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Chapter 33 Management Psychology--Be a manager who understands people's hearts

Chapter 33 Management Psychology--Be a manager who understands people's hearts (4)
This little story is very inspiring for managers to employ people.The more capable employees are, the harder they are to manage, because they have strong possessive desires, or vested interests, or power, or money.If they don't get what they want, they either jump ship or make trouble.If you want them to work with peace of mind and work hard, there must be something that can motivate him.Isn't that motivating factor the "horse fly"?

McDonald's is the world's largest chain fast food company, famous for its hamburgers in more than 8 countries on six continents.The success of this "tycoon" in the fast food industry is inseparable from its high-quality management system.McDonald's company clearly stipulates that all young employees working in McDonald's, as long as they are proactive and hardworking, they will have the opportunity to be continuously promoted. The manager's first-level assistant becomes the manager's right-hand man.If you continue to work hard and perform well, you may be promoted to manager.The management of McDonald's is mainly based on the incentive system, that is, anyone who works at McDonald's has the opportunity to become a leader of the company as long as he works hard and diligently.

At the same time, in order to allow excellent employees to get promotion opportunities as soon as possible, McDonald's has also established a company mechanism, that is, no matter how talented a manager is and how good his work is, if he does not train his successor in advance, then he will not be promoted. Considered within the scope of promotion.McDonald's formulated this rule mainly to cultivate a steady stream of talents for the company, so as to avoid the shortage of talents in the future.

All McDonald's employees, under the clear incentives of the company's system, have worked hard and worked hard, and everyone has done everything possible to train successors and ensure that new employees are provided with growth opportunities.This incentive management method of McDonald's is the horsefly effect mentioned in psychology.

As the leader and manager of the organization, if you want the organization to grow and develop, it is very necessary to learn how to manage employees and how to let employees create the maximum profit for the organization.

So, how can organizations guide their employees to do their jobs better?

That is to use the horsefly effect, that is, to encourage employees with an incentive system.You must know that generally speaking, the more capable and talented employees in an organization, the harder it is to manage.Because they are arrogant and pretentious because they are excellent, and at the same time, they all have very strong desires, such as wanting to get money, or wanting to gain power and so on.

For such people, if the company can't meet their needs, they will think about changing jobs and finding another job as long as they encounter the right opportunity.Otherwise, you will not be able to work well for the organization, or even work against the organization.Therefore, if the organization wants them to work steadily and hard, the best way is to give them effective incentives, and the factor of this incentive is the "horse fly" that bites the horse.

The story of Lincoln's treatment of Mr. Cai Si may really give us more enlightenment.Since our business goal is "to unite all the forces that can be united" as Chairman Mao said, and to constantly challenge higher management performance, why don't we use the "horse fly effect" to learn from Lincoln and make those people like Mr. Cai Si? How about people who are "stabbing" and have powerful abilities or special resources to make full use of it?
1. If you have a good performance at work, you can give appropriate praise, but you must pay attention to the scale, otherwise, your affirmation is likely to be regarded as an "exaggerated" praise by other colleagues, and he himself is easy to rely on it. Doted on and proud, becoming more and more arrogant.

2. If you are a manager who is good at rhetoric and grasping people's psychology, you can try to talk to them and do ideological work.

3. Actions are always more convincing than words. When using your power capital skillfully, set an example for these arrogant guys and let them see how an authoritative person handles problems and achieves team goals.

4. These "stabs" are often aggressive, conceited, and aggressive. When delegating a task, it is best to end it with a simple and powerful sentence that can stimulate his nerves: "Is this task difficult for you?" After getting an unconvinced or slightly contemptuous answer from him, it can be over.Too much exhortation and intervention will only cause this kind of person's resentment and irritability, and even make him even more dismissive of the task itself and you as the leader.

5. Use your wisdom and encouragement to intentionally "cold" such an employee at work, let him realize that his personal strength is insignificant compared with the strength of the team, and then encourage him to play at the right time Expertise, to save his face and self-esteem.

6. Everyone is equal before the system. From the very beginning, don't give such employees any illusions, and don't let them mistakenly think that they have certain advantages and can override the system.This is the key to controlling these people for a long time, so we must stick to it.

People's desires are very different.Some people are more ideal and may value spiritual things more, such as honor and respect; some people are more utilitarian and may value material things more, such as money.For different people, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine, match what he likes, and use different methods to motivate him.In short, let the horse run happily.

Psychology class:
1. As a manager, you must know how to use people's strengths.

2. Different employees are treated differently. The more capable a person is, the more he needs to use the "horse fly effect" to confiscate his talents so that his talents can be displayed and used for himself.

Kochner's Law--Let the right people do the right things

Kochner's law means that if the actual number of managers is twice as high as the optimal number, the working hours will be twice as long and the working cost will be four times higher; 2 times more, the cost of work will be 4 times more.

Kochner's law reveals the rules of employing people in management, and is a well-known law in western management.It refers to:
If the actual number of managers is twice as many as the optimal number, the working hours will be twice as long and the working cost will be four times higher; It will be six times more.

Kochner's law clarifies a truth: when there are too many people, there will be leisure, and troubles will arise when there is leisure; if there are few people and many officials, corruption is the easiest.Because the actual number of personnel is more than the required number of personnel, many disadvantages arise from this, forming a vicious circle.In a company, only when each department really reaches the optimal number of personnel can it minimize useless working hours, reduce working costs, and maximize the benefits of the enterprise.

