Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

"He actually hides here?"

Relying on Xiaohei's sensitive nose, Tang Xiaohu led the two ghosts all the way to Shuhe Scenic Area.

On the other side of the scenic area is a brightly lit villa area.

From the information collected by Gao Yong, Tang Xiaohu knew that this was the villa group developed by Wang Yishui.

At this moment, there is no road and bridge connecting the villa and the scenic area, but there are already signs of the construction team entering the site. It seems that Wang Yishui has already started to act after swallowing the 200 million yuan.

"New and old grudges, let's settle together today!"

Tang Xiaohu's face darkened, and he took a detour to the front of the villas with a group of people.

Xiao Hei kept gesticulating to one of the illuminated villas, it seemed that Wang Yishui should be in that villa.

"How should I get in?"

Tang Xiaohu frowned. Although it was already midnight, the villa area was still very heavily guarded.

Bodyguards dressed in black kept patrolling. The important thing is that there are many cameras working back and forth around the villas.

"Brother Hu, I'm good at this, look at me!"

The big-headed ghost made a signal, and at the same time as the female ghost Zhou Mingyue transformed into two streams of smoke, they rushed towards the gates of the villas.


Tang Xiaohu's eyes lit up, he didn't even have such methods of gods and ghosts.

It seems that this big-headed soul-calling ghost knows a lot of things!


On the ground in front of the villa area, dust suddenly flew up. It was not the time to enter the cold, but the bodyguards guarding the gate suddenly shuddered, feeling that the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

"What the hell?"

One of the bodyguards muttered and cursed angrily, and before he finished speaking, a gust of fragrant wind hit again.

The bodyguard only felt dizzy for a while, and unconsciously passed out.

"There is a situation!"

Several other bodyguards sensed something was wrong, and were about to sound the alarm, when another gust of wind blew, and the group of bodyguards passed out one after another.

Immediately afterwards, clouds of black air overflowed, covering all the cameras of the villas.

From the perspective of the monitoring room, everything is normal at this moment.

"What spell is this?"

Tang Xiaohu came out from his hiding place with a curious expression on his face.

"Brother Hu, I just restricted their souls a little bit, and they can wake up after three hours."

The big-headed soul-calling ghost intends to show off, so naturally he knows everything and talks endlessly.

"Okay, let's see mine next!"

Staring at the villa in front of him, Tang Xiaohu was filled with murderous aura, and directly released the Thunder Spirit Seed from the depths of his heart.

He will avenge this revenge himself!
The big-headed soul-calling ghost and the female ghost Zhou Mingyue both retreated to the side knowingly, waiting for Tang Xiaohu to make a move.


The thunder and lightning spirit seed released by Tang Xiaohu, the terrifying power of lightning contained in it, shocked the two ghosts secretly, and once again experienced the horror of their master.

"what is this?"

The bodyguards in the villa noticed a sparkling bead floating in, and they all felt like they were facing an enemy.


The mysterious bead suddenly exploded with lightning, covering the hall on the first floor of the entire villa.

The bodyguards waiting on the first floor were caught off guard and were all brought down in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the villa was slowly pushed open, revealing Tang Xiaohu's domineering figure.

This is because Tang Xiaohu didn't want to hurt the innocent, so he only let out lightning and didn't use Thunder Jue.

Otherwise, these bodyguards would be blasted into scum in an instant!
First floor!
Second floor!

Third floor!

Tang Xiaohu manipulated the Thunder Spirit Seed to go up all the way, killing all directions, all the bodyguards along the way were completely knocked out, and there was no single enemy.

"No~ don't!"

"Help... help... ah!"

As soon as Tang Xiaohu went up to the third floor of the villa, he heard a voice calling for help from the room at the end.


Tang Xiaohu kicked open the door and walked in.

"Who the hell are you? Where's the bodyguard!"

"Wang Yishui, what's going on? Didn't you say it's safe?"

"Wang Yishui, what the hell are you doing!"

This is an extremely luxurious room. On the bed, there are three 50-[-]-year-old old men, naked, and each of them is holding a little girl in his arms at the moment, wanting to do that mediocre thing.

The three little girls were wearing school uniforms. Tang Xiaohu took a closer look and found that they were students from his alma mater, Heshui No. [-] Middle School.

Uniform temptation?


Tang Xiaohu was completely angry. He was very familiar with the three people in front of him.

One of them was Wang Yishui, whose face was full of bandits.

The other two Tang Xiaohu were no strangers, and they were often seen on TV.

It was the No. [-] and No. [-] people in Heshui County. I didn't expect these people to be dignified on weekdays, but behind their backs they were doing such mediocre things here.

He had long heard of the collusion between government and businessmen, but Tang Xiaohu never expected such a collusion method.

"Uncle, save me!"

When the three girls saw a boy barging in, they hurriedly pulled the torn clothes and kept calling Tang Xiaohu for help.

"who are you?"

Wang Yishui's face darkened. This young man must have extraordinary strength to get here without disturbing the bodyguards in the villa.

But he has gone through a big storm, and a mere young man can't scare him.

But he could have guessed that Tang Xiaohu brought down all the bodyguards in the villa to enter.

"I am your uncle!"

Tang Xiaohu rushed forward, picked up two scattered wine bottles on the ground, one bottle at a time, and directly opened the No. [-] and No. [-] people in Heshui County.

These two things have their own government to judge, Tang Xiaohu's target today is this Wang Yishui.

As for the three female students, the scene will be very bloody in a while, Tang Xiaohu threw out three golden needles, making them fall asleep temporarily.

"My friend, did I offend you?"

Wang Yishui finally got a little scared. This young man is so ruthless that even government officials dare to do this.

As the saying goes, those who are soft are afraid of those who are hard, and those who are hard are afraid of death!
This young man is definitely a ruthless master.

"Ten years ago, beside the provincial road, what evil did you do?"

Tang Xiaohu's eyes spit fire, tonight is still very long, he wants to play slowly.

"You were found by that farmer?"

As soon as Wang Yishui thought about it, he immediately remembered that when his business was just starting out, he hit a farmer in the countryside on a provincial road while drunk driving.

At that time, I didn't bother to pay attention to it, so I just left.

"Brother, how much does the farmer give you? I'll give you twice!
No, ten times!Let's forget about today's business, how do you think? "

There was contempt in Wang Yishui's eyes, but the sincerity in his words.

The hand on the back slowly started to move, and there was a smuggled pistol under the pillow behind him.

As long as you get a gun, the situation can be reversed immediately. The most a farmer can invite is a desperado.

I've been messing around for so many years, and I haven't had such an embarrassing time.

This young man will soon pay for his recklessness.


Tang Xiaohu narrowed his eyes slightly, how could Wang Yishui's small movements escape his eyes.

The hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff!
Tang Xiaohu wanted to see what the hell he was trying to do.

The night is long, and Tang Xiaohu wants to let the other party experience all the pain in the world, so that he can avenge the wounding of his father.

Tonight, let's play slowly!

A cold light appeared on Tang Xiaohu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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