang Ruoxi continued to blink her big eyes, and whispered: "No one can really endure being alone for a lifetime, can they?"

Liang Ye smiled and shook his head, saying: "It seems that you still don't understand the meaning, sister, maybe you will understand after you fall in love with someone else."

"Brother, I actually understand." Liang Ruoxi walked to Liang Ye's side, still holding the teddy bear in her arms.

"But Mom, Dad, and I don't want you to be alone forever. The feeling of being alone is too uncomfortable. Before, Mom and I didn't see Dad for a year. At that time, Mom always hugged me and cried. I also Crying. Mom said that she was not crying for herself, but for Dad, who she said was a person who was afraid of being alone."

"Mom said never let you and I experience loneliness without someone again, especially you."

As she said that, Liang Ruoxi gently tugged at the corner of Liang Ye's clothes, and said, "Brother, Sister Shishi is really outstanding, and she has never been in a relationship, and she has never even held a boy's hand. I know You love sister Xiao Xiao very much, and I love her very much, and I am even very grateful to her, because she gave you the most perfect love. But, brother, you have to live, and you also have offspring. I can't even dream I want to hug my nephew."

Liang Ruoxi spoke for a long time, and when she was speaking, she always secretly glanced at Liang Ye, fearing that he would be angry or react in other ways.

She was very fortunate that Liang Ye listened carefully.

Liang Ye didn't feel angry because of her younger sister's persuasion. Instead, she smiled at her and said, "Before you saw me, you saw me on TV, right?"

Liang Ruoxi nodded quickly.

"Back then I dyed my hair black, but this morning I used a device to remove all the color."

Liang Ruoxi: "..."

"That's what I'm determined to do with my relationship."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye put the green peppers into a small dish, and then continued to cut up other side dishes.

Liang Ruoxi pursed her lips, and took two steps back, for fear that she would affect Liang Ye's cooking.

The white hair on his head always makes Liang Ruoxi feel heartbroken, and at the same time, his infatuation and firmness are far beyond everyone's imagination. Not only Ling Shishi, but even Irene who offered to send him to the door, he is not at all moved.

Both Ling Shishi and Ai Lin lowered all their stances, expecting him to be touched a little bit, but Liang Ye's stubbornness can be called terrible, completely closed off his own emotions in this area, and refused everyone to beat him. heart door.

Zhou Yuying, Ye Qing, and Liang Ruoxi tried to persuade them, but it still didn't work.

Unless Xiao Xiao returns in a dream, Liang Ye will probably spend his whole life in loneliness.

"Brother, you are so stupid and stupid. I don't think there is another man like you in the world if you do this for your true love. Sister Xiao Xiao, you are really happy. I really hope You are still there, I really want to see my brother live with you, I really want to call you face to face, sister-in-law." Liang Ruoxi murmured in her heart.

Thinking of Liang Ye's pain of losing Xiao Xiao, Liang Ruoxi would be so heartbroken that it would be difficult to breathe, she quickly put aside these thoughts, and began to plan in her heart how to continue to persuade Liang Ye.

But for the time being, it is definitely not possible to continue persuading, otherwise Liang Ye might be angry. Liang Ruoxi's eyes rolled, as if thinking of some trick.

There is nothing to say about Liang Ye's culinary skills, it is more than enough to be a chef in a five-star hotel outside.

He made famous dishes such as hibiscus seafood soup, sweet and sour carp, sea cucumber with crab roe, braised pork in brown sauce, fish-flavored eggplant, freshwater shrimp with salt and pepper, boiled pork slices, etc., and Liang Ruoxi was taken aback for a while.

Although she knows how to do all these, there is absolutely no way to do Liang Ye so easily without any pause.

When the dishes were almost ready, Lei Yu and others also drove the ghost fighter to the seaside villa.

"Here we come, dinner just in time." Liang Ye greeted the three of them, then pulled Liang Ruoxi in front of him, and introduced: "This is my sister Liang Ruoxi, Ruoxi, that is Lei Yu, my best buddy I grew up with. , those are Zhou Yuying's sister and Claire's sister, both my comrades-in-arms."

Although Claire is already there, she is a month younger than Liang Ruoxi, so she is called sister.

"Hello, I've seen your photos." Liang Ruoxi greeted the three of them with a smile.

"Sister...sister?" Lei Yu's eyes widened. While he was surprised that Liang Ye suddenly had a younger sister, he was also deeply shocked by Liang Ruoxi's fairy-like appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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