In the 19s, an organization in the United States planned to eliminate a number of outdated machinery and equipment in order to improve the overall efficiency of the organization.Regarding how to deal with these outdated machinery and equipment, the senior leaders of the organization held a special meeting:
The chairman said: "Although these devices are outdated, they cannot be thrown away. They may be used in the future, so let's find a place to put them."

So, the board members said: "Trouble finding a place, just build a warehouse near the organization."

The chairman said: "It's okay to build a warehouse, but how to prevent fire and theft? Those things are bought with money."

So, the members of the board of directors said: "Then let's find someone to take care of it."

The chairman said: "What if that person neglects his duty?"

So, the board member said: "Then set up a planning department, one person is responsible for assigning tasks, and one person is responsible for making plans."

The chairman said: "How can the organization understand the work performance of these people?"

Therefore, the board member said: "Then set up another supervision department, one person is in charge of performance appraisal, and the other is in charge of writing summary."

The chairman said: "Since these people have different job titles, their salaries should be differentiated."

So, the board member said: "Then set up a finance department, one person is responsible for calculating working hours, and the other is responsible for paying wages."

The chairman said: "Who will be responsible for these people when they go wrong during work?"

Therefore, the board member said: "Then set up a management department, one person is responsible for the planning department, one person is responsible for the supervision department work, one person is responsible for the finance department work, and one person is the general manager and is responsible to the board of directors."

The meeting ended, and the members of the board of directors voted for approval by a show of hands.But the accountant was hired to figure out that the cost for the warehouse was as high as 20 US dollars.The fee was too high, and of course the chairman and trustees would not pass it, so the warehouse plan declared bankruptcy.

This story is about the phenomenon of "Kirchner's Law".

Kochner's law tells us: To eradicate this phenomenon of "many people must be idle", we must streamline our troops and streamline our administration, and find the optimal size of personnel and organization.Only in this way can we build an efficient and capable management team with reasonable cost.

So, how to streamline the administration?

Sam Walton, former president of Wal-Mart, provides us with a good case.

As the helm of Wal-Mart, one of the largest retail companies in the world, Sam Walton has a famous saying: "No one wants to lay off their own employees, but as a senior manager of an enterprise, they need to think about this issue frequently. Otherwise, it will It will affect the development prospect of the enterprise." He is well aware that the phenomenon of complex enterprise organization and unreasonable staffing will make the corporate bureaucracy prevail and the staff will be overstaffed, which will lead to the low efficiency of the enterprise.In order to avoid these happenings in his own enterprise, Walton tried every means to do the most things with the least people, tried his best to reduce costs and pursue the maximization of benefits.

From running his first retail store, Walton has paid great attention to controlling the company's overhead.At the time, most businesses spent 5% of sales just to keep the business afloat.But Wal-Mart does not do this. It tries to use 2% of the company's sales to maintain the company's operations!This practice runs through the development of Wal-Mart from beginning to end.Under Walton's leadership, Wal-Mart's employees often work from dawn to dusk, working hard and conscientiously.As a result, Wal-Mart employs fewer employees than its competitors, but does more than its competitors, and the company's production efficiency is of course higher than its competitors.In this way, under the hard work of all Wal-Mart employees, the company quickly developed from only one retail store to more than 2000 chain stores around the world.As the company grows, the management cost has also increased, but Walton has not changed the past practice - to maintain the management cost at about 2% of sales, and to use the least number of people to do the most things!
Walton believes that streamlined organization and personnel are fundamental to the good operation of an enterprise.Unlike most companies, when Wal-Mart ran into trouble, it didn't take the approach of adding organizations and people to solve the problem.Instead, it is going back to the root cause, firing delinquent personnel and streamlining relevant institutions.Walton believes that only in this way can we avoid overlapping institutions and bloated personnel.

In Walton's view, streamlining institutions and personnel is closely related to fighting bureaucracy.He hated the management of the company for arranging many staff around him in order to show the importance of his status.He believes that the only duty of staff is to serve customers, not managers.All staff who have nothing to do with serving customers are redundant and should be abolished.He said: Only by thinking small and working hard can the company develop and grow!Wal-Mart's success today is due to its insistence on low-cost operations from beginning to end.

Kochner's Law couldn't be simpler. It tells us: In terms of management, it is not always good to have more people. Sometimes the more managers there are, the worse the work efficiency will be.Only by finding the most suitable number of people can management receive the best results.Not only can the company reduce costs, but each employee can perform at their best in their respective positions, creating greater benefits for the company.

In an increasingly competitive world, if an enterprise wants to survive for a long time, it must maintain its long-term competitiveness.The source of enterprise competitiveness lies in exchanging the minimum work cost for the most efficient work efficiency, which requires the enterprise to do the most with the least number of people.Only when the organization is streamlined and the personnel are capable, can the enterprise maintain permanent vitality and remain invincible in the fierce competition.

Psychology class:
1. If you want to make your organization more efficient and dynamic, you must first "slim down" your organization.

2. Use the right people to do the right things, which can improve work efficiency and make people who are dependent have nowhere to hide.

3. Only by reducing unnecessary management personnel can the working hours and working costs be reduced.And this can only be achieved through simplification.

(End of this chapter)

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