Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

"go to hell!"

Wang Yishui roared loudly, with the joy of victory on his face.

With a jerk of his right hand, the pistol was drawn out and aimed at Tang Xiaohu.

I, Wang Yishui, have been in Heshui County for so many years, and I can still make you a little brat.


Just as Wang Yishui was enjoying himself, his wrist suddenly hurt, and he couldn't hold the pistol, and fell directly to the ground.

Immediately after, there was a scream, and a painful pain came from his wrist. Wang Shui lowered his head, and stuck a broken beer bottle on his wrist.


Wang Yishui rolled all over the floor in pain, and finally knew that today could not be good.


Without any hesitation, Tang Xiaohu plunged the broken beer bottle in his other hand into one of Wang Yishui's thighs, and twisted it vigorously.

The hatred I have received all these years is unforgettable!
"You...you...do...what do you want...to do?"

Wang Yishui turned into a bloody man, and his expression couldn't hide the horror.

He already had an ominous premonition, there was such a big commotion in this room, but the bodyguards outside didn't respond at all.

It seems that this villa has been controlled by the other party!
Wang Yishui now believes that it must be a whole gang who came to seek revenge, and he can't believe that Tang Xiaohu is the only one.

That old farmer should be just an excuse!

Walking in black and white, Wang Yishui knew that he had done too many bad things, and retribution would come sooner or later.

But I didn't expect it to come so fast and so violently.

"Let's talk, you must have accounts for your business dealings over the years, take them out."

Tang Xiaohu's face was cruel, compassion for the enemy was cruelty to himself.

The revenge of hurting the father is irreconcilable!
He wants Wang Yishui to pay the full price!

"just kill me."

Wang Yishui's face was stern, and he roared crazily. When he took out the ledger, Heshui County was shaken by an earth-shaking earthquake.

It's death anyway, so it's better to be happy!
"That was the gas pedal stepped on by this foot."

Tang Xiaohu raised his right foot and stepped down suddenly, Wang Yishui screamed again, the whole right foot had been shattered and fractured.

Tang Xiaohu really hated him so much, this Wang Yishui didn't come back after all the hardships his parents had suffered all these years.

Acting for the sky today is also to save more people from the continued torment of Wang Yishui, a dark force.

"You kill me, I won't say it!"

Wang Yishui roared in pain, but he was stubborn. As expected of a person from the underworld, he could really bear it.

But he thought that Tang Xiaohu would let him go, so it was too simple.

As for these three young girls tonight, it would not be a pity for him, Wang Yishui, to die a hundred times.

"Heaven's sins can still be forgiven, self-inflicted sins can't live!"

Tang Xiaohu's tone was cold, and when he raised his hands, a few golden needles had already been inserted into Wang Yishui's head.

There is a thaumaturgy in Duerjin Needle Qi Xingju, called Anshenshu!
This calming technique can appease the soul and calm people's emotions, but if the route of qi circulation is reversed, it is the soul searching technique!

The soul searching technique is extremely vicious, once used, it will do great harm to the person being cast, but at the moment Tang Xiaohu hates this Wang Yishui so much, naturally he wants to let him experience all the pain in the world.

Soul search!

Tang Xiaohu had a cold face, stretched out his hands, and a burst of vitality pierced into the golden needles stuck in Wang Yishui's head.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Wang Yishui covered his head and kept screaming, but Tang Xiaohu was unmoved at all and continued to intensify his soul search.

When treating good people, Tang Xiaohu has a thousand times more kindness to return, and when dealing with evil people, Tang Xiaohu has a thousand times more evil to torture and crush.

This is Tang Xiaohu's life values: happiness, kindness and hatred, do everything according to one's heart!
This villain deserves no sympathy!


With the use of the soul search technique, Wang Yishui's memories were displayed in front of Tang Xiaohu one after another.

There are countless dirty transactions in the past, and this Wang Yishui has committed all sorts of crimes.

The most outrageous thing is that he actually carried several lives on his body.

Over the past few years, the bosses of several industries in Heshui County have disappeared one after another. These people blocked Wang Yishui's fortune and were tortured to death by him. So far, their bones have not been found.


Tang Xiaohu was really angry this time, with a wave of his hands, the Du'er golden needle was linked again, instantly amplifying the pain-sensing nerve function in Wang Yishui's brain domain countless times.

Just let you feel the pain too!


Wang Yishui roared in pain, he wanted to die but couldn't, this kind of torture almost drove him crazy.

The pain that was lavished on others in the past is being magnified thousands of times on oneself at this moment.

One Punch Man!
Tang Xiaohu raised his fist and smashed the wall on one side of the room. The wall shattered, revealing an iron safe.


Tang Xiaohu rushed into the keyhole with vitality and circled lightly, and the combination box opened immediately.

From Wang Yishui's memory, Tang Xiaohu knew the biggest secret here.

This villa is one of Wang Yishui's important lairs, all his secrets are sealed in the safe on this wall.

Sealed in the wall?To Tang Xiaohu, this was as ridiculous as wrapping it in white paper.

Seeing the piles of documents and bills in the safe, Tang Xiaohu knew that these were the criminal evidence he was looking for.

"Hello, is it Heshui Daily?"

"Hello, is it Dongjiang Morning Post?"

"Hello, is it Solang News?"

Tang Xiaohu picked up Wang Yishui's mobile phone, dialed the numbers of the major news media that had been prepared, and started breaking the news.

Before it was over, Tang Xiaohu called Mr. Yu again.

Although it was late at night, the call was connected immediately.

The current Tang Xiaohu is like a god-man in Mr. Yu's heart, and he is placed in the highest position.

After putting down the phone, Tang Xiaohu let out a long sigh of relief.

Today's incident can be regarded as an opportunity. Although I have high military power, my influence on the world is really weak.

And this Yu Chun, he has received a lot of favors from himself, and this is also a test for him.

In the future, I will inevitably encounter threats from immortal cultivators. Now is not the era when one person can conquer the world.

Two fists are no match for four hands, no matter how strong a hero is, he is also afraid of a kitchen knife.Tang Xiaohu understood this truth.

Therefore, Tang Xiaohu wanted to cultivate his own power to fight against possible dangers in the future.

And Yu Chun is the first one in Tang Xiaohu's eyes!
It doesn't matter if your cultivation base is not enough.With Alipay in Immortal Realm, Tang Xiaohu has the confidence to mass-produce ancient martial arts masters, and even immortal cultivators.

But before that, their allegiance needs to be confirmed.

On the phone, Tang Xiaohu dialed a little bit.

Heshui County is bound to experience a big earthquake, and big waves wash away the sand. Tang Xiaohu hopes that the rest will be people he is satisfied with.

And Lei Zheng is also Tang Xiaohu's favorite. He is upright and considers the people wholeheartedly. He is a rare good official.

This Heshui County is his hometown, and it is also his future back garden.

The future policy direction must be beneficial to oneself.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaohu stared at Wang Yishui with disdain, this guy is useless, and the spiritual world is also in a half-mad state under the effect of the soul search technique, killing him is meaningless.

Let him suffer mental and physical torture in prison for the rest of his life!
Erasing all traces of himself, Tang Xiaohu walked out of the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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