Ghost Task Force

Chapter 653 Small gathering

Chapter 653 Small gathering
Liang Ye's own sister, with the Liang family's genes, Liang Ruoxi's appearance is naturally different from ordinary people; she is even prettier than Zhou Yuying and Claire, and her elf-like temperament adds to her beauty. charm.

She is only 18 years old, and in a few years, she will grow up to be a true fairy who will bring disaster to the country and the people, comparable to Xiao Xiao.

Lei Yu was more surprised in his heart. Although he had information about You Xia in his hand, he didn't know that Ye Qing had a daughter.But it's no wonder that Ye Qing deliberately hid Liang Ruoxi's birth. There are not many people in this world who know her existence, and it is difficult for the Strategic Security Bureau to find out.

Before today, Liang Ruoxi's identity had always been a mystery.

Seen up close, the siblings are so similar, with a full 50% similarity.Liang Ruoxi's height would make many women jealous, coupled with that appearance that would bring disaster to the country and the people, it would indeed make Lei Yu lose his mind for a short time.

In fact, Lei Yu is also a handsome guy, and his unintentional military temperament is his greatest charm, but when he stood with Liang Ye, he was more or less suppressed.

"Hello, Captain Lei Yu, thank you so much for growing up with my brother all these years." Liang Ruoxi smiled at Lei Yu. She knew everything about Liang Ye and was very grateful to his comrades in arms because of With them, Liang Ye's life would not be boring.

"Be polite, be polite." Lei Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, and laughed loudly: "It is very joyful to grow up with the boss. I still remember that he always wanted to have a younger sister, and now it has come true hahahahaha."

Liang Ye patted Liang Ruoxi's head and said with a smile, "Okay, don't stand and talk, help me bring the food to the dining table, and get ready for dinner."

"Wow, the captain is cooking!" Zhou Yuying blinked her big eyes, with a greedy expression on her face: "It's been a long time since I've eaten the dishes cooked by the captain."

"I'll help." Lei Yu ran into the kitchen quickly, at such a speed that Liang Ye, who had the ability of wind, couldn't react.

"When did this kid work so enthusiastically?" Liang Ye murmured inwardly. You must know that it was harder to let Lei Yu into the kitchen than to kill him.

Claire ran to Liang Ruoxi's side, and carefully tugged at the corner of her clothes.

She has always regarded herself as Liang Ye's younger sister. In the Strategic Security Bureau, she is almost a princess-like existence, and no one dares to neglect her in the slightest.Now that Liang Ye had a real younger sister, she felt a little pissed off, but it quickly disappeared.The smile on Liang Ruoxi's face can instantly kill all men, and it is also lethal to women. Facing Liang Ruoxi, Claire has an urge to protect her.

"Hello, Sister Ruoxi." After saying this, Claire shrunk her neck subconsciously, which is what she would subconsciously do when she met a stranger even though she was timid.

"Claire, I finally see you." Liang Ruoxi hugged Claire and said with a smile, "I've wanted to meet you a long time ago. Wow, your body is so soft."

As she spoke, Liang Ruoxi rubbed against Claire's arms, making Claire's face flush.

However, this also invisibly enhanced the relationship between the two, and Claire quickly laughed.

"You are also brother's younger sister, we will be good sisters from now on." Liang Ruoxi said in Claire's ear.

"En!" Claire nodded vigorously.

She is shorter than Liang Ruoxi, she looks petite and cute at only 1.6 meters.Although Claire is not as stunning as Liang Ruoxi in appearance, her long red hair is her biggest feature.When the two stood together, the rate of turning heads was absolutely explosive.

Zhou Yuying stood aside and smiled softly. Liang Ruoxi's appearance is very important to Liang Ye, at least it will not make Liang Ye continue to be lonely. Liang Ruoxi has also become his concern. When she is around, Liang Ye is happy .

The dining table was full of exquisite dishes, and no one would doubt Liang Ye's culinary skills. What surprised him was that the thunderstorm, which used to be more fierce than anyone else in the past, was sitting quietly at this time, a full-fledged gentleman She even took the initiative to make soup for Liang Ruoxi.

"This kid." Liang Ye smiled bitterly in his heart.

"The main purpose of calling everyone over today is to let my sister get to know you. She has been born for 18 years, but I just saw her today. My brother is not competent." Liang Ye patted Liang Ruoxi's head,

Liang Ruoxi shook her head again and again, pouted and said, "I don't blame my brother, it's not your fault."

"No matter what, I'm wrong anyway. From now on, I will take care of you, and no one can bully my sister." Liang Ye looked at Liang Ruoxi, full of doting.

"And me and me!" Lei Yu slapped the table, his reaction startled both Zhou Yuying and Claire.

"Boss and I are close buddies. Whoever dares to bully sister Ruoxi is challenging my authority as the number one sharpshooter in China. I will never let him go."

Lei Yu's face of righteousness and righteousness, that appearance, was as hot-blooded as he wanted, and everyone was taken aback for a while.

"Damn, is it so fierce, the authority is pulled out." Liang Ye laughed.

"Thank you Brother Lei Yu." Liang Ruoxi smiled at him.

This smile made Lei Yu's heart beat faster for a while, and he almost couldn't even hold his chopsticks firmly.Zhou Yuying wiped away her sweat secretly, Captain Lei was too embarrassing.

"Captain, does sister Ruoxi have supernatural powers?" Zhou Yuying asked.

She didn't know everything about Liang Ruoxi, and she never knew of the existence of this person before this.As the elder brother, Liang Ye has the ability of wind, and the younger sister logically also has the ability.

The emergence of supernatural powers depends on genes, and of course it is very random, but the chances of supernatural powers appearing together among brothers and sisters of the same bloodline are very high.

Liang Ye shook his head: "No, and I have not received combat training."

Claire was sitting next to Liang Ruoxi. Hearing Liang Ye's words, she quickly moved closer and said softly, "Sister Ruoxi, I'm very powerful. Let me protect you from now on."

"I really need you to protect me." Liang Ye looked at Claire and said with a smile, "Ruoxi will enroll in the School of Management of Xinghai University tomorrow, and her safety at school will be entrusted to you, Claire."

"Xinghai University?" Claire blinked with surprise, "Great!"

Lei Yu's focus was different. He asked, "School of Management?"

He didn't expect that Liang Ruoxi would enroll in the School of Management. Logically, such a beautiful and lovely girl should choose other majors.

"Yes, I want to learn about business management. My brother doesn't like business, so I want to help him manage the Yeshen Group." Liang Ruoxi laughed.

It is her greatest wish to help her brother.

"Wow, I'm so touched." Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ruoxi in surprise. She is also a woman. She understands that it is very difficult for a girl to manage a business. It is even more difficult for a big company like the Yeshen Group. Put the burden on your own shoulders.

Lei Yu and Claire were also surprised. No one expected that Liang Ruoxi would make such a decision, and they were also happy that Liang Ye had such a younger sister.

(End of this chapter)

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