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Chapter 109 Xie Wendong's Life Education - Part [-]

Chapter 109 Xie Wendong's Life Education - Part [-]

"Little handsome guy, why don't sister Shan buy it for you?"

With the addition of Tang Xiaohu, the fat girl Gou Chunyan was in a great mood, and she didn't care about Lu Yiming's expression, and directly started throwing olive branches at Tang Xiaohu.

In her impression, this kind of poor hanging silk cares most about money, as long as she teases her a little bit, she can obediently get into my sister's bed.

Thinking of the high waves, Gou Chunyan couldn't help letting out a lewd laugh, which made Tang Xiaohu dumbfounded.

This fat girl is absolutely top-notch, comparable to this Lu Yiming.

"Xiao Hu, I'm sorry, I just rushed over!"

While several people were fighting openly and secretly, a beautiful girl walked into the store again.

An emerald green long dress, wearing a pair of crystal shoes, playful yet innocent.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at Tang Xiaohu on his alluring face.

Those big eyes were full of apology, which made me feel pity and couldn't bear to be too harsh.

This one here is none other than Li Xiaowei, the number one beauty of Dongda University.

"Li Xiaowei!"

Lu Yiming exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

Early in the East University there were rumors that Tang Xiaohu was having an affair with Li Xiaowei, but I didn't quite believe it, and the two of them went shopping together in a blink of an eye.

Poor Diaosi and Bai Fumei?
When did this collocation become popular!
"You are Li Xiaowei!"

The fat girl Gou Chunyan's face collapsed, with a look of displeasure.

Although this Lu Yiming was just a plaything of his own, but when he was with her, he mentioned this girl named Li Xiaowei five times, which was really uncomfortable.

After seeing the beauty of Li Xiaowei, Gou Chunyan's burning jealousy began to burn.

This Li Xiaowei is her sworn enemy!

"Xiao Hu, this set of white Armani looks really good on you!"

Who is Li Xiaowei? She is a eccentric and beautiful girl with an IQ of 180. You can tell at a glance that this person in front of you is definitely not a good bird.

At the moment, she deliberately ignored Gou Chunyan, and instead praised Tang Xiaohu.

Not to mention, this Tang Xiaohu is getting more and more handsome!
People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Looking at Tang Xiaohu in this handsome suit, Li Xiaowei's heart beat inexplicably faster.

Tang Xiaohu was completely shocked. He specially chose the low-key, luxurious and connotative model, but he didn't expect it to be the famous Armani.

It turns out that this season, Armani's main feature is low-key, simple and layered, which happened to be caught up by Tang Xiaohu.


Bowing his head and scanning the price tag on the clothes, Tang Xiaohu almost swears.

29999 soft girl!
I can't afford this!

Tang Xiaohu's funds are all in Alipay and belong to the company's property.

Although this time can be regarded as supporting the company's appearance, it is a personal party after all, and it is not suitable to use company property.

"Why, you can't afford it, you poor dick!"

Lu Yiming had no scruples and would not miss any opportunity to attack Tang Xiaohu.

Li Xiaowei has obviously hooked up with Tang Xiaohu, but now Gou Chunyan is also showing a tendency to rebel.

There was never a moment when Lu Yiming felt that he was doing so badly.

As the third person among the six masters of the Dongjiang River, this is something Lu Yiming, who is usually used to calling the wind and calling the rain, has never experienced it.

With a soft sound, the understanding Li Xiaowei swiped the card for Tang Xiaohu.

Not only because of Tang Xiaohu, but also because he really likes Tang Xiaohu in such a suit.


Lu Yiming couldn't take it anymore, this Tang Xiaohu, not only didn't have the awareness of hanging silk, but he was willing to rely on women for soft food, which was really superb.

But let Li Xiaowei be eaten softly willingly, think about why she is so jealous.

"Brother Yiming, let's go!"

This time, Gou Chunyan discovered that with Li Xiaowei around, there was nothing wrong with her at all.

Under the same hatred, Gou Chunyan and Lu Yiming walked together again.

Today's place will be found sooner or later!
The two people who left angrily were full of unwillingness in their hearts.

But there was no way, with Li Xiaowei, a rich and beautiful benefactor, the two of them couldn't crush Tang Xiaohu.

The rich second generation is not necessarily brainless, the two snakes and rats made a nest, and began to study how to deal with (take down) Tang Xiaohu with their own ghosts.

Tang Xiaohu, you can!

Seeing those two people walking away, Li Xiaowei stared at Tang Xiaohu with dissatisfaction.

This Tang Xiaohu really doesn't stop, he has to make a lot of things for himself wherever he goes.

"No way, the protagonist's halo is too domineering!"

Tang Xiaohu chuckled, his eyes full of cunning wisdom.

Li Xiaowei, a beautiful girl, is still full of love for herself, and she has a small sense of happiness in an instant.


Li Xiaowei looked helpless, and wrapped up another black suit that Tang Xiaohu had tried.

Two sets of suits, one white and one black, are youthful and elegant, mature and wise, and they look very well matched.

"Tonight, you can wear this white suit to the banquet!"

Li Xiaowei actually received the invitation, but she didn't like this kind of noisy place, so she didn't want to go.

"How about I give you the money for the clothes?"

Tang Xiaohu had a probing look on his face.

"Tang Xiaohu, are you asking for a beating?"

Li Xiaowei turned into a violent little tiger in an instant, she was still a female, she bared her teeth and claws at Tang Xiaohu.

"Okay then, this young master will be disrespectful!"

Tang Xiaohu had a heartless expression on his face, and he smiled very happily.

This is my future daughter-in-law, so don't be ashamed to spend some of her money!

"show off!"

Looking at Tang Xiaohu who was about to laugh his teeth off, Colonel Li had a helpless expression on his face.

After choosing the clothes for the evening auction, Tang Xiaohu sent the flowers of Senior Li back to school.

On the way, Tang Xiaohu finally realized that he had misunderstood.

The auction in this world is not so much an auction as it is a banquet.

An auction is actually holding a banquet, and then putting the items on display, and then holding a small-scale auction after the banquet is over.

As for the competition among the major families in those novels, there are sky-high auction prices, and fights if there is a disagreement, all of which are bragging.

In reality, everyone knows the situation, and auctions are not a one-time or two-time thing. Therefore, for the baby in the eyes of others, most of them just give up after a couple of praises, and there is no such thing as tit-for-tat.

This also made Tang Xiaohu fully understand the truth that a novel is a novel, and it is seriously out of touch with the real society.

Well, just let yourself see what a real auction in this world would look like.

After sending Colonel Li back to school, Tang Xiaohu packed up his outfit, took a taxi, and arrived at the venue of the auction.

The Yu Family Manor is located not far from Yiyunxuan!
This Yu's Manor is a high-end club in the Yu's industry, and it is usually only open to members.

One can imagine how frightening the Yu family is to be able to open such a manor on hundreds of acres of land in the busiest downtown of Dongjiang.

 Special thanks to Life Ruruo Ruochu for the large amount of rewards and support, and Hongchen Xiaoma for his continued rewards and support.

  Three shifts keep going!
(End of this chapter)

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