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Chapter 110 Xie Wendong's Life Education - Part [-]

Chapter 110 Xie Wendong's Life Education - Part [-]

"Tang Xiaohu, it's you again!"

As soon as Tang Xiaohu got out of the taxi, he ran into two acquaintances head-on, it was Lu Yiming and Gou Chunyan who had just sprayed him in the clothing store.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were also qualified to participate in this auction.

I thought that only those ancient martial arts masters could come to participate, it seems that I misunderstood.

"Why, didn't Colonel Li come with you?"

Lu Yiming had a sarcasm on his face, this Tang Xiaohu was born to hang on to his life.

Wearing Armani, and actually working as a taxi, anyone would think that he is wearing a Shantou high imitation big A product.

It is estimated that Colonel Li can't save face, so he will accompany him to buy clothes, otherwise, why would he let him take a taxi to participate in this auction by himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Yiming was eager to try again. It was still uncertain who would embrace this Li Xiaowei.

"Hey, handsome boy, why didn't your little lover come with you?"

Seeing Tang Xiaohu, Gou Chunyan couldn't help her eyes light up. She is a fat girl and it is hard to change.

Therefore, the psychology is a little perverted, always wanting to eat those handsome boys to prove his charm.

"Tang Xiaohu, it's a joke for you to come to the auction, do you have an invitation?"

With a haughty look on Lu Yiming's face, he reached into his bosom and took out a black invitation card with a proud face.

It was not an easy invitation to come. You must know that the Lu family only had this one, and both elder and second brothers wanted to come.

If he hadn't climbed up to Gou Chunyan, he would have no chance of getting this invitation.

With Tang Xiaohu's dilapidated brick kiln factory, given him eight lifetimes, he wouldn't even think about having a chance to get a stepping stone.


This kid continued to eat soft food, relying on Li Daxiao's flowers to get him invitations.

"You guessed it, I didn't!"

Tang Xiaohu jerked his shoulders, the old man Yu Chun invited him by phone, and he really didn't send any invitation to him.

Presumably with his thoughtfulness, he will inevitably arrange for someone to wait for him at the door.

But in this case, Tang Xiaohu was too lazy to talk to Lu Yiming, a rich second generation.

This Lu Yiming has the reputation of the Sixth Young Master of Dongjiang. Among other things, he is far behind Wang Congcong.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaohu stopped talking to Lu Yiming, raised his head and walked towards the gate of Yu's clubhouse.

"Tang Xiaohu, let me see how you got slapped in the face!"

Lu Yiming behind him had a slightly smug expression on his face.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to take a look at a hanging silk of Tang Xiaohu's level on weekdays, but because of the school-run enterprise, Lu Yiming hated Tang Xiaohu so much.

After several confrontations, Lu Yiming did not take advantage at all, and Lu Yiming had already started to think wrongly.

"Mr. is your surname Tang?"

At the gate of Yu's Manor, there had long been a wealthy middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper waiting there. When he saw Tang Xiaohu approaching, he immediately bowed to greet him.

Yu Chun had described to him the appearance of today's distinguished guest, and he was no different from the young man in front of him.

"Yes, I am Tang Xiaohu!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was indifferent, these banquets and banquets had too many rules, far less comfortable than life in the city.

Thinking back to yesterday, the days when Tang Xiaohu and dormitory 606 had big skewers and drank draft beer were much more comfortable than this.

Look at this old man, he is already old, and he has to bow himself 180 degrees.

No fun!
"Mr. Tang, please come inside!"

Seeing that the rightful lord had arrived, the housekeeper dared not be negligent, and immediately called Tang Xiaohu in.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, why did you put it in without an invitation?"

Lu Yiming next to him was upset, he was not stupid, he naturally knew that there must be a reason for Tang Xiaohu to be able to enter without an invitation.

But Lu Yiming just couldn't restrain that impulse, this Tang Xiaohu was born with a face that deserved to be beaten, and he got angry just looking at it.

Make him happy, what can I do!
Thinking of this, Lu Yiming's blood surged up, and he took action directly, completely ignoring the consequences.

At the gate of the Yu's Manor, there was a commotion immediately.

"That's right, this little handsome guy went in without an invitation, I'm afraid it's because of a disagreement!"

Gou Chunyan is purely a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. Seeing that Lu Yiming chose to confront Tang Xiaohu head-on, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she began to boo.

"This Mr. Tang Xiaohu is a distinguished guest of my Yu family, so naturally he doesn't need any invitations!"

The housekeeper frowned. These rich second generations, relying on the family's stinky money, are arrogant and domineering on weekdays. Don't they know that this is making their own father feel uncomfortable.

After all, he is too young!
The butler sighed silently in his heart, and then looked at Tang Xiaohu's performance.

Be calm and wise!
This is the difference between a VIP and an ordinary member!

"No, he must not go in today!"

Lu Yiming roared, his face turned red. Once upon a time, he was also a man with deep thoughts, but today he wanted to vent his anger no matter what, and severely suppressed this Tang Xiaohu.

It's so frustrating!

When the principal's office competed for school-run enterprise support funds, I was suppressed by this poor dick all the way, and even ridiculed by a group of social uncles and aunts.

While buying clothes at the Armani clothing store, this Tang Xiaohu gave himself another [-] points of critical damage.

This meeting actually has to step on myself!
Lu Yiming was completely insane. He was usually beaten by his two elder brothers at home, let alone being so useless, but now he has to endure Tang Xiaohu, a poor dick.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't!

The dark side that has been simmering in my heart all this time, is now touched by this Tang Xiaohu, and it explodes all at once!
Oh my god!
Seeing Lu Yiming in a state of madness, Tang Xiaohu was completely lost.

Didn't it mean that the second generation of rich people are all modest, polite, and full of knowledge!
Besides, I didn't mess with him, I always rushed up by myself.

Brother's protagonist's aura is so strong, so you have to blame me?
So looking at Lu Yiming who was in the runaway attribute, Tang Xiaohu shook his head indifferently, and turned around to walk in.

This kind of person has no sympathy!
"Tang Xiaohu, I will kill you!"

Lu Yiming roared for a long time before he realized that he should do something. He raised a big stinky foot and kicked towards Tang Xiaohu.

Lu Yiming is still confident in his combat power.

As the power forward of the school basketball team, Lu Yiming's physique was frighteningly burly.

This Tang Xiaohu's physique was about the size of a chicken's, and he could kick him out of the wall with one kick.

You messed with me, I want you to look good!


Before Tang Xiaohu could make a move, he saw a person coming out from the side with a knife in his hand.


That Lu Yiming was hit hard on the back of the head, and he flipped backwards and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Xiao Hu, you are too soft-hearted!"

The face of the visitor was calm, as if taking someone's life was nothing more than a flick of a finger.


Tang Xiaohu was shocked, and then deeply admired. This Xie Wendong is indeed the black boss who ruled the three eastern provinces back then.

Comparing myself with others, I have checked several realms.

(End of this chapter)

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