Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 142 Opening - Part [-]

Chapter 142 Opening - Part [-]
"This fairy fruit shop is limited to ten pieces per day, first come, first served!"

Tang Xiaohu smiled sinisterly, and directly released his big move.

There are also his own considerations in it. In modern society, things are rare and expensive.

Only by letting them see what they can't eat and form a hunger effect can it be possible to create greater benefits for themselves.

Besides, there are not many fairy apples at all. According to Tang Xiaohu's calculations, ten apples are sold every day, and it can only be sold for three months.

Fortunately, the Xianling grapes planted by Tang's father and mother will be ripe by then, so that the products will not be out of stock.

"so little?"

Everyone present looked disappointed. There are dozens of families here, big and small, and ten a day is really not enough.

But soon they had fiery expressions. This is not Chinese cabbage, and it is impossible to sell it by the catty.

It seems that it's time to queue up all night to grab a wave!

Seeing that the desired effect had been achieved, Tang Xiaohu was in a particularly happy mood, and now he ate and drank with this group of people from the ancient martial arts world, and enjoyed himself a lot.

These ancient martial arts masters are the first to see such an approachable martial arts master. They are still so young, and they also intend to make friends with them right now.

They hit it off right away, and the dinner was very enjoyable, even the relationship between Yu Chun and Zheng Dahai eased a lot, and both sides seemed to be pleasing to the eye.

After eating, Tang Xiaohu went back to school and started preparing for the opening of Xianling Fruit Shop.


20 days later, the Xianling Fruit Shop under Huwei Group officially opened in Carl Center.

The antique decoration and elegant and simple interior environment are unique in this Carle Center, which is full of luxury brands.

The fairy fruit shop is scheduled to officially open at [-]:[-] noon. Tang Xiaohu and Li Xiaowei rushed to the Karl Center early in the morning to make final preparations.

As the CEO of Huwei Group, Li Xiaowei Children's Shoes is also serving as the store manager of this fairy fruit shop.

The beautiful store manager, just thinking about it is a big gimmick!Although Tang Xiaohu didn't need this, Tang Xiaohu was very happy to be able to get closer to Colonel Li.

"Husband, there is a fruit shop here, it's so low!"

Tang Xiaohu and Li Dahua were leading Gao Yong (the general manager) and a group of shop assistants to be busy in the store when a fashionably dressed alluring woman in a cloak and mink came in.

Along with him came in a middle-aged man with a big belly.

"Sorry sir, we haven't opened yet, please come next time!"

The general manager Gao Yong hurried up to greet him, expressing his highest apology.

Now is not the time to open the door to welcome customers, although the rule set today is that everyone who comes in is a guest, but this is indeed not the time for the opening.

"Husband, look at the price tag, an apple is so expensive!"

The middle-aged lady didn't seem to have heard Gao Yong's words at all, and suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, and shouted exaggeratedly, but the sarcasm in that tone was understandable to everyone.

"Hehe, those who do business these days don't have a sense of propriety at all. If you want to talk about Armani next door, they are authentic high-end brands. They are expensive for a reason!"

The potbellied man also had a mocking look on his face, just as they had just come out of the Armani fashion store next door.

Looking at the foreign style of others, there is a reason why you need to pay for it.

Looking at this place again, they actually sell rotten apples that cost more than ten yuan a catty outside. Do you really think they are fairy fruits?
To put it bluntly, from a humble background, he will never be able to get on the stage.

"Go out, you are not welcome here."

Tang Xiaohu stepped forward and looked at the two people in front of him without any courtesy.

Evil people still need to be tortured by evil people, and there is no need to give face when dealing with such people.

"If you tell me to go out, I will go out? Wouldn't I lose face!"

The middle-aged woman laughed back angrily, sat down on the chair with a big horse, and really didn't leave.

"How to do?"

Gao Yong frowned, today is a happy day for the opening, he didn't expect to encounter this kind of hob meat head-on.

On the day of great joy, it is very difficult to say or not to scold!
"Drag her out!"

Gao Yong had scruples, but Tang Xiaohu didn't. If you provoked him, ten heads wouldn't be enough to cut off.

Tang Xiaohu casually ordered two shop assistants to act immediately.

Those two shop assistants are the younger generation of Yu Lao clan, they came to Senior Xiaohu's fruit shop to practice.

When he came here, Mr. Yu gave him important instructions. He took Tang Xiaohu's words as the highest order and obeyed them absolutely and unconditionally.

At this moment, under the instruction of Senior Xiaohu, the two clerks immediately descended like a tiger, like an eagle catching a chick, and threw the middle-aged woman straight out, and fell a big *ass* in front of the door solidly.


The middle-aged lady started howling like a pig, regardless of her appearance, and shouted in front of the store with disheveled hair.

"The store is bullying customers! There is a black shop here, come and see it...!"

This cry attracted a group of spectators around, they all gathered together and pointed at the Fairy Fruit Shop.

"You...you are retaliating...wait! You look good!"

Seeing that the two clerks looked fat and strong, the man with a big belly didn't dare to move rashly for a while, cursed a few words, and hurried out to help his woman.

But the woman refused to let her go, she still cried freely to her surroundings.

"Little Tiger, what should I do, the opening is about to begin!"

Gao Yong's heart tightened, and he quickly turned his questioning gaze to Xiaohu. It was about to open for business, and it was really bad luck to meet such a shrew!
"It's okay, let her make trouble!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was calm, his fairy fruit shop was not for ordinary people, even these dignitaries may not be qualified to come to buy.

Those who have membership qualifications are not flocking to this Fairy Fruit Shop.

Therefore, Tang Xiaohu is not worried about the problem of reputation damage. In Xianling Fruit Shop, this kind of problem does not exist.

Besides, a place as noble and luxurious as Carl Center, I believe it will not sit back and watch this situation continue to exist.

"Sir, please go out and don't disturb the normal shopping experience of customers."

As expected, within 2 minutes, a team of security guards rushed over.

They had already learned the truth of the matter through monitoring, so they directly persuaded the two to leave at this moment.

"Get out? Do you know who I am!
You little security guard, believe it or not, I will make you lose this job tomorrow!

Not afraid to scare you, let me tell you, I am He Maoming from Dongming Dairy in Dongjiang City! "

The potbellied man had a smug expression on his face, as if speaking his name would surely calm down the group of little security guards.

"Sir, as I said, no matter what your status is, please don't disturb the normal work of the mall."


Tang Xiaohu couldn't help laughing, this guy thought that others would have to buy it if he revealed his identity, but he didn't realize that this little security guard was a tough guy, and he didn't care about his identity at all.

I'm afraid that this He Maoming, even if he says that his father is Li Gang, it won't work!

However, Tang Xiaohu has heard of Dongming Dairy Industry. It can be regarded as the leader of the local dairy industry. The owner is He Maoming. Could it be that this is the one before him.

(End of this chapter)

